

单词 对付
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔against〕use a weapon against sb. 用武器对付某人英汉大词典〔answer〕confront one's critics and answer complaints 对付批评家并就批评意见作出答辩英汉大词典〔arm against〕to arm against a potential enemy武装起来以对付潜在的敌人21世纪英汉〔armor〕a weapon designed for use against enemy armor 专门为对付敌方装甲部队设计的武器韦氏高阶〔assurance〕meet danger with assurance 沉着地对付危难英汉大词典〔awkward〕an awkward customer 难对付的顾客麦克米伦高阶〔awkward〕an awkward customer(= a person who is difficult to deal with) 难对付的家伙牛津高阶〔boot〕put a heavy boot to the dissidents 用高压政策对付持不同意见者英汉大词典〔bring〕bring all one's energies to bear upon a task 用全副精力对付一项工作英汉大词典〔campaign〕a carefully orchestrated campaign against striking workers 周密策划的对付罢工工人的行动牛津搭配〔capable〕ships capable of facing the heavy seas 能对付海上风浪的船只英汉大词典〔corruption〕take strict measures against all forms of political corruption 采取严厉措施对付一切形式的政治腐败英汉大词典〔cushion〕the food reserve as a cushion against a future famine 作为对付将来一旦发生饥荒时的食物储存英汉大词典〔customer〕a tough customer 强硬固执(而难对付)的人英汉大词典〔customer〕an awkward customer 难对付的家伙牛津高阶〔difficult〕a difficult child/customer/boss 难哄的孩子;难对付的顾客;难讨好的老板牛津高阶〔disruptive〕ways to handle pildisruptive pus 对付捣乱学生的办法朗文当代〔embark〕such an alliance as might embark us against our common enemy一个将能使我们联合对付共同敌人的联盟21世纪英汉〔fight〕a new weapon in the fight against car crime 对付汽车犯罪的新武器牛津搭配〔foe〕to join forces against a common foe 联合起来对付共同的敌人牛津搭配〔formidable〕a formidable opponent/challenge 难以对付的对手/挑战麦克米伦高阶〔formidable〕a formidable problem (rival) 一个难对付的问题(敌手)英汉大词典〔handle〕to handle a rowdy class.对付一班吵吵嚷嚷的学生。牛津同义词〔handle〕to handle a situation.对付某情况。牛津同义词〔head-on〕tackle the mounting energy shortage head-on 不回避不含糊地对付日益加剧的能源匮乏 英汉大词典〔line〕take a strong line over inflation 采取坚决措施对付通货膨胀 英汉大词典〔manipulation〕weather manipulation as a weapon 作为 (对付敌国) 武器的气候人为控制英汉大词典〔measure〕take strict measures against all forms of corruption 采取严厉措施对付任何形式的腐败行为英汉大词典〔meet〕meet violence with violence 以暴力对付暴力英汉大词典〔messy〕a messy situation 难以对付的局面英汉大词典〔pit〕pit one's wits against burning issues 绞尽脑汁以对付燃眉之急的问题英汉大词典〔retort〕retort insult for insult 以羞辱对付羞辱英汉大词典〔rough〕roughed up his opponent. 用暴力对付对手美国传统〔slubber〕slubber over the business 把事情草草对付过去英汉大词典〔stand〕stand up to a bully 勇敢地对付暴徒英汉大词典〔strong-arm〕to use strong-arm tactics against your political opponents 用强制手段对付政敌牛津高阶〔unanswerable〕the unanswerable weapon 无法对付的武器英汉大词典〔wrestle〕to wrestle with various problems全力对付各种问题21世纪英汉a new strategy for dealing with long-term unemployment 对付长期失业的新策略牛津商务a new way to deal with software piracy 对付软件盗版的新方法牛津商务




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