

单词 宗教崇拜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Candomble〕A religion based on African traditions with elements derived from Christianity, practiced chiefly in Brazil.坎多摩宗教崇拜:以非洲传统习俗为基础、带有基督教教义色彩的宗教信仰,主要盛行于巴西美国传统〔Mithraism〕A religious cult of Persian origin, especially popular among the Roman military, that flourished in the late Roman Empire, rivaling Christianity.太阳神崇拜:起源于波斯的宗教崇拜,尤其流行于罗马军队中,盛行于罗马帝国后期,与基督教抗衡美国传统〔RELIGION〕All acts of religious worship were banned. 一切宗教崇拜活动都遭到了禁止。朗文写作活用〔congregant〕One who congregates, especially a member of a group of people gathered for religious worship.召集人:负责招集的人,尤指为宗教崇拜而聚集起来的人美国传统〔congregation〕A group of people gathered for religious worship.集会:一群为宗教崇拜而集合起来的人美国传统〔cultus〕A cult, especially a religious one.宗教崇拜:崇拜,尤指宗教上的崇拜美国传统〔cult〕A system or community of religious worship and ritual.宗教崇拜:宗教崇拜和崇拜仪式的体系或团体美国传统The experience of mystic trance is in a sense analogous to sleep or drunkenness.在某种意义上说,宗教崇拜中的恍忽迷狂状态与睡梦和醉酒状态很相似。剑桥国际




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