

单词 失去了信心
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕The rank and file has lost confidence in the party leadership. 普通党员已经对党的领导失去了信心。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕After what she's been through, I can understand why she's lost faith in the legal system. 由于她的经历,我能够理解为什么她对司法制度失去了信心。朗文写作活用〔appear〕They appear to have lost confidence in their manager.他们好像已经对经理失去了信心。外研社新世纪〔back〕He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute.他失去了信心,在最后一刻退出了协议。牛津高阶〔bottle〕He lost his bottle and couldn't jump.他失去了信心,跳不了了。麦克米伦高阶〔choke〕Jordan seemed to choke and missed three easy shots.乔丹似乎失去了信心,投丢了3个容易投中的球。麦克米伦高阶〔confidence〕Many businesses have lost confidence in the government's ability to handle the economy.许多公司都对政府管理经济的能力失去了信心。麦克米伦高阶〔confidence〕Users had lost confidence in the system's reliability.用户对于系统的可靠性已经失去了信心。外研社新世纪〔cropper〕If outside buyers or suppliers lose faith, a company can come a cropper very quickly.如果一家公司的外部买家或供应商失去了信心,这家公司就会很快崩溃。剑桥高阶〔deflate〕All the criticism had left her feeling totally deflated.所有这些批评使她彻底失去了信心。牛津高阶〔discourage with〕She was divorced some while and discouraged with life.她不久以前离婚了,对生活失去了信心。21世纪英汉〔erode〕His behaviour over the last few months has eroded my confidence in his judgment.他过去几个月的表现已经使我对他的判断力渐渐失去了信心。剑桥高阶〔evidently〕Voters have evidently lost faith in the government.选民们显然已经对政府失去了信心。麦克米伦高阶〔faith〕The public have lost faith in what the government is doing.公众对政府的所作所为失去了信心。麦克米伦高阶〔lose〕The business community has lost confidence in the government.商界已经对政府失去了信心。朗文当代〔retreated/withdrew into his shell〕He lost confidence in himself and retreated/withdrew into his shell.他对自己失去了信心,变得沉默寡言。韦氏高阶〔rock bottom〕His confidence hit rock bottom.他彻底失去了信心。外研社新世纪〔tearful〕I was tearful all the time and I lost my confidence.从头到尾我都想哭一场, 我失去了信心。外研社新世纪〔undermine〕The events of the past year have undermined people's confidence in the government.去年发生的事件使人们对政府逐渐失去了信心。韦氏高阶〔wilt〕The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.政府面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。柯林斯高阶After the trial, his family said they had lost all faith in the judicial system.审判之后,他的家人说他们对司法系统失去了信心。剑桥国际Rumours of ballot-rigging discouraged many from voting.选举中有人作弊的谣言使许多选民对选举失去了信心。剑桥国际The poor results have unnerved investors.差劲的业绩使投资者失去了信心。牛津商务




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