

单词 媲美
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕There's never been a jet engine to outclass the Rolls Royce Avon. 还没有一种喷气发动机能与劳斯莱斯埃文发动机相媲美。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕No one has ever equalled her performance as Juliet. 说到饰演朱丽叶这一角色,无人能与她媲美。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The architecture here is equal to anything found in Florence or Rome. 这里的建筑可与佛罗伦萨或罗马的任何建筑物媲美。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The college's facilities rival those of Harvard or Yale. 本学院的设施堪与哈佛或耶鲁相媲美。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The prince built a vast palace, rivalling Versailles in size and opulence. 王子建了一座巨大的宫殿,宫殿的规模和豪华程度堪与凡尔赛宫媲美。朗文写作活用〔acrobatics〕No one could rival his ad-libbed verbal acrobatics.在即兴表达的技巧上没人能与他相媲美。外研社新世纪〔answer〕The Space Needle is Seattle's answer to the Eiffel Tower.西雅图的太空针塔堪与埃菲尔铁塔媲美。朗文当代〔answer〕The new theme park will be Britain's answer to Disneyland.英国新的主题乐园可与迪斯尼乐园媲美。牛津高阶〔approach〕As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.他的诗才很难与弥尔顿媲美。21世纪英汉〔approach〕Few actors approach him in ability.在才华方面很少有演员可与他媲美。英汉大词典〔area〕The hotel has an outdoor area that rivals any Las Vegas hotel.这家旅馆有一个户外区域,可与拉斯维加斯的任何一家旅馆媲美。牛津搭配〔bear〕Sakamoto's soundtrack certainly bears comparison with Angelo Badalamenti's exquisite score for 'Twin Peaks'.坂本的电影配乐无疑可以媲美安吉洛•巴达拉门蒂为《双峰镇》所作的优美配乐。外研社新世纪〔can't hold a candle to〕Her latest book is readable enough, but it can't hold a candle to her earlier work.她最新出版的书有一定的可读性,但不能同早期的作品媲美。剑桥高阶〔candle〕His singing can't hold a candle to Bocelli's.他的演唱无法与波切利媲美。牛津高阶〔comparable〕There are no other scanners even remotely comparable to this in terms of quality of image produced.就扫描出的图像质量而言,没有任何其他扫描仪可以与之媲美。牛津搭配〔comparable〕This dinner is comparable to the best French cooking.这餐饭可与最好的法国烹饪媲美。英汉大词典〔compare〕The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.现在英国葡萄酒的质量可以和德国的相媲美。朗文当代〔compare〕The singer's voice has been compared to that of Elvis.这名歌手的嗓音可与猫王埃尔维斯的嗓音媲美。韦氏高阶〔compare〕This school compares with the best in the country(= it is as good as them).这所学校可与全国最好的学校媲美。牛津高阶〔comparison〕Irving's work bears comparison with the best of the modern novelists.欧文的作品堪与最优秀的现代小说家的作品媲美。朗文当代〔compeer〕As a useful garment the polonaise has no compeer.就实用衣服而言,连衫裙是无可媲美的了。英汉大词典〔compete〕A new dictionary must be very good if it is to compete with the many already in the market.一本新词典必须质量优等才能与市场上现有的许多词典相媲美。英汉大词典〔competition〕He's a great person, but no competition for Chris.他是很棒,但无法和克里斯媲美。麦克米伦高阶〔equal〕Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world.我们的汽车可与世界上任何地方生产的汽车媲美。牛津高阶〔equal〕The architecture here is equal to any in the world.这里的建筑堪与世界上任何同类建筑相媲美。朗文当代〔equal〕The victory equalled Southend's best in history.这次胜利可与绍森德队史上最佳比赛相媲美。外研社新世纪〔few〕I've seen most of his movies. Only a few are as good as his first one.他的电影多数我都看过。只有少数几部能与他的第一部媲美。牛津高阶〔flourish〕There's nothing like a luxurious dessert to give a menu a final flourish .在菜单的最后来一道丰盛的甜点作为压轴,那是无可媲美的。朗文当代〔hub〕As a hub of finance and communications, Paris is now almost equal to London.作为一个金融和交通中心,巴黎现在几乎可媲美伦敦。柯林斯高阶〔nothing〕Julia has a nice house, but it's nothing to Leila's.朱莉娅有栋不错的房子, 但不能与利拉的房子相媲美。外研社新世纪〔ocean〕There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night.鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。外研社新世纪〔ocean〕There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night.鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。柯林斯高阶〔outclass〕Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon.没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。外研社新世纪〔outclass〕Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon.没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。柯林斯高阶〔par〕The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美。剑桥高阶〔par〕We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the MetroCentre.我们要让自己的圣诞装饰品能和地铁购物中心的相媲美。朗文当代〔peer〕As an actor she has few peers.作为演员,很少有人能与她媲美。麦克米伦高阶〔pewter〕It is comparable in quality to the best 18th century pewter.它的质量可与18世纪最好的白镴相媲美。外研社新世纪〔physicality〕There's not another guitarist to rival the sheer physicality of his work.没有任何一个吉他手能与他演奏时的激情相媲美。外研社新世纪〔rank〕This must rank with(= be as good as)the greatest movies ever made.这部影片一定可与史上最优秀的影片相媲美。牛津高阶〔rival〕Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.卡式磁带录音机的音质无法和CD相媲美。柯林斯高阶〔rival〕Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.盒式磁带录音机的音质无法和CD相媲美。外研社新世纪〔rival〕He is a pastry chef without rival.他是一位无人堪与媲美的面点师。外研社新世纪〔rival〕Of all the flowers in the garden few can rival the lily.花园所有的花卉很少有能与百合花媲美的。英汉大词典〔rival〕The company manufactures paper that rivals the world's best.这家公司生产的纸张可与世界顶级产品媲美。韦氏高阶〔rival〕There was no rival to him as a poet.作为诗人,无人可与他媲美。英汉大词典〔rival〕You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps.你看到的景色可与你在阿尔卑斯山所看到的景色相媲美。牛津高阶〔stand alone〕No man could stand alone with him as a writer.作为一名作家,无人可以与他媲美。21世纪英汉〔stand up to〕Somebody said that my short novels could stand up to Mark Twain's.有人说我的短篇小说可以和马克吐温的媲美。21世纪英汉〔stand〕I think these books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens.我认为这些书能和狄更斯的作品相媲美。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕These books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens.这几本书完全可与狄更斯的作品媲美。外研社新世纪〔sublime〕I've never heard anyone who could match the sublimity of her playing.她的演奏精彩绝伦,我从未听过能与之相媲美的。韦氏高阶〔transport〕Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights.德拉蒙德博士觉得自己仿佛被带入了一个可与《天方夜谭》相媲美的世界。外研社新世纪〔transport〕Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights.德拉蒙德博士觉得自己仿佛被带入了一个可与《天方夜谭》相媲美的世界。柯林斯高阶〔vintage〕Many predict 1991 will rival the great vintage of 1965.许多人预测1991年的酿酒葡萄收成可以与1965年的大丰收相媲美。外研社新世纪〔vintage〕Many predict 1991 will rival the great vintage of 1965.许多人预测1991年酿制的葡萄酒可以与1965年生产的佳酿相媲美。柯林斯高阶〔weird〕There is nothing to rival the weird and wonderful things that come out on the Rio streets at carnival time.没有什么可以和狂欢节期间里约热内卢大街上出现的那些奇妙而古怪的东西相媲美。剑桥高阶As a pianist he wasn't very talented, but as a composer he was up there with the best.作为钢琴家他天赋不很高, 但作为作曲家他可与最好的媲美。剑桥国际He was a very great actor -- we won't see his like/(infml) see the like (also likes ) of him again (= there will not be anyone as good as him) .他是一个非常伟大的演员,我们将不可能看到能与他相媲美的演员。剑桥国际Her latest book is enjoyable, but it does not hold a candle to (=is of much lower quality than) her earlier, less commercial work.她最近发表的作品能给人乐趣,但是不能和她以前商业味不太浓的作品相媲美。剑桥国际In my opinion none of the new jazz trumpeters are on a par with (= as good as) the great figures of the 1960s.依我之见,新爵士小号吹奏者没有一位能同60年代的那些大腕们媲美 。剑桥国际Instant coffee doesn't compare with/can't be compared with freshly ground coffee (=fresh coffee is much better).速溶咖啡不能与新鲜磨出的咖啡相媲美。剑桥国际Our products compare favourably with (=are as good as, or better than) all the leading brands.我们的产品可与所有主要品牌相媲美。剑桥国际The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven. 欧文‧伯林的音乐很难与贝多芬的媲美。译典通The sheer amplitude of the novel invites comparisons with Tolstoy and George Eliot.仅是这部小说的恢宏风格就足以与托尔斯泰和乔治·爱略特的作品媲美。剑桥国际




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