

单词 大肆
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-infested〕pests like aphids which infest cereal crops. 像蚜虫这样大肆侵害谷物的害虫柯林斯高阶〔BOAST〕to boast about something 因某事而大肆吹嘘朗文写作活用〔blitzkrieg〕a blitzkrieg of media hype. 媒体铺天盖地的大肆炒作柯林斯高阶〔boost〕to boost her new book为她的新书大肆宣传21世纪英汉〔disturbance〕create much disturbance 大肆滋扰英汉大词典〔extol to〕to extol someone (或 something) to the skies (或 heavens)把某人(或某事)捧上天,对某人(或某事)大肆吹捧21世纪英汉〔extol〕extol sb. to the skies 把某人捧上天(或对某人大肆吹捧)英汉大词典〔hype〕the hype surrounding her latest book 围绕她的新书所作的大肆宣传牛津搭配〔hype〕the much-hyped news show 被大肆宣传的新闻节目麦克米伦高阶〔hysteria〕the usual media hysteria that surrounds royal visits 媒体对于王室成员访问的惯常的大肆渲染牛津高阶〔incapacity〕advertise sb.'s incapacity 大肆宣扬某人的丧失能力英汉大词典〔infest〕pests like aphids which infest cereal crops像蚜虫这样大肆侵害谷物的害虫外研社新世纪〔make〕make much noise 大肆喧闹英汉大词典〔orgy〕an orgy of killing 大肆的杀戳麦克米伦高阶〔orgy〕an orgy of looting and burning 大肆抢劫并纵火的暴行英汉大词典〔orgy〕an orgy of looting and vandalism 大肆劫掠破坏牛津搭配〔orgy〕an orgy of spending 大肆挥霍朗文当代〔plug〕plug sb.'s candidacy 为某人的候选人资格大肆宣传英汉大词典〔plug〕to plug a record on radio.在电台上大肆宣传某唱片。牛津同义词〔popularization〕to popularize an island as a resort大肆宣传一个岛屿是度假胜地21世纪英汉〔popularize〕popularize an island as a resort 大肆宣传一个岛屿是度假胜地英汉大词典〔razz〕give sb. the grand razz for his funny accent 因某人口音奇特对他大肆嘲笑英汉大词典〔sensationalization〕to sensationalize a case大肆渲染一个案件21世纪英汉〔sensationalized〕a sensationalized story of a kidnapping 对于劫持事件大肆渲染的报道韦氏高阶〔sensationalize〕sensationalize a problem 对问题大肆渲染英汉大词典〔slash〕slash away at (或against) each other 互相大肆攻击英汉大词典〔spew〕a volcano that spewed molten lava; spewed invective at his opponent. 喷出大量熔岩的火山;对他的对手进行大肆谩骂美国传统〔spree〕a shopping/spending spree 疯狂购物;大肆花钱牛津高阶〔wasteful〕the wasteful use of scarce resources 对微薄财力的大肆挥霍英汉大词典




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