

单词 密谋
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔backstreet〕backstreet intrigue 幕后密谋英汉大词典〔cabal〕a cabal plotting to overthrow the government 密谋推翻政府的小集团韦氏高阶〔cabal〕cabal against the prince's succession 密谋反对王子继位英汉大词典〔collusion〕the council's collusion with the strikers理事会与罢工者的密谋外研社新世纪〔complicity〕her complicity in a plot to kill the president 她参与到刺杀总统的密谋中牛津搭配〔confederate〕a confederate look between father and child 父子之间密谋策划的一瞥英汉大词典〔conspiracy〕a conspiracy between the police and the right-wing parties 警方和右翼党派之间的密谋牛津搭配〔conspire〕conspire against sb. 密谋反对某人英汉大词典〔conspire〕those who had conspired his death那些密谋杀死他的人外研社新世纪〔hatch〕hatch an assassination plot. 密谋暗杀计划美国传统〔intrigue〕to intrigue against the state.密谋反对政府。牛津同义词〔involved〕involved in a conspiracy. 卷进一场密谋美国传统〔plotting〕the murderous plotting against a country 针对一个国家的险恶密谋英汉大词典〔plot〕a woman who plotted the murder of her husband 密谋杀害亲夫的女子麦克米伦高阶〔plot〕plot an assassination 密谋行刺英汉大词典〔plot〕plot an assassination. 密谋一次暗杀美国传统〔plot〕plot for a coup d'état 密谋政变英汉大词典〔plot〕plot with sb. against the government 与某人密谋反对政府英汉大词典〔scheme〕scheme the robbery of a bank 密谋抢劫银行英汉大词典〔scheme〕women at work who spend their days plotting and scheming the downfall of female colleagues成天密谋计划扳倒女同事的职业女性外研社新世纪〔transatlantic〕a transatlantic conspiracy 大西洋两岸国家的密谋韦氏高阶〔treachery〕the treachery of those who plotted against the king 密谋反对国王者的叛乱行为朗文当代〔well-knit〕a well-knit plot 考虑周详的密谋英汉大词典




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