

单词 式的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ARRANGE〕a computer program to help you design page layout 帮助你设计版面格式的电脑程序朗文写作活用〔Shavian〕a Shavian evolutionist 萧伯纳式的进化论者英汉大词典〔Spartan〕a Spartan upbringing (以简朴、刻苦、黩武为特征的)斯巴达式的抚育培养英汉大词典〔action〕a heated debate about the best course of action有关最佳行动方式的激烈辩论外研社新世纪〔agreement〕a formal/contractual agreement 正式的/合同性的协议韦氏高阶〔benefit〕the benefits of this form of therapy这种治疗形式的益处外研社新世纪〔break〕a break in sb.'s way of living 某人生活方式的剧变英汉大词典〔confrontational〕a confrontational style of management 对抗式的管理方式朗文当代〔dabble〕people who dabble in painting as a way of relaxing 把画画当作一种休闲方式的人朗文当代〔due〕due proof of loss 正式的损失证据英汉大词典〔escape〕a lonely man who wants to escape his lifestyle 一个想要摆脱现有生活方式的孤独男人牛津搭配〔figuration〕allegorical figurations 寓言式的比喻英汉大词典〔folly〕a Gothic garden folly 一个歌特式的花园建筑剑桥高阶〔formally〕a formal application. 正式的申请柯林斯高阶〔funeral〕a funeral service (行宗教仪式的)葬礼英汉大词典〔gadgetry〕the latest electronic gadgetry 最新式的(各种)电子装置文馨英汉〔imitation〕the most accurate imitation of Chinese architecture in Europe. 全欧洲最逼真的仿中国样式的建筑柯林斯高阶〔impersonal〕a formal and impersonal style of management 一种拘泥于形式的、缺乏人情味的管理风格朗文当代〔interaction〕informal social interaction among adults成人之间非正式的社交外研社新世纪〔lifestyle〕the change of lifestyle occasioned by the baby's arrival. 由于孩子的降生而引起的生活方式的改变柯林斯高阶〔living〕a few helpful hints for healthy living 一些关于健康生活方式的有益提示麦克米伦高阶〔miss〕the Miss Browns (或较正式的用法 the Misses Brown) 布朗家的小姐们英汉大词典〔mode〕when the camera is in manual mode. 当相机处于手动拍摄模式的时候柯林斯高阶〔mold〕a movie in the classic/traditional/familiar mold of a Hollywood thriller 好莱坞经典/传统/常用模式的恐怖片韦氏高阶〔occult〕organizations which campaign against paganism and occult practice开展运动反对异教信仰和神秘仪式的组织外研社新世纪〔off-the-record〕an off-the-record remark 非正式的评论麦克米伦高阶〔off-the-record〕spoke off-the-record to the press; off-the-record comments by the senator. 私下告诉新闻界;参议员所作的非正式的评论美国传统〔palatial〕a palatial yacht. 宫殿式的游艇美国传统〔pedantic〕an academic insistence on precision; 一种学院式的苛求精神;美国传统〔precedent〕a landmark decision that set a legal precedent. 确立了法律判例的里程碑式的决定美国传统〔puritanical〕a puritanical father who wouldn't let his children watch television 不让孩子看电视的清教徒式的父亲朗文当代〔revealing〕a revealing insight into the way government works 对政府运作方式的深刻见解麦克米伦高阶〔sanctity〕a life of sanctity, like that of St Francis 圣方济各式的圣洁生活牛津高阶〔sardonic〕a sardonic sense of humour冷嘲式的幽默感外研社新世纪〔sit-down〕a sit-down meal for 50 wedding guests(= served to people sitting at tables) 为 50 位参加婚礼的客人摆坐式的宴席牛津高阶〔sledgehammer〕to sledgehammer a punch to somebody给某人以重磅炸弹式的重击21世纪英汉〔unscripted〕a witty, chatty and unscripted speech一场诙谐的、聊天式的脱稿演讲外研社新世纪〔version〕a Scottish version of the Christmas tree 苏格兰式的圣诞树英汉大词典〔whirlwind〕a whirlwind tour of France. 走马观花式的法国之旅柯林斯高阶〔word-of-mouth〕word-of-mouth publicity 通过口头推荐方式的宣传剑桥高阶




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