

单词 太长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD ENOUGH〕The film didn't live up to our expectations. It was too long and the acting was appalling. 这部电影有负众望,时间太长,演得又差。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕I haven't known them for very long. 我认识他们的时间不太长。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The trouble with lasagne is that it takes so long to make. 做意大利卤汁面条的麻烦之处在于花费的时间太长。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕Some of the descriptions are a bit long and should be cut. 有些描述太长,应该删掉。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕The introduction's too long. Can you try and cut it down? 引言太长了,你能否试试作一些删略?朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕This essay's still too long, I'll have to shorten it by a couple of thousand words. 这篇论文还是太长,我得把它缩短几千字。朗文写作活用〔ad-lib〕You can add extra items ad-lib, but beware of making the programme too long.你可以随意添加额外的项目, 但要注意别把节目弄得太长。外研社新世纪〔because〕The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.这个男孩因花太长时间穿衣服总是迟到。21世纪英汉〔crick〕I got a crick in my neck from looking up at the stars too long.我仰头看星星的时间太长了,脖子都疼了。韦氏高阶〔cut ... down〕This article is too long,you have to cut it down to 1,000 words.这篇文章太长,你得把它压缩到一千字才行。21世纪英汉〔cut〕The movie had to be cut because it was too long.这部电影太长,必须删减。韦氏高阶〔disproportionately〕A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic.纠缠在同一个话题上的时间太长了。柯林斯高阶〔doubt〕No doubt many readers will find the book too long.毫无疑问很多读者会认为这本书太长了。韦氏高阶〔drag〕This dress is too long—it drags on the ground when I walk.这条连衣裙太长了,我走路时会拖在地上。牛津高阶〔draw〕His speech was drawn too long.他的讲话拖得太长了。英汉大词典〔entirety〕The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.这首诗太长,不能全部引用。牛津高阶〔far〕These trials are simply taking far too long.这些审判耗时实在太长了。柯林斯高阶〔fault〕If the book has a fault, it's that it's too long.要说这本书有什么不足的话,那就是太长了。韦氏高阶〔fault〕The book's main fault is that it is too long.这本书的主要缺点是篇幅太长。麦克米伦高阶〔fault〕The book's only fault is that it is too long.这本书的唯一缺点是太长。朗文当代〔file down〕My nails are too long, I must file them down.我的指甲太长了,我必须把它们锉平。21世纪英汉〔for〕It was too far for her to walk in high-heeled shoes.她穿着高跟鞋,这段路对她来说太长了。朗文当代〔goodness〕Don't cook vegetables for too long - they'll lose all their goodness.烹饪蔬菜时间不要太长——这会使菜里的所有营养成分都被破坏掉。剑桥高阶〔grow〕My hair has grown too long.我的头发长得太长了。英汉大词典〔grow〕The dress is too long for her now but she'll grow into it.这件连衣裙她现在穿太长,不过她长大了可以穿。牛津高阶〔gut〕I have a gut feeling that the relationship won't last.我有种直觉,这段关系不会太长久。剑桥高阶〔half〕The play is too long by half.这出戏太长了。英汉大词典〔home〕I don't want to be away from home for too long.我不想离家时间太长。牛津高阶〔if〕No, it's not too short, if anything it's a bit too long.不, 它不是太短, 甚至正相反, 它有点太长了。外研社新世纪〔inordinately〕Ordering the meal took an inordinately long time.点餐花去了太长的时间。外研社新世纪〔inordinate〕I waited an inordinate amount of time.我等待的时间太长了。韦氏高阶〔interpose〕Jacob was silent so long that Livvy interposed.雅各布沉默的时间太长了,莉薇只好插话了。柯林斯高阶〔introduction〕The song's great, but the introduction's a bit too long.这首歌很棒,但前奏部分太长了。剑桥高阶〔keep〕I won't keep you long.我不会耽误你太长时间。麦克米伦高阶〔lateness〕I'd left it all too late in the day to get anywhere with these strategies.我按兵不动时间太长,致使这些策略都不管用了。柯林斯高阶〔late〕I'd left it all too late in the day to get anywhere with these strategies.我按兵不动时间太长, 致使这些策略都不管用了。外研社新世纪〔leg〕These jeans are too long in the leg.这条牛仔裤的裤腿太长。牛津高阶〔length〕They complained about the inordinate length of time they had to wait.他们抱怨等的时间太长。牛津搭配〔lie〕Don't lie in the sun for too long.不要在日光下躺太长时间。朗文当代〔list〕Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints.在投诉当中,最多的是抱怨等候时间太长。牛津高阶〔long〕At 900 pages, the book is overly long.这部书有 900 页,太长了。牛津搭配〔long〕I stayed out in the sun for too long.我在太阳底下待的时间太长了。牛津高阶〔long〕Repairs to the cable did not take long.电缆维修没花太长时间。外研社新世纪〔long〕That meeting was way too long.那次会议持续的时间太长了。韦氏高阶〔long〕This won't take long.这不用费太长时间美国传统〔love sb to bits〕He's my old man and I love him to bits but I can't spend too much time with him.他是我老爸,我很爱他,可是不能跟在一起时间太长。剑桥高阶〔may〕Rates may rise, but it won't be by much and it won't be for long.费率也许会提高,但幅度不会太大,时间也不会太长。柯林斯高阶〔measure ... against〕He measured the coat against mine and found it was too long.他把上衣和我的衣服相比,发现它太长了。21世纪英汉〔melt into〕I warmed the butter for too long, and it has melted into liquid.我热黄油的时间太长,都化成液体了。21世纪英汉〔mile〕He was wearing trousers that looked miles too long.他穿着看起来实在太长的裤子。麦克米伦高阶〔move along〕I hope we can move things along without too much delay.我希望我们能够进展顺利, 不要延误太长时间。外研社新世纪〔neighbour〕She whispered to her neighbour that she thought the play was too long.她对邻座的人轻声说她觉得这出戏太长了。麦克米伦高阶〔nonetheless〕The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.这本书太长,但是很有知识性和趣味性。牛津高阶〔overdevelop〕To process (a photographic plate or film) too long or in too concentrated a solution.使显影过度:处理(摄影用感光板或胶卷)所用时间太长或所用显影液浓度太高美国传统〔pad ... out〕The book was padded out with uninteresting descriptions.这本书用些无趣的描写拉得太长。21世纪英汉〔pull out〕The chairman's talk pulled out until no one was listening.那位主席的讲话扯得太长,没有人听了。21世纪英汉〔punch〕This belt's too big - I'll have to punch an extra hole in it.这条皮带太长了——我得在上面再打一个洞。剑桥高阶〔restless〕He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.他是那种呆不住的人——他从来不在一个国家呆太长的时间。剑桥高阶〔root out〕It shouldn't take too long to root him out.把他铲除掉应该不需要太长的时间。柯林斯高阶〔saving grace〕That play's only saving grace was that it didn't last long.那出戏的唯一可取之处是它不算太长。麦克米伦高阶〔scrape〕The coat was too long; the hem scraped the pavement.大衣太长,下摆都拖到人行道上了。朗文当代〔sentence〕Your conclusion is good, but the final sentence is too long and complicated.你的结论没错,但最后一句话太长太复杂。剑桥高阶〔shield〕I think she's shielded her child from the real world for too long.我认为她已太长时间不让孩子接触真实世界了。韦氏高阶〔shorten〕I shortened my story because it was too long.我把我写的小说缩短,因为它太长了。牛津同义词〔sight〕We've shared an office for too long and we're sick of the sight of each other.我们在一个办公室里工作时间太长了,彼此一见面就感到厌烦。牛津搭配〔sleeve〕The sleeves are too long for me.对我来说,这袖子太长了。剑桥高阶〔so〕The job won't take long – about twenty minutes or so.这活儿不会花太长时间,大约20分钟左右就行。麦克米伦高阶〔stop down〕I can dive under the water without any facilities but I can't stop down there too much time.我能不带任何器具潜到水下,可我不能在水下呆太长的时间。21世纪英汉〔stretch〕That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far.那根橡皮筋拉得太长会断的。剑桥高阶〔stretch〕Your shirt is stretched at the sleeves.你衬衫的袖子太长了。21世纪英汉〔take〕I'm just going to the shops - I won't take long.我只是去商店买点东西——不会花太长时间的。剑桥高阶〔touch〕His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor.他的大衣太长,差不多拖到地上了。牛津高阶〔truncate〕If the list is too long, it will be truncated by the computer.如果列表太长,计算机会将其截短。朗文当代〔try〕The programs take too long to load and try the patience of young pupils.这些程序下载时间太长,会让小学生不耐烦。朗文当代〔turnaround〕We'll have to improve the turnaround - three days is too long.我们必须缩短周转时间——3天时间太长。剑桥高阶〔update〕He maintained that the software update should not take long to download.他曾坚称软件更新不宜占用太长下载时间。外研社新世纪〔warm up〕After being outside too long, I'm slowly warming up.在外面待了太长时间后,我开始慢慢暖和起来。韦氏高阶〔wear〕He wore his hair too long.他头发留得太长了。外研社新世纪〔wiredraw〕To treat (a subject, for example) with great length, excessive detail, or overrefinement; spin out.使过分细致;使延长:把(如一个话题)拖得太长;使过分琐细;过细地琢磨;把…拉长美国传统〔wont〕He spoke for too long, as is his wont.他像惯常那样讲得太长了。英汉大词典〔wrap〕The text wraps around if it is too long to fit the screen.如果文本太长,在显示屏放不下的话,会自动换行。牛津高阶Don't bother to remove all the weeds--it would take too long.不要费力去清除所有的杂草----这会花太长时间。剑桥国际He vacillated for too long and the opportunity to accept was lost.他犹豫了太长的时间,失去了表示同意的机会。剑桥国际Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty.她的面貌棱角太分明,脸太长而够不上美貌。剑桥国际I don't think I can sit through (= stay seated until the end of) this film, it's much too long.我想我坐不到电影结束,它太长了。剑桥国际I had to turn up her skirt because it was far too long.我必须折起贴边改短她的裙子, 它太长了。剑桥国际I left the waffles under the grill for too long and they've charred.我把蛋奶烘饼放在烤架下的时间太长了----饼烤焦了。剑桥国际If the curtains are too long, you can always take the hem up/let the hem down (=make them shorter/longer).如果窗帘太长,你可以把边改短一些/放长一点。剑桥国际It all happened so long ago that I've forgotten what started it.这件事过去的时间太长了我连它的起因都忘了。剑桥国际It all happened so long ago that it's just a blur to me now.这事发生时间太长了,我现在都记不清了。剑桥国际Like a lot of his films, it suffers from being a bit too long.像他许多其他电影一样,这部影片的缺点是太长了一点。剑桥国际She had lain in bed for so long that her shoulder blades had become ulcerated.她呆在床上的时间太长了, 肩胛骨开始溃烂了。剑桥国际That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far.如果你把那根橡皮筋拉得太长,它会断的。剑桥国际The game/speech/discussion ran on for too long/for hours.比赛/演讲/讨论持续得太长了/超时了好几个小时。剑桥国际The queues were so bad (= unpleasantly long) that I didn't bother waiting.队排得太长了,我不愿再等下去。剑桥国际The song's great, but the introduction's a bit too long.这首歌很棒,但序曲部分有点太长。剑桥国际They'll have to cut their film (down)--it's far too long.他们将不得不对影片作些剪辑----片子太长了。剑桥国际This purposeless fighting has been going on for far too long.这场毫无目的的战斗持续得太长了。剑桥国际Three months is too long to wait.等三个月太长了。剑桥国际We'll have to improve the turnround -- 3 days is too long.我们必须缩短周转时间----3天时间太长。剑桥国际




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