

单词 妈的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cry〕a child crying for his mother 一个哭着要妈妈的小孩牛津搭配〔defy〕the only time I dared to defy my mother我敢违抗妈妈的唯一一次外研社新世纪〔dependent〕children who are emotionally dependent on their mothers 感情上依赖妈妈的孩子们韦氏高阶〔drippy〕her drippy boyfriend 她那婆婆妈妈的男朋友牛津高阶〔envy〕his feelings of envy towards his mother他对他妈妈的妒忌之情外研社新世纪〔gospel〕the gospel according to my mom. 我妈妈的为人准则柯林斯高阶〔magazine〕a magazine aimed at mothers with young children 面向宝宝妈妈的杂志牛津搭配〔motherless〕a motherless calf 失去妈妈的小牛韦氏高阶〔motherless〕homes for children who had been left motherless 为没妈的孩子准备的家朗文当代〔namby-pamby〕namby-pamby behaviour 婆婆妈妈的行为英汉大词典〔newness〕the usual exhaustion of a new mother. 刚做妈妈的人通常会有的疲惫感柯林斯高阶〔niggling〕a niggling husband 一个婆婆妈妈的丈夫英汉大词典〔petticoat〕petticoat gossip 婆婆妈妈的闲言碎语英汉大词典〔precious〕jewellery and precious objects belonging to her mother. 她妈妈的珠宝和珍奇物品柯林斯高阶〔unheralded〕an unheralded visit from his aunt 他姨妈的突然到访朗文当代




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