

单词 失业人数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕What are the reasons for mounting unemployment in the Arab countries? 是什么原因造成了阿拉伯国家的失业人数不断增加?朗文写作活用〔JOB〕There has been a sharp rise in unemployment. 失业人数激增。朗文写作活用〔MAYBE〕It is still unlikely, but unemployment could conceivably begin to fall by the end of the year. 虽然仍不大可能,不过失业人数到年底可能会开始下降。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Unemployment is up, and the poor old taxpayer has to foot the bill, as usual. 失业人数在增加,可怜的老纳税人照例又得结账了。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕Government figures published today show that unemployment is rising again. 政府今天公布的数据显示,失业人数又在上升。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕There's been a tiny decrease in the number of people out of work. 失业人数略微下降。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕In the capital, unemployed workers now number 12% of the workforce. 首都的失业人数目前占工人总数的12%。朗文写作活用〔aim〕The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment.政府正着力减少 50% 的失业人数。牛津高阶〔aim〕They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.他们正力求使失业人数下降 50%。牛津高阶〔all-time〕Unemployment reached an all-time record of 3 million.失业人数高达 300 万的创纪录数字。牛津高阶〔appreciable〕There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.自从新政府执政以来,失业人数明显下降。剑桥高阶〔barrier〕They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million.他们担心失业人数会很快突破300万大关。外研社新世纪〔be down〕Unemployment figures are down this year compared with last year.今年失业人数比去年少。21世纪英汉〔big〕There could soon be a big increase in unemployment.失业人数可能很快就会出现大幅增长。柯林斯高阶〔big〕There has been a big increase in unemployment.失业人数已大幅增长。外研社新世纪〔blast〕The unions blasted him for failing to cut unemployment.工会严厉批评他没有能减少失业人数。英汉大词典〔cite〕He cited the fall in unemployment as one of the government's successes.他举出失业人数下降作为政府的一项功绩。牛津搭配〔climb〕Unemployment has climbed from two million to three million.失业人数已经从 200 万上升到了 300 万。牛津搭配〔confidence〕A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.失业人数的下降会有助于恢复消费者的信心。牛津高阶〔conservative〕If I said there were three million unemployed, that would be a conservative estimate.我要是说失业人数有300万的话,那是保守估计。剑桥高阶〔constituency〕Unemployment is high in her constituency.她的选区的失业人数居高不下。牛津高阶〔crumb〕The government were able to draw a few crumbs of comfort from today's unemployment figures.政府能够从现在的失业人数中得到些许安慰。柯林斯高阶〔dampen down〕Although unemployment rose last month, this is unlikely to dampen down wage demands.尽管上个月的失业人数增加了, 但人们并不会因此降低加薪的要求。外研社新世纪〔dampen〕Although unemployment rose last month, this is unlikely to dampen down wage demands.虽然上个月失业人数上升,但这不太可能减弱工人要求加薪的意愿。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕The number of unemployment headed into a steep dive.失业人数开始急剧下降。英汉大词典〔double〕The number of people without work has doubled in the last five years.失业人数在过去的5年里已经增长了一倍。麦克米伦高阶〔drive〕Will technological advances drive up unemployment? 技术的发展会增加失业人数吗? 英汉大词典〔edge〕Unemployment may edge down only slowly.失业人数可能只会缓慢地下降。英汉大词典〔express〕The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers expressed as a percentage of a country's labour force.失业率是以失业人数占一国劳动力的百分数来表达的。外研社新世纪〔fact〕How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising? 你如何解释失业人数仍在增加这一事实?牛津搭配〔fall〕The number of people unemployed has fallen from two million to just over one and a half million.失业人数已从 200 万下降到 150 多一点儿。牛津搭配〔firmly〕We are firmly committed to reducing unemployment.我们坚决致力于减少失业人数。剑桥高阶〔fluctuate〕The number of unemployed fluctuates between two and three million.失业人数在 200 万到 300 万之间波动。牛津搭配〔force〕The effect will be to increase unemployment and force down wages.结果将是增加失业人数增加,工资被压低。朗文当代〔fractionally〕Jobless figures were fractionally lower than expected.失业人数略低于预期。外研社新世纪〔go on〕Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.今年的失业人数可能会继续上升。柯林斯高阶〔go〕Unemployment in the country has gone up by a million.国内的失业人数增加了 100 万。朗文当代〔grow〕The number of unemployed people has grown.失业人数增加了。外研社新世纪〔grow〕The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month.上个月,波兰的失业人数增长超过了1/4。柯林斯高阶〔herald〕The government claims that the fall in unemployment is the herald of economic recovery.政府宣称失业人数减少是经济复苏的先兆。牛津高阶〔high〕He expects the unemployment figures to rise even higher in coming months.他预计失业人数会在今后几个月里进一步攀升。柯林斯高阶〔high〕He expects the unemployment figures to rise even higher in coming months.他预计失业人数在未来几个月会进一步攀升。外研社新世纪〔idly〕The government was accused of standing idly by while unemployment soared.该政府被指责为对失业人数的激增坐视不管。麦克米伦高阶〔impetuous〕The governor may now be regretting her impetuous promise to reduce unemployment by half.州长现在可能后悔她轻率地许诺要将失业人数减少一半。剑桥高阶〔incident〕These incidents were caused by increasing unemployment.这些事件是由失业人数的增加而引起的。英汉大词典〔jobless〕The jobless total (= the number of people unemployed) reached four million this week.失业人数本周达到400万。剑桥高阶〔labour force〕Unemployment in Britain rose to 8.1% of the labour force.英国的失业人数已上升至占劳动力总数的8.1%。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Unemployment is now at its lowest level for 15 years.现在失业人数为15年来最低。麦克米伦高阶〔limiting〕The view was that the economy would grow by 2.25 per cent. This would limit unemployment to around 2.5 million.这一观点认为经济将会增长2.25%,这将把失业人数限定在250万左右。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕This would limit unemployment to around 2.5 million.这会将失业人数削减到250万左右。外研社新世纪〔mark〕Unemployment has passed the four million mark.失业人数已突破四百万大关。牛津高阶〔mark〕Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.失业人数正迅速逼近百万大关。柯林斯高阶〔massage〕Myers accused the government of deliberately massaging the unemployment figures.迈尔斯指控政府故意窜改失业人数。朗文当代〔pass〕The number of unemployed has passed the two million mark for the first time.失业人数首次突破二百万大关。朗文当代〔peak〕Official figures show that unemployment peaked in November.官方数字显示失业人数在11月达到最高点。剑桥高阶〔predict〕Unemployment is predicted to increase to 700,000 by the end of the year.预计到年底失业人数将增至 70 万。朗文当代〔publish〕The government publishes figures every six months showing how many people are unemployed.政府每半年公布一次失业人数。剑桥高阶〔record〕Unemployment has reached a record high (= the highest level ever).失业人数已达到历史最高点。牛津搭配〔reduction〕There has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少。牛津高阶〔rise〕August has seen a large rise in the number of unemployed.8月份失业人数剧增。剑桥高阶〔rise〕Experts predict a sharp rise in unemployment.专家们预测失业人数将会激增。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.失业人数急剧增长。牛津高阶〔rise〕Unemployment has risen by 25 000 this month.这个月失业人数增加了 25,000 人。牛津搭配〔rise〕Unemployment rose (by) 3%.失业人数增长了 3%。牛津高阶〔rise〕Unemployment was rising.失业人数在增加。英汉大词典〔rocket〕Unemployment has rocketed up again.失业人数再次猛增。牛津高阶〔seasonally〕The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a rise of twelve-hundred.受季节影响,失业人数增加了 1,200 人。柯林斯高阶〔showing〕These figures show an increase of over one million in unemployment.这些数据表明失业人数增加了 100 多万。柯林斯高阶〔small〕Last year's rise in unemployment was the smallest in the last five years.去年失业人数的上升在过去的5年中是最低的。麦克米伦高阶〔soar〕The figures for unemployment have soared above the 1 million mark.失业人数已猛增到100万以上。英汉大词典〔soar〕Unemployment has soared.失业人数剧增。麦克米伦高阶〔top〕Unemployment has topped the 25,000 mark.失业人数已超过2.5万大关。英汉大词典〔total〕Britain's jobless total rose by 20 000 last month.英国的总失业人数上月增加了两万人。牛津搭配〔to〕Unemployment has risen to almost eight million.失业人数已经上升到了差不多800万。剑桥高阶〔unemployment〕Unemployment climbed above two million.失业人数攀升到 200 万人以上。牛津搭配〔unemployment〕Unemployment has fallen/risen again for the third consecutive month.失业人数连续第3个月上升/下降。剑桥高阶〔whisker〕Unemployment is now a whisker away from three million.失业人数现在已接近300万。外研社新世纪〔yet〕Unemployment will go on rising for some time yet.失业人数在一段时间内还将上升。柯林斯高阶After seasonal adjustments last month's unemployment figure fell by almost 10 000.在季节性调整以后,上月失业人数下降了近10 000。剑桥国际August has seen a large rise in the number of unemployed. 8 月份的失业人数大大地增加了。剑桥国际Each political party is accusing the other of fudging to hide the true level of unemployment.每个政党都在指责对方是在隐瞒真正的失业人数。剑桥国际He spoke despairingly of the increase in the number of people who are unemployed.他绝望地说起失业人数的增加。剑桥国际Rise in unemployment is partly attributable to a flight of money abroad. 失业人数增加的部分原因可归于资金抽逃国外。译典通The Government publishes figures every six months showing how many people are unemployed.政府每半年公布一次失业人数。剑桥国际The Prime Minister was asked how he could defend (= explain his support for) a policy that increased unemployment.有人问总理他将如何为这一导致失业人数增加的政策作辩护。剑桥国际The decrease in unemployment was 30 percent. 失业人数减少了百分之三十。译典通The fall in unemployment is a sign of a strengthening economy.失业人数下降是经济走强的信号。牛津商务The increase in the number of unemployed was larger than expected.失业人数的增长超出预想。剑桥国际The level of crime in an area is almost always in direct proportion to the number of unemployed.一个地区的犯罪率几乎总是与失业人数直接成正比的。剑桥国际The number of people unemployed has risen by 67 000 since bottoming in April.自从四月的最低点以来,失业人数已上升到 67 000 人。牛津商务There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.自新政府上台以来,失业人数明显下降。剑桥国际There has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少。牛津商务There's been a dramatic (= very noticeable) rise in unemployment recently.最近失业人数急剧上升。剑桥国际Unemployment has hit a 10-year high.失业人数达到 10 年来的最高点。牛津商务Unemployment has now passed the three million mark.目前失业人数已经突破了 300 万。牛津商务Unemployment has risen again for the third consecutive month.失业人数连着第3个月又增长了。剑桥国际Unemployment is at its highest level for eight years.失业人数达到了八年来的最高水平。牛津商务Unemployment remains below the four million mark.失业人数依然维持在 400 万的水平之下。牛津商务Unemployment rose to 4.1 million last month according to official figures.根据官方公布的数字,上月的失业人数上升至 410 万人。牛津商务We are pleased by the decline in the number of unemployed.看到失业人数下降,我们很高兴。剑桥国际




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