

单词 失去
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bereavement〕those who have suffered a bereavement那些失去亲友的人外研社新世纪〔bereft〕bereft of ideas/hope 无计可施;失去希望牛津高阶〔commiserate〕commiserate with sb. about his missing fingers 对某人失去手指表示同情英汉大词典〔composure〕lose one's composure 失去克制英汉大词典〔consciousness〕lose (regain) consciousness 失去(恢复)知觉英汉大词典〔control〕lost control of the skidding car; the leaders in control of the country. 打滑的汽车失去控制;管理国家的领导人们美国传统〔courage〕lose courage 失去勇气,气馁文馨英汉〔cut〕felt cut out of all the fun. 觉得失去了所有的乐趣美国传统〔deaden〕deaden the polish on a table 使桌子的上光漆失去光泽英汉大词典〔deaden〕to deaden the polish on the clothes cabinet使衣橱的上光漆失去光泽21世纪英汉〔disconsolate〕disconsolate at the loss of the dog. 因失去那只狗而闷闷不乐美国传统〔dread〕the dread of losing those we love 对失去我们所爱的人的恐惧朗文当代〔faithless〕has never been faithless to her ideals; 从未失去她的信念;美国传统〔fault〕people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their homes 那些并非因自己的过错而失去了家的人们牛津搭配〔gentility〕the faded gentility of the town 已失去古朴风貌的城镇牛津高阶〔grief〕the family's grief at the loss of their child 失去孩子带给全家人的悲伤麦克米伦高阶〔insensate〕insensate rage 失去理性的狂怒英汉大词典〔lapse〕to lapse into unconsciousness/a coma 逐渐失去知觉╱陷入昏迷状态牛津高阶〔lead〕to hold/lose the lead 保持╱失去领先地位牛津高阶〔lose〕lose patience with sb. 对某人失去耐心英汉大词典〔lose〕to lose something or someone.失去某物或某人。牛津同义词〔loss〕a certain feeling of loss of control 一种失去控制的感觉朗文当代〔loss〕loss of confidence 失去信心朗文当代〔make〕make up the lost time. 补足失去的时间美国传统〔memory〕lose your memory (=lose your ability to remember things) 失去记忆朗文当代〔memory〕the haunting memories of lost love 对失去的爱情难以忘怀的记忆牛津搭配〔motherless〕a motherless calf 失去妈妈的小牛韦氏高阶〔numb〕to be/go numb 麻木;失去知觉牛津高阶〔outlaw〕outlaw a debt 使债务失去时效英汉大词典〔packet〕lose a packet of votes 失去大量选票英汉大词典〔possession〕to win/get/lose possession of the ball 赢得╱得到╱失去对球的控制牛津高阶〔rabid〕an utterly rabid age 完全失去理性的时代 英汉大词典〔re-claim〕re-claim lost property (territory) 要求收回失去的财物(领土)英汉大词典〔rehumanize〕rehumanize the dehumanized 使失去人性者恢复人性英汉大词典〔retrieval〕lost possessions beyond retrieval. 无法挽回的失去物品美国传统〔rue〕rue the loss of opportunities 后悔失去了机会英汉大词典〔tarnished〕tarnished silverware 失去光泽的银器韦氏高阶〔thread〕lost the thread of his argument. 失去了他论证的连续性美国传统〔throw〕to throw away an opportunity 失去机会牛津高阶〔use〕young people who at some point in the past have lost the use of their limbs手脚曾经一度失去功能的年轻人外研社新世纪




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