

单词 宣誓
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abjuration〕an oath of abjuration弃绝宣誓外研社新世纪〔administer〕administer an oath to sb. to tell the truth 使某人宣誓说出真实情况英汉大词典〔administer〕to administer an oath to someone为某人主持宣誓仪式21世纪英汉〔affidavit〕swear [make, take] an affidavit (证人)宣誓,立口供书文馨英汉〔allegiance〕an oath of allegiance 效忠宣誓朗文当代〔allegiance〕swear full allegiance to the nation 宣誓赤胆效忠祖国英汉大词典〔allegiance〕their refusal to pledge allegiance to the Queen他们对向女王宣誓效忠的拒绝外研社新世纪〔allegiance〕to pledge/swear allegiance 宣誓;发誓牛津高阶〔attest〕the day on which the recruits were attested 新兵宣誓入军籍的那一天英汉大词典〔deposable〕to depose that it was true宣誓作证那是真的21世纪英汉〔depose to〕to depose to having witnessed the robbery宣誓证明目睹了那起抢劫案21世纪英汉〔depose〕a witness that is not trained in deposing evidence.未经过宣誓作证训练的证人外研社新世纪〔deposition〕a sworn deposition 经过宣誓的证言剑桥高阶〔false〕delivered false testimony under oath. 宣誓后作假证词美国传统〔fealty〕an oath of fealty 宣誓效忠剑桥高阶〔fealty〕swear fealty to [for] ...=take an oath of fealty to [for] ... 向…宣誓效忠。文馨英汉〔flag〕to swear allegiance to the flag 面对旗帜作效忠宣誓牛津高阶〔justify〕justify bail 宣誓证明保人有财力作保英汉大词典〔loyal〕a loyal oath效忠宣誓外研社新世纪〔notarize〕a notarized affidavit 经过公证的宣誓作证书剑桥高阶〔oath〕a man taking the oath in court一个在法庭上宣誓的人外研社新世纪〔oath〕an oath of allegiance (office) 效忠(就职)宣誓英汉大词典〔oath〕an oath of allegiance 效忠宣誓牛津搭配〔oath〕an oath of loyalty 效忠宣誓牛津搭配〔oath〕to swear an oath.宣誓。牛津同义词〔oath〕to take/swear an oath of allegiance 宣誓效忠牛津高阶〔oath〕under a solemn oath of secrecy 在庄严的保密宣誓的约束下英汉大词典〔profess〕and from Medieval Latin professāre [to administer a vow] 并源自 中世纪拉丁语 professāre [进行宣誓] 美国传统〔promise〕plighted their loyalty to the king; 向国王宣誓他们的忠诚;美国传统〔solemn〕take the solemn oath of office 正式宣誓就职英汉大词典〔swear〕swear an oath 立誓,宣誓文馨英汉〔swear〕swear in a mayor. 使市长宣誓就职美国传统〔swear〕to swear an oath of office to the President宣誓就职总统事宜21世纪英汉〔sworn〕a sworn official. 已宣誓尽职的官员美国传统〔sworn〕a sworn statement 宣誓证词牛津高阶〔sworn〕a sworn testimony 宣誓证词剑桥高阶〔sworn〕sworn statements by witnesses. 证人的宣誓证词美国传统〔under〕give evidence under oath 宣誓作证文馨英汉〔unsworn〕an unsworn witness 未宣誓的证人英汉大词典〔unsworn〕unsworn statements by witnesses. 证人所产的未经宣誓以保证其真实的证词美国传统




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