

单词 太荒唐了
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STUPID/SILLY〕It's absurd to think Porter flew into a murderous rage just because he had an argument with his girlfriend. 认为波特跟女朋友吵了一架就动了杀机,这也太荒唐了。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕This is ridiculous. You've only known him three days, and you're going on holiday with him! 这太荒唐了,你认识他才三天,就要跟他一起去度假!朗文写作活用〔absurd〕Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.那当然不合乎事实,这个想法太荒唐了!牛津高阶〔absurd〕The claims are absurd and they are just lying.这些说法太荒唐了, 他们满嘴胡言。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕It's blooming ridiculous! 这真是太荒唐了!朗文当代〔cockamamie〕That's a cockamamie idea.那主意太荒唐了。朗文当代〔insane〕It would be insane not to take advantage of this opportunity.如果不抓住这一机会的话那就太荒唐了。剑桥高阶〔insanity〕It would be sheer insanity to attempt the trip in such bad weather.天气这么糟糕还要去旅行,太荒唐了。牛津高阶〔ludicrous〕It is ludicrous to suggest that I was driving under the influence of alcohol.说我酒后驾车,这真是太荒唐了。朗文当代〔ridiculous〕It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance.要是有人暗示说我们在谈恋爱, 那也太荒唐了。外研社新世纪〔ridiculous〕It's ridiculous to expect a two-year-old to be able to read! 指望一个两岁的孩子能阅读真是太荒唐了!剑桥高阶〔showing〕It's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing.这太荒唐了,不过恰恰证明了裁判的前后矛盾。柯林斯高阶〔standpoint〕From my standpoint, you know, this thing is just ridiculous.你要知道,依我看,这事简直太荒唐了。柯林斯高阶These plans of yours are quite fantastic--they can never work.你们的这些计划太荒唐了,永远不会实现。剑桥国际




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