

单词 小段
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANCE〕She got up and did a little dance. 她起来跳了一小段舞。朗文写作活用〔DISTANCE〕Only a short way from the buildings is the impressive entrance to Bruntscar Cave. 距这些建筑仅一小段路就是壮观的布伦特斯卡洞穴的入口处。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕There was concern for the Queen Mother yesterday after she fell down a short flight of steps at the airport. 昨天王太后在机场从一小段楼梯上摔了下来,大家非常关切。朗文写作活用〔North-West〕This was situated to the north-west of the town, a short walk from the railway station.这里地处镇子的西北方,离火车站仅有一小段步行距离。柯林斯高阶〔PART〕I'd like to read out a short excerpt from the poem. 我想朗读那首诗的一小段。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The following excerpt is from one of my students’ essays. 下面一小段是从我的一个学生的文章中摘录的。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The police have released a video clip of the attack. 警方公布了那次袭击的一小段录像。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕If you find a piece of music hard to play, break it down into small sections and practise each one slowly. 如果你觉得一个曲子不好弹,就把它分成几个小段,一段段慢慢地练习。朗文写作活用〔actually〕Actually, let's just read this little bit where you've made them bump into each other.要不然我们就来读一下你让他们相遇的这一小段。外研社新世纪〔actually〕Actually, let's just read this little bit where you've made them bump into each other.这样吧,我们就只读你让他们偶遇这一小段吧。柯林斯高阶〔act〕He does a little novelty act.他表演一小段标新立异的节目。牛津搭配〔anyway〕For a brief time, anyway, they seemed to be happy.无论如何,有那么一小段时间,他们似乎很高兴。韦氏高阶〔bagatelle〕A short piece of verse or music.小曲:诗或音乐的一小段美国传统〔beyond〕We passed the hotel and drove a bit beyond to see the ocean.我们驶过宾馆又开了一小段去看了看海。韦氏高阶〔bit〕A short scene or episode in a theatrical performance.一小段情节:戏剧表演中的小场景或情节美国传统〔bit〕Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.仅仅是靠缠在门柱钉子上的一小段细绳把门关紧。柯林斯高阶〔bit〕That's the bit of the meeting that I missed.那就是会议上我错过的那一小段。外研社新世纪〔bit〕That's the bit of the meeting that I missed.那就是会议上我错过的那一小段。柯林斯高阶〔climb〕The summit is only a short climb from here.从这儿到山顶只需爬一小段路。麦克米伦高阶〔coincide〕At this point the two paths coincide briefly.两条小路在这个地方有一小段交接了。牛津高阶〔come out〕In this grim little episode of recent American history, few people come out well.在美国近代史上这一小段阴暗时期,很少有人能有好的结果。柯林斯高阶〔crutch〕He's able to walk short distances with crutches but prefers his wheelchair.他拄着腋杖能走一小段路,可他宁愿坐轮椅。韦氏高阶〔distance〕He moved a short distance up the valley.他沿山谷往上行进了一小段距离。牛津搭配〔distance〕They started to walk the short distance to the camp.他们踏上了到营地的那一小段路。麦克米伦高阶〔diversion〕From Poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain.从普瓦索我们绕了一小段路以便开车到山顶。牛津搭配〔diversion〕We made a short diversion to go and look at the castle.我们绕了一小段路去参观城堡。牛津高阶〔excerpt〕Let's run a little excerpt of what Governor Dixon had to say.让我们播放一小段狄克逊州长不得不说的话。牛津搭配〔extract〕He read out a brief extract from his book.他读了书上的一小段。牛津搭配〔fragment〕She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.她什么都看, 每一小段新闻都细细品味。外研社新世纪〔from〕I'll show you a short extract from one of our training videos.我放一小段我们的训练录像给你看。朗文当代〔grasp〕A short opening paragraph enables the reader to quickly grasp what the article is about.开头的小段落使读者很快就能明白文章的大意。朗文当代〔haul〕It's just a short haul from our cabin to the beach.从我们的小木屋到沙滩只有一小段行程。韦氏高阶〔indulge〕I think for a brief while I indulged in a very mild form of stalking.我觉得有那么一小段时间我稍稍有点沉迷于跟踪别人。外研社新世纪〔interlude〕Music A short piece inserted between the parts of a longer composition.【音乐】 间奏:一部较长作品各部分间插进的小段乐曲美国传统〔interlude〕She left for a brief interlude.她离开这里歇息了一小段时间。韦氏高阶〔item〕A short piece in a newspaper or magazine.短文:报纸或杂志的一小段美国传统〔it〕It is only a short walk to the beach from here.从这里到海滩只需走一小段路。韦氏高阶〔jig〕She did/danced a little jig.她跳了一小段吉格舞。韦氏高阶〔jumper〕Electricity A short length of wire used temporarily to complete a circuit or to bypass a break in a circuit.【电学】 跳线,跨接线:一小段金属线,临时用来接通一段电路或越过电路的断开处美国传统〔limber up〕She ran a little way, limbering up.她跑了一小段路, 作为准备活动。外研社新世纪〔limber up〕She ran a little way, limbering up.她跑了一小段,活动一下身子。柯林斯高阶〔little〕Molly carried her a little way towards the house.莫莉背着她朝房子的方向走了一小段路。麦克米伦高阶〔little〕Shall we walk a little way? 我们走一小段路好吗?牛津高阶〔little〕We walked a little way along this path.我们沿着这条小路走了一小段。朗文当代〔mime〕She performed a brief mime.她表演了一小段哑剧。牛津高阶〔most〕As a news item it merits a short paragraph at most.作为一则新闻,它至多只能占一小段。牛津高阶〔myself〕I like to spend a little time by myself at weekends.我喜欢周末的时候一个人独处一小段时间。麦克米伦高阶〔nametape〕A small strip of cloth showing the owner's name, sewn or glued to a garment.标有姓名的布条:织在或印在衣服上显示拥有者名字的一小段布条美国传统〔particle〕Archaic A small division or section of something written, such as a clause of a document.【古语】 一小段文字:写出的东西中的一小部分或一小段,如文件中的一个条款美国传统〔parting〕Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard.离开你们中任何一个人, 哪怕只是一小段时间, 我都舍不得。外研社新世纪〔parting〕Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard.离开你们中任何一个人哪怕只是一小段时间都舍不得。柯林斯高阶〔passage〕He read out a short passage from the Bible.他朗读了《圣经》里的一小段。朗文当代〔peacefully〕He died peacefully on 10th December after a short illness.病了一小段时间之后,他于12月10日安详辞世。柯林斯高阶〔peppy〕At the end of every day, jot down a brief note on how peppy or tired you felt.每天结束时, 随便写上一小段, 记下你感到多么有活力或多么疲劳。外研社新世纪〔peppy〕At the end of every day, jot down a brief note on how peppy or tired you felt.每天结束时,随便写上一小段,记下你感到多么有活力或多么疲劳。柯林斯高阶〔period〕Try breaking your period of study into 20-minute blocks.试着把学习时间分成 20 分钟的小段。牛津搭配〔photo opportunity〕A brief period reserved for the press to photograph the participants in a newsworthy event.接受宣传媒体拍照的时间:为出版社拍摄值得报道的新闻事件的参与者保留的一小段时间美国传统〔piece〕We carried on down the road a piece.我们沿着那条路继续走了一小段。外研社新世纪〔plunk〕She plunked out a little tune on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了一小段曲子。韦氏高阶〔quote〕He quoted a short passage from the Bible.他引用了《圣经》里的一小段内容。朗文当代〔rigatoni〕Large, ribbed macaroni, slightly curved and cut into short lengths.波纹贝壳状通心粉:拱形的大通心粉,微微弯曲并被切成小段美国传统〔saboteur〕Saboteurs blew up a small section of the track.有人蓄意炸毁了一小段铁路。牛津高阶〔saw up〕He sawed up the boards into foot-long pieces.他把木板锯成若干个一英尺长的小段。韦氏高阶〔saw〕They were busy sawing up the logs into two-foot lengths.他们忙着把原木锯成两英尺长的小段。麦克米伦高阶〔short〕I've only lived here for a short time/while.我在这里仅住了一小段时间。韦氏高阶〔spell〕A short, indefinite period of time.一小段时间美国传统〔spell〕After a brief spell in the army, I returned to teaching.我在部队里呆了一小段时间,又回来教书了。朗文当代〔spell〕I spent a brief spell on the Washington Post.我曾在《华盛顿邮报》工作过一小段时间。牛津高阶〔spell〕Informal A short distance.【非正式用语】 一小段距离美国传统〔spell〕You had better rest for a short spell.你最好休息一小段时间。文馨英汉〔spurt〕They played well for a brief spurt but then started losing again.他们在一小段时间里打得很好,但之后就又开始输球了。韦氏高阶〔stretch〕The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.年长者一般需要的休息时间比年轻人要少得多,而且往往会分成几个小段时间睡觉。剑桥高阶〔stub-wire〕With a very fragile stem it is best to lay a stub-wire against it.对于纤弱的花梗,最好用一小段铅丝撑住。英汉大词典〔stub〕He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear.他从耳后拿出一小段铅笔头。柯林斯高阶〔subside〕As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.我的脚没那么疼了,能够勉强走一小段路,走到车旁。剑桥高阶〔transpose〕Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next.遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。柯林斯高阶〔trip〕The Palace is only a short trip from here.皇宫离这儿才一小段路。朗文当代〔twist tie〕A short length of wire encased in a strip of paper, plastic, or foil, designed to be twisted around an item or items as a fastener.扣式扭线环:包在一片纸张、塑料或锡箔纸中的一小段铁线,作为扣件缠绕在一个或多个物品周围美国传统〔way〕It's only a little way to the station.到车站只有一小段路。文馨英汉〔wear〕My pencil is worn down to a stump.我的铅笔用得只剩一小段了。 英汉大词典After a brief dabble in politics, he returned to the world of business.涉足政坛一小段时间后,他返回了商界。剑桥国际After a brief spell / stint in the army, he started working as a teacher.在军队里呆了一小段时间后,他当了教师。剑桥国际As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.脚痛减弱了,我勉强能走一小段路到车旁。剑桥国际Babies can sleep for 20 hours a day, while the elderly may need far less rest and tend to sleep in several short stretches.婴儿每天能睡20小时,而老人需要休息的时间则少得多,他们多半是分几小段时间睡觉。剑桥国际I only worked there for a short period of time.我只在那儿工作了一小段时间。剑桥国际The accident merited only a small paragraph in the local paper.这个意外事件只值得在本地报纸上登一小段。剑桥国际The birds carried little bits of straw and twig to the higher branches of the trees for their nests.鸟类把小段的草和细枝带到树的高枝上做巢。剑桥国际The cottage has no vehicular access but can be reached by a short walk across the moor.那栋小屋车辆无法接近,但可以穿过旷野走一小段路到达。剑桥国际




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