

单词 奥尔
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Creole〕creole A creolized language. creole 克里奥尔化语言美国传统〔Creole〕creole Cooked with a spicy sauce containing tomatoes, onions, and peppers: creole 克里奥尔式的:用含有西红柿、洋葱和胡椒的香辣调味酱烹饪的:美国传统〔Creole〕shrimp creole; creole cuisine. 克里奥尔式虾;克里奥尔式烹饪美国传统〔South〕the south coast of Alderney. 奥尔德尼岛的南部海岸柯林斯高阶〔baroque〕the German baroque composer Georg Philip Telemann. 德国巴洛克风格的作曲家格奥尔格·菲利普·泰勒曼柯林斯高阶〔baroque〕the German baroque composer Georg Philip Telemann德国巴罗克风格作曲家格奥尔格•菲利普•泰勒曼外研社新世纪〔canon〕the small canon of Alcott novels 奥尔科特的袖珍版小说集韦氏高阶〔carat〕the Orloff diamond, a stone of 194.5 carats 奥尔洛夫钻石,一块 194.5 克拉的宝石朗文当代〔corporation〕the New Orleans Citywide Development Corporation 新奥尔良市开发集团朗文当代〔creole〕a Creole woman 克里奥尔女子韦氏高阶〔creole〕a creole word 克里奥尔语单词韦氏高阶〔creole〕creole dishes such as gumbo 像秋葵浓汤那样的克里奥尔菜肴韦氏高阶〔holy of holies〕the Aldeburgh Festival, the holy of holies in the contemporary British music scene. 奥尔德堡音乐节,当代英国乐坛最神圣的聚会柯林斯高阶〔holy of holies〕the Aldeburgh Festival, the holy of holies in the contemporary British music scene奥尔德堡音乐节, 英国当代音乐的至圣庆典外研社新世纪〔parody〕a witty parody of the Orpheus story 诙谐的奥尔甫斯故事模仿作品麦克米伦高阶〔warehouse〕the warehouse district of New Orleans 新奥尔良的仓储区牛津搭配〔yam〕both from Portuguese and English Creole nyam [to eat] 都源自 葡萄牙语及英国克里奥尔语 nyam [吃] 美国传统




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