

单词 大西洋
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACROSS〕The Atlantic crossing took nearly three months. 横渡大西洋花了将近三个月。朗文写作活用〔Assateague Island〕A long narrow island along the coast of Maryland and Virginia separating Chincoteague Bay from the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular resort area.阿萨蒂格岛:沿马里兰和弗吉尼亚海岸将琴可替格湾和大西洋分割开的一个狭长岛屿。是一受欢迎的风景胜地美国传统〔Atlantic〕Abbr. Atl.Of, in, near, upon, or relating to the Atlantic Ocean.缩写 Atl.大西洋的:大西洋的、大西洋里的、大西洋附近的、大西洋上的、或与大西洋有关的美国传统〔Biscayne Bay〕A narrow inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southwest Florida. Miami and Miami Beach are on the northern shore.比斯开湾:美国佛罗里达西南大西洋的一个狭窄水湾。迈阿密和迈阿密海滩在其北岸美国传统〔Bouvet Island〕A Norwegian dependency in the southern Atlantic Ocean near the Antarctic Circle south-southwest of the Cape of Good Hope.博维特岛:挪威属地,位于大西洋南部,靠近南极圈,好望角的西南偏南处美国传统〔Bras d'Or Lake〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting deeply into Cape Breton Island in southeast Canada.布拉斯德奥湖:大西洋的一个海湾,深嵌入加拿大东南部的布雷敦岛海角美国传统〔Cabot Strait〕A channel between southwest Newfoundland and northern Cape Breton Island, Canada, connecting the Gulf of St. Lawrence with the Atlantic Ocean.卡伯特海峡:加拿大纽芬兰岛西南部和布雷顿角岛北部之间的一个海峡,它将圣·劳伦斯湾和大西洋连接起来美国传统〔Connemara〕A region of western Ireland on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The area is noted for its peat bogs and mountainous terrain.康尼马拉:爱尔兰西部一地区,位于大西洋沿岸。此地以泥炭沼和山地出名美国传统〔DIFFICULT〕The transatlantic flight was a punishing task for the plane's old engines. 对这架飞机的旧引擎来说,横跨大西洋的飞行是一次极为困难的任务。朗文写作活用〔Drake Passage〕A strait between Cape Horn and Antarctica. It connects the southern Atlantic and Pacific oceans.德雷克海峡:好望角与南极洲之间的一个海峡,连接大西洋与太平洋美国传统〔ENEMY〕The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic. 舰队穿过敌方水域行驶了几千英里来到大西洋会师。朗文写作活用〔Fundy〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southeast Canada between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.芬迪湾:加拿大东南部大西洋的一个小海湾,位于新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省之间美国传统〔JOIN〕Several other countries had applied to become members of NATO. 有其他一些国家申请成为北大西洋公约组织成员国。朗文写作活用〔Labrador Sea〕An arm of the northern Atlantic Ocean between eastern Canada and southwest Greenland.拉布拉多海:北大西洋的一个分支,位于加拿大与格陵兰岛西南部之间美国传统〔Linnhe〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Scotland. It is part of the Caledonian Canal waterway.林尼湾:大西洋的海湾,位于苏格兰的西海岸。是喀里多尼亚运河的一部分美国传统〔Lorne〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Scotland between Mull Island and the mainland.洛恩:苏格兰西海岸马尔岛和大陆之间的大西洋入海口美国传统〔MEANING〕NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO代表北大西洋公约组织。朗文写作活用〔Massachusetts Bay〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean off eastern Massachusetts extending from Cape Ann in the north to Cape Cod in the south.马萨诸塞湾:美国马萨诸塞州东部大西洋入口处,北起安角,南到鳕鱼角美国传统〔Middle Atlantic States〕The U.S. states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and usually Delaware and Maryland.美国中部濒临大西洋诸州:美国纽约、宾西法尼亚和新泽西州,广义还包括特拉华和马里兰州美国传统〔NEWS〕News is coming in about an oil spill in the South Atlantic. 有报道称南大西洋发生溢油事件。朗文写作活用〔Namib Desert〕A dry region of southwest Africa extending along the coast of Namibia between the Atlantic Ocean and the interior plateau.纳米布沙漠:非洲西南的一块干燥地区,沿着在大西洋与内陆高原之间的纳米比亚海延伸美国传统〔Nanticoke〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting Delaware and eastern Maryland between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast.南蒂科克族:在切萨皮克湾与大西洋海岸间,原先居住在特拉华州和马里兰州东部的美洲土著人美国传统〔Niger-Congo〕A large and widely dispersed language family of sub-Saharan Africa that includes the Mande, West Atlantic, and Central Niger-Congo branches.尼日尔一刚果语系:非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南一个大的分散型语系,包括曼迪、西大西洋和中央尼日尔一刚果等语支美国传统〔North Atlantic Current〕The northern extension of the Gulf Stream in the northern Atlantic Ocean. It warms the coast and affects the climate of northwest Europe.北大西洋流:墨西哥湾流于北大西洋的北支。其带来沿岸温暖的气候并影响西北欧的天气美国传统〔Norwegian Sea〕A section of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Norway north of the North Sea.挪威海:大西洋的部分,离开挪威海岸,在北海北部美国传统〔PURPOSE〕Membership of NATO is one of the country's long-term political aims. 成为北大西洋公约组织的一员是该国长期的政治目标之一。朗文写作活用〔Pamlico Sound〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between the eastern coast of North Carolina and a row of low, sandy barrier islands. Fish, oysters, and wildlife abound.帕姆利科湾:大西洋的一个入口,位于北卡罗来纳东海岸和一排低的沙质岛屿之间。富产鱼、牡蛎和野生动物美国传统〔Patos〕A shallow tidal lagoon of southeast Brazil. Separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a wide sandbar, it is an important fishing ground.帕托斯湖:巴西东南部一浅泻湖,由一道宽大的沙堤把它与大西洋隔开,是一重要的渔业基地美国传统〔Sudan〕A region of northern Africa south of the Sahara and north of the equator. It extends across the continent from the Atlantic coast to the mountains of Ethiopia.苏丹:非洲北部一地区,位于赤道以北,撒哈拉大沙漠以南,从大西洋沿岸横贯大陆至埃塞俄比亚山脉美国传统〔São Miguel〕An island of the eastern Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the largest island in the archipelago and a popular tourist center.圣米格尔岛:大西洋亚速尔群岛东部的岛屿,是该群岛中的最大岛屿和游览中心美国传统〔Temne〕The West Atlantic language of this people.滕内语:这一民族使用的西大西洋语言美国传统〔Terceira〕A Portuguese island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean.特尔赛拉岛:北大西洋上亚速尔群岛中部,属于葡萄牙的一个岛屿美国传统〔Wolof〕The West Atlantic language of this people, widely used as a lingua franca in Senegal.沃洛夫语:这个民族的西大西洋语言,作为混合语在塞内加尔广泛使用美国传统〔acronym〕The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is known by the acronym “NATO.” 北大西洋公约组织首字母缩合为NATO。韦氏高阶〔airfare〕Transatlantic airfares are going up.横越大西洋的飞机票价在上涨。剑桥高阶〔buoy up〕They put to sea in a car buoyed up by Styrofoam in a bold attempt to cross the Atlantic.他们开着一辆泡沫塑料助浮的汽车出海, 大胆地尝试跨越大西洋。外研社新世纪〔canal〕The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.巴拿马运河是连接大西洋和太平洋至关重要的航道。剑桥高阶〔chaos〕The world's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night.世界首次横跨大西洋的热气球比赛昨晚在一片混乱中结束。外研社新世纪〔condense〕The passage is condensed from the Atlantic Monthly.此段根据《大西洋月刊》中的一文缩写。英汉大词典〔curtail〕NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.北大西洋公约组织计划缩减派往该地区的军队数量。外研社新世纪〔exposed〕This part of the west coast of Scotland is very exposed to Atlantic winds.苏格兰西海岸的这一段完全暴露在大西洋海风前。外研社新世纪〔first〕Her solo flight across the Atlantic was a remarkable first.她独自飞越大西洋,是一项引人瞩目的创举。韦氏高阶〔flow〕The river flows south-west to the Atlantic Ocean.河水向西南方流入大西洋。外研社新世纪〔fly〕We flew the Atlantic.我们飞越了大西洋。外研社新世纪〔fly〕Who was the first person to fly (across) the Atlantic? 谁是飞越大西洋的第一人?剑桥高阶〔grilse〕A young Atlantic salmon on its first return from the sea to fresh or brackish waters.溯河产卵时期的鲑鱼:第一次从海中返回淡水或微咸的水中的幼小的大西洋鲑鱼美国传统〔hop〕They hopped the Atlantic in seven hours.他们用七个小时飞越了大西洋。外研社新世纪〔hot〕Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight.大西洋城极有可能获得这次拳击赛的主办权。外研社新世纪〔inshore〕They fish in the shallow inshore waters of the Atlantic.他们在大西洋沿岸浅水海域捕鱼。韦氏高阶〔line〕He runs a transatlantic shipping line.他经营一家跨大西洋航运公司。朗文当代〔low〕Another low is moving in from the Atlantic.另一个低气压区正从大西洋逼近。牛津高阶〔meet〕He met his death (= he died) in the icy waters of the South Atlantic.他死于南大西洋冰冷的海水中。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕They plan to pedal a human-powered boat 2,250 miles across the Atlantic.他们计划用脚踏船航行2,250英里, 横跨大西洋。外研社新世纪〔pond〕It's good to get a view from the other side of the pond.能够了解大西洋另一边的观点很好。剑桥高阶〔pond〕They moved here from across the pond.他们穿越大西洋迁徙至此。韦氏高阶〔pond〕Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量已急剧减少。柯林斯高阶〔primacy〕With regard to European defence, they accept the primacy of NATO.就欧洲的防务而论,他们首推北大西洋公约组织。麦克米伦高阶〔prune〕Arco has reacted to the loss in revenue by pruning (back) its expansion plans.大西洋里奇菲尔德公司通过缩减扩张计划以应对收益亏损。剑桥高阶〔reveal〕A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.从云缝中可以看到远在下方的大西洋。剑桥高阶〔roller〕Huge Atlantic rollers crashed onto the rocks.大西洋的巨浪冲击着岩石。牛津高阶〔rudderfish〕Any of several oval-shaped schooling fishes of the family Kyphosidae, found in tropical parts of the Atlantic and often sighted swimming behind ships.追船鱼:科的椭圆形成群而游的一种鱼,生长在大西洋的热带海域中,常追随船而游美国传统〔sailing〕Transatlantic steamship lines report capacity sailings for April.横渡大西洋的各家航运公司报道4月份客货满载。英汉大词典〔sail〕He sailed across the Atlantic.他扬帆横渡大西洋。牛津搭配〔sail〕She sailed the Atlantic coastline.她沿着大西洋海岸航行。韦氏高阶〔saline〕The Atlantic Ocean had undergone changes in temperature and salinity.大西洋海水的温度和盐度已经发生了变化。柯林斯高阶〔sea whip〕Any of various gorgonian corals forming flexible colonies with few or no branches and commonly found on coral reefs of the Atlantic.柳珊瑚:任一种出现于大西洋的珊瑚礁上的柳珊瑚,常形成不分枝或少分枝的灵活的群落美国传统〔side〕The policy has been condemned by politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.该政策受到大西洋两岸政治家们的谴责。麦克米伦高阶〔silverfish〕Any of various fishes having silvery scales, such as a tarpon or silverside.银鱼:一种有银色鳞的鱼,如大西洋大海鲢或银汉鱼美国传统〔solo〕Charles Lindbergh became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic.查尔斯•林德伯格成为独自飞过大西洋的第一人。外研社新世纪〔solo〕She wanted to fly solo across the Atlantic.她想独自一人驾机飞越大西洋。牛津高阶〔spring-cleaning〕He called for “a good spring-cleaning” within the NATO alliance.他要求在北大西洋公约组织联盟内部好好整顿一番。英汉大词典〔stock〕Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.北大西洋中鳕鱼的总量已大幅下降。朗文当代〔strength〕A tropical storm is gathering strength in the eastern Atlantic.在大西洋东部, 一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。外研社新世纪〔stretch〕Canada stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.加拿大从大西洋一直延伸到太平洋。英汉大词典〔strongly〕He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。柯林斯高阶〔tailwind〕It's faster coming back across the Atlantic because of tailwinds.因为顺风,回程横渡大西洋时速度较快。英汉大词典〔transatlantic〕Situated on or coming from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.跨大西洋的:位于或来自大西洋的另一边的美国传统〔transatlantic〕Spanning or crossing the Atlantic Ocean.横跨或穿越大西洋的美国传统〔transatlantic〕They are our transatlantic friends.他们是我们在大西洋彼岸的朋友。英汉大词典〔travel〕He travels back and forth across the Atlantic.他穿梭于大西洋两岸。牛津搭配〔weather〕The weather map shows a ridge of high pressure coming in from the Atlantic.气象图显示一个高气压带正从大西洋上空移来。朗文当代〔windswept〕We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of Portugal.我们驱车前往葡萄牙常受大风侵袭的大西洋海岸。剑桥高阶A herring is a North Atlantic fish that can be eaten. 鲱鱼是一种可食用的北大西洋海鱼。译典通America's lead in international affairs at the time included the setting-up of the United Nations, NATO, the Bretton Woods monetary system and a network of alliances across the globe.当时美国在国际事务中的领导地位包括成立联合国、北大西洋公约组织、布雷敦森林货币体制及全球范围的联盟网络。剑桥国际He has business interests on both sides of the Atlantic.他在大西洋两岸都有商业利益。牛津商务He met his death (= he died) in the icy waters of the South Atlantic.他死在南大西洋冰冷的海水中。剑桥国际In the future, it may be possible to fly across the Atlantic in about thirty minutes.将来的某一天,人们或许只用30分钟就能飞越大西洋。剑桥国际Mackerel are found in the N Atlantic.鲭产于北大西洋。剑桥国际Seeing the children in the park prompted thoughts of his own sons on the other side of the Atlantic.看到公园里的孩子激起了他对大西洋彼岸自己儿子的思念之情。剑桥国际She lives on the Atlantic seaboard.她住在大西洋沿岸。剑桥国际The Atlantic isn't a sea --it's an ocean.大西洋不是海,而是洋。剑桥国际The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.巴拿马运河为大西洋和太平洋之间提供了关键性的船运连接。剑桥国际The deep depression over the mid-Atlantic will gradually move eastwards during the day, bringing rain and wind to most areas of Britain.大西洋中部上空的极低气压白天将逐渐向东移动,给英国的大部分地区带来降雨和大风。剑桥国际The floor of the Atlantic ridges in the middle from north to south. 大西洋洋底在中部形成由北向南的海脊。译典通The terrorist threat has made many Americans reluctant to travel to Europe and has crucified the transatlantic air industry.恐怖主义的威胁使许多美国人不愿去欧洲旅行,从而严重损害了横跨大西洋的航空业。剑桥国际The waves off the Atlantic coast are bigger so they're better for surfing.大西洋海岸的浪大一些,因此那里更适合冲浪运动。剑桥国际They were the first two Englishmen to fly the Atlantic. 他们是最早飞越大西洋的两个英国人。译典通Transatlantic airfares are going up.横越大西洋的机票价格在上涨。剑桥国际We drove down to the windswept Atlantic coast of Portugal.我们开车前往葡萄牙常刮大风的大西洋海岸。剑桥国际We travelled across America coast to coast (=from one side to the other).我们从美国的大西洋海岸旅行到太平洋海岸。剑桥国际




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