

单词 大船
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Humber〕An estuary of the Trent and Ouse rivers in northeast-central England. It is navigable for large vessels as far inland as Hull.亨伯河三角洲:特伦特与乌斯河的一个三角洲地区,在英格兰中部东北。大船可以由此向内陆航行至赫尔美国传统〔UNDER/BELOW〕Sometimes at low tide you can just see the submerged wreck of a large ship. 有时退潮的时候,你正好可以看到水下一艘大船的残骸。朗文写作活用〔accessible〕The shallow bay is not accessible to large ships.这个浅海湾大船无法驶入。外研社新世纪〔anchor〕A large ship rode at anchor out in the bay.一艘大船在外面的海湾中停泊着。外研社新世纪〔buoy〕We were soon running down the buoyed big ship channel out of the Medway.我们很快就沿着浮标标出的大船航道驶出了梅德韦港。外研社新世纪〔cutter〕A ship's boat, powered by a motor or oars and used for transporting stores or passengers.小艇:一种大船上用来载运货物或乘客的小艇,用发动机驱动或用浆划动美国传统〔deepen〕Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened.主要河床被挖深后,较大船舶将能航行于此河流。21世纪英汉〔dinghy〕He was transferred to the ship by dinghy.他被小船接到了大船上。剑桥高阶〔dredge〕They're dredging the harbour so that larger ships can use it.他们正在疏濬港湾以便大船驶入。牛津高阶〔dry dock〕A large dock in the form of a basin from which the water can be emptied, used for building or repairing a ship below its water line.干船坞:盆状大船坞,其中的水可排空,用于建造或修理船的吃水线以下部分美国传统〔escort〕Under heavy escort the big ship made the dangerous trip.大船在严密的护航下作了那次危险的航行。英汉大词典〔fall aboard〕The ship falls aboard of a small boat.大船与小舟相撞了。21世纪英汉〔favour〕A strong wind will favour the bigger boats.强风对大船有利。剑桥高阶〔galley〕A large rowboat formerly used by British customs officers.英国式敞开划桨船:英国海关官员从前使用的一种划桨大船美国传统〔haul off〕The ship hauled off the island to the big ship.那艘船驶离了小岛向大船靠去。21世纪英汉〔heave〕A few moments later a large ship hove into view.过了一会儿,远处出现一艘大船。朗文当代〔hove〕After 30 minutes, a large ship hove into sight on the horizon.30分钟后,一艘大船出现在海面上。剑桥高阶〔launch〕A large ship's boat.大船上的小艇美国传统〔main deck〕The principal deck of a large vessel.主甲板:大船的最主要的甲板美国传统〔mooring〕The great ship slipped her moorings and slid out into the Atlantic.大船脱锚飘到了大西洋。朗文当代〔offshore〕One day a large ship anchored offshore.一天, 一艘大船泊在了近岸处。外研社新世纪〔paddle〕He would himself paddle me off to the ship.他愿亲自划船把我送上大船。21世纪英汉〔plough〕The great ship ploughed across the ocean.大船乘风破浪横渡大洋。英汉大词典〔put〕Two lifeboats were put off from the ship. 从大船上放下了两条救生艇。英汉大词典〔reconnaissance〕Reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship.一艘大船也没有侦察到。牛津搭配〔ride〕There was a large ship riding at anchor in the bay.一艘大船抛锚停泊在海湾里。朗文当代〔river〕They're dredging the river to make it safer for larger boats.他们正在疏通河道,以确保大船能更安全地通过。牛津搭配〔sail〕Three tall ships sailed past.三艘大船驶了过去。朗文当代〔semblance〕Those clouds have the semblance of a large ship.那些云状似一艘大船。文馨英汉〔steamship〕A large vessel propelled by one or more steam-driven screws, propellers, or paddles.汽船:靠一个或多个蒸汽螺旋浆推进的大船美国传统〔vessel〕It was one of the largest vessels afloat.那是在水上航行的最大船只之一。牛津搭配〔work〕To strain in heavy seas so that the joints give slightly and the fastenings become slack. Used of a boat or ship. 松脱:船在浪大的海上承受巨大压力以至于连接处稍微断裂,系挂物也变松,用于小船或大船美国传统It is the marina with the glossiest gin palaces and sleekest racing yachts.这是停着最光彩照人的私人豪华大船和造型最优美的比赛用帆船的码头。剑桥国际Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves. 我们的大船穿越汹涌的波浪航行。译典通That boat was tethered to the ship by a rope. When the ship changed position, that boat moved as well. 那艘小艇是由一条绳索系于大船。当大船变动位置时,小艇也跟著移动。译典通




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