

单词 弥补
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Yom Kippur〕kippûr [atonement] from kippēr [to cover, atone] kippûr [赎罪] 源自 kippēr [弥补,赎罪] 美国传统〔atonement〕make atonement for ... 弥补;赎…之罪文馨英汉〔atonement〕make atonement for one's fault 弥补自己的过错英汉大词典〔atone〕to atone for one’s failings弥补过失21世纪英汉〔balance ... against〕to balance commendable qualities against shortcomings以优点弥补缺点21世纪英汉〔bridge〕bridge a gap 弥补裂隙;沟通悬隔文馨英汉〔capable〕an error capable of remedy. 一个可弥补的错误美国传统〔compensate〕a homely atmosphere that compensated for the indifferent cuisine 弥补饭菜质量不高的亲切气氛英汉大词典〔correct〕correcting for the effects of air resistance. 弥补空气阻力的影响美国传统〔damage〕repair the damage 弥补损失英汉大词典〔eke ... out〕to eke out an income with a second job以做第二职业来弥补收入的不足21世纪英汉〔eke〕eked out an income by working two jobs. 干双份工作来弥补收入的不足美国传统〔expiate〕to expiate for the loss in material弥补物资损失21世纪英汉〔fill〕a sense of fun and gaiety that filled a gap in his life弥补他人生中不足的风趣与快乐外研社新世纪〔gap〕close some gaps in equipment 弥补装备不足英汉大词典〔heal〕healed the rift between us. 弥补我们之间的裂痕美国传统〔indent〕indent on reserves to cover the deficit 动用储备金来弥补赤字英汉大词典〔irreparable〕irreparable damage.不可弥补的损失。牛津同义词〔irreparable〕irreparable harm; irreparable damages. 无法弥补的伤害;无法补救的损坏美国传统〔irreparable〕to cause irreparable damage/harm to your health 对健康造成不可弥补的损害牛津高阶〔irretrievable〕an irretrievable loss 不可弥补的损失英汉大词典〔irreversible〕irreversible damage.不可弥补的损失。牛津同义词〔make〕made good the loss. 弥补损失美国传统〔make〕made up the difference in the bill. 弥补了帐单上的差额美国传统〔make〕make up for an omission 弥补遗漏 英汉大词典〔make〕make up the difference 弥补差额 英汉大词典〔paucity〕make up in quality for paucity of numbers 以质量弥补数目之少英汉大词典〔piece〕piece out the salary with perks 用额外津贴弥补工资不足 英汉大词典〔recoup〕recoup a loss.See Synonyms at recover 弥补损失 参见 recover美国传统〔redeeming〕a redeeming feature [point] 可弥补其他缺陷的特点[优点]文馨英汉〔redeem〕redeem one's honour (position, rights) 用弥补的办法恢复名誉(地位,权利)英汉大词典〔redemption〕the redemption of his reputation 对他名声的弥补韦氏高阶〔repair〕repair the deficiency 弥补不足 英汉大词典〔reparable〕reparable damage to the car; reparable wrongs. 对汽车造成可修理的损害;可弥补的错误美国传统〔tap〕tap other revenue sources to make up the deficit 开辟其他税收来源以弥补赤字英汉大词典〔work〕work people 14- and 15-hour days to make up for manpower shortages 为弥补劳动力不足要人们一天工作14-15小时 英汉大词典plans to train staff in order to fill the shortfall of skills 培训员工以弥补技能不足的计划牛津商务




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