

单词 官兵
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔active〕the active list 现役编制官兵名单英汉大词典〔cadre〕air force and naval cadres 海空军的基干官兵英汉大词典〔cannibalize〕cannibalize a division to form five new battalions 抽调1个师的官兵来新建5个营英汉大词典〔differential〕reduce the differential between officers and the rank and file 缩小官兵之间的军饷级差英汉大词典〔lost〕the lost platoon 阵亡的全排官兵英汉大词典〔officer〕officers and men 官兵英汉大词典〔organize〕officers and men organized into 3 battalions 编成3个营的官兵英汉大词典〔rating〕naval officers and ratings 海军官兵英汉大词典〔rating〕the officers and ratings 官兵文馨英汉〔ration〕decorations all servicemen who served his length of time are given, as they say, with the rations 所有官兵服役满期而获得的所谓吃饷勋章 英汉大词典〔soldier〕both officers and soldiers 官兵们英汉大词典〔unflinching〕the armed forces, all of whom had pledged their unflinching support and loyalty to the government全体官兵一致保证坚决支持并效忠政府外研社新世纪




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