单词 | 好象 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔around〕It seemed like someone had been snooping around in my office.好象有人一直在窥探我的办公室。麦克米伦高阶〔balance〕To sway or waver as if losing or regaining equilibrium.犹豫不决:摇摆或晃动,好象失去或恢复平衡美国传统〔bedraggled〕Soiled by or as if by having been dragged through mud.被泥弄脏的或好象在泥中拖过的美国传统〔bind〕To hold or restrain with or as if with bonds.连接:用或好象用绑带结合或固定美国传统〔bite〕To cut, grip, or tear with or as if with the teeth.咬:用牙或好象用牙撕、咬或扯美国传统〔blast〕To knock down or shatter by or as if by explosion; smash.击毁:通过爆炸或好象经过爆炸一样击落或击毁;摧毁美国传统〔blue-pencil〕To edit, revise, or correct with or as if with a blue pencil.用蓝铅笔校订或删改:用蓝铅笔或好象用蓝铅笔核订、校订、修改美国传统〔bolt〕To secure or lock with or as if with a bolt.栓住,锁:用或好象用锁固定或锁住美国传统〔book〕To list or register in or as if in a book.登记,注册:在表中或好象在表中登录下来或列举出来美国传统〔clasp〕To fasten with or as if with a clasp.用扣钩扣紧:用或好象用扣钩扣紧美国传统〔clip〕To fasten with or as if with a clip; hold tightly.夹牢,夹紧:用或好象用夹子固定;紧紧抓住美国传统〔cocoon〕To retreat as if into a cocoon, as for security from a harsh or unfriendly environment.隐蔽:好象撤退到茧中,如在严峻的和非友好的环境中得到安全美国传统〔coif〕To cover with or as if with a coif.戴上压发帽:戴上或好象戴上一种紧套在头上的帽子美国传统〔cornice〕To supply, decorate, or finish with or as if with a cornice.给…装上檐口:用或好象是用檐口来支撑、装饰或冠以檐口或类似檐口的东西美国传统〔couvade〕A practice in certain non-Western cultures in which the husband of a woman in labor takes to his bed as though he were bearing the child.拟娩,假分娩:一些非西方文化中的习俗,丈夫在其妻子分娩时卧床,好象他也在分娩美国传统〔curtain〕To shut off (something) with or as if with a curtain.掩蔽:用帘幕或好象用帘幕隔绝(某物)美国传统〔cycle〕To move in or as if in a cycle.循环:周期地或者好象周期性地运动美国传统〔dab〕To cover lightly with or as if with a moist substance.轻敷:用或者好象用潮湿的物质轻轻地覆盖美国传统〔dispensation〕An exemption or a release from an obligation or a rule, granted by or as if by an authority.免除责任:由官方授权或好象是官方授权的义务或规定的豁免或免除美国传统〔distend〕To cause to expand by or as if by internal pressure; dilate.使膨胀,使肿胀:由内部压力或好象由内部压力而引起膨胀;使肿胀美国传统〔dopey〕Dazed or lethargic, as if drugged.昏昏沉沉的:好象受过麻醉一样昏昏沉沉的或无精打采的美国传统〔duel〕To engage (another) in or as if in formal combat.使(另一人)参加或好象参加决斗美国传统〔encase〕To enclose in or as if in a case.把…装箱或好象装入箱内美国传统〔enfold〕To cover with or as if with folds; envelop.折叠:好象用折页覆盖;封装美国传统〔engirdle〕To encircle or surround with or as if with a girdle.环绕,围绕:用或好象用带子捆扎或环绕美国传统〔enwomb〕To enclose in or as if in a womb.使藏于子宫内,使隐藏:使藏于或好象藏于子宫内美国传统〔excommunicate〕To exclude by or as if by decree from membership or participation in a group.把…逐出:被法令或好象被法令拒绝享有一个组织的会员资格或加入组织美国传统〔ferry〕To cross a body of water on or as if on a ferry.摆渡:乘或好象乘渡船跨过水体美国传统〔film〕To cover with or as if with a film.在…上覆以薄膜:覆以或好象覆以薄膜美国传统〔floating〕Buoyed on or suspended in or as if in a fluid.漂浮的:是或好象是浮在或悬在液体中的美国传统〔flush〕The act of cleaning or rinsing by or as if by flushing.冲洗:用或好象用急流清洁或冲冼的行为美国传统〔fog〕To be covered with or as if with fog.为雾笼罩:被或好象被烟雾掩盖美国传统〔gold brick〕A bar of gilded cheap metal that appears to be genuine gold.假金砖:镀金的廉价金属条,看上去好象是真的金条美国传统〔halter〕To control with or as if with a halter.用或好象用缰绳控制美国传统〔hedge〕To enclose or bound with or as if with hedges.用树篱围住:用树篱或者好象用树篱围绕或围住美国传统〔hedge〕To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.围住,包围:用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍美国传统〔hop〕To stimulate with or as if with a narcotic.用或好象用毒品进行刺激美国传统〔immerge〕To submerge or disappear in or as if in a liquid.沉浸:淹没或消失在液体中或好象在液体中美国传统〔immure〕To confine within or as if within walls; imprison.监禁:困在房间内或好象困在房间内;监禁美国传统〔impale〕To render helpless as if by impaling.使陷入困境:好象通过刺使陷于无助的境地美国传统〔impearl〕To adorn with or as if with pearls.用或好象用珍珠装饰美国传统〔imprison〕To put in or as if in prison; confine.束缚;禁锢:关进或好象关进监狱;禁锢美国传统〔inflated〕Filled or expanded by or as if by gas or air.充了气的:用或好象用空气或其他气体填充或扩大的美国传统〔instar〕To stud with or as if with stars.用或好象用星点缀美国传统〔interlace〕To connect by or as if by lacing together; interweave.使交错:通过(或好象)交织连接在一起;使交织美国传统〔knead〕To make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands.揉捏般形成:通过或好象通过用手折叠、挤压,和拉扯而制成或成型美国传统〔lace〕To trim or decorate with or as if with lace.装饰缀边:用或好象用花边来装饰或点缀美国传统〔lade〕To place (something) as a load for or as if for shipment.装船:把(某物)当作货物装或好象装上船美国传统〔lampoon〕To ridicule or satirize in or as if in a lampoon.嘲讽:用讽刺作品或好象用讽刺作品嘲弄或讽刺美国传统〔light〕To signal, direct, or guide with or as if with illumination.引导:用照明或好象利用照亮作信号、引导或指导美国传统〔mumble〕To chew food slowly or ineffectively, as if with the gums.抿着嘴嚼:好象是用牙床慢慢地咀嚼食物美国传统〔nettle〕To sting with or as if with a nettle.刺:用或好象用荨麻刺美国传统〔network〕To cover with or as if with an openwork fabric or structure.覆以网路:用或好象用网眼织物或结构覆盖美国传统〔outstare〕To overcome by or as if by staring; stare down.以目光压倒:以或好象以目光压倒;逼视得…不敢再对视下去美国传统〔padlock〕To lock up with or as if with a padlock.用挂锁链上:用或好象用挂锁锁上美国传统〔pavilion〕To put in or as if in a pavilion.置入:放置或好象放置于帐篷或亭榭内美国传统〔pearl〕To decorate or cover with or as if with pearls.用珍珠镶嵌:用珍珠或好象用珍珠装饰或镶嵌美国传统〔pierce〕To cut or pass through with or as if with a sharp instrument; stab or penetrate.刺入,刺穿:用或好象用尖锐工具切入或穿过;刺穿或刺入美国传统〔pinprick〕A slight puncture made by or as if by a pin.针孔,小孔:用针或好象用针戳的小孔美国传统〔pounce〕To seize with or as if with talons.用爪抓住:用爪攫取或好象用爪攫取美国传统〔powdery〕Dusted or covered with or as if with powder.布满粉状物的:撒以粉末的,覆盖着或好象覆盖着粉末的美国传统〔print〕To produce by means of pressed type on a paper surface, with or as if with a printing press.印刷字体:用或好象用印刷机通过压制的模子在纸上印制出美国传统〔prong〕To pierce with or as if with a thin, pointed, projecting part.刺:用或好象用窄而尖的突出物刺美国传统〔proverbial〕Widely referred to, as if the subject of a proverb; famous.出名的:被广泛地提到的,好象谚语的主题一样;著名的美国传统〔radiate〕Botany Having rays or raylike parts, as in the flower heads of daisies.【植物学】 有放射状部分的:有或好象有放射状的部分的,如雏菊的头状花序美国传统〔range〕To pass over or through an area or a region in or as if in exploration.搜寻:小心翼翼地经过或穿越某个地方或好象在探测美国传统〔register〕To indicate on or as if on an instrument or a scale.指示,自动记录:在或好象在器具或标尺上显示美国传统〔rivet〕To fasten or secure with or as if with a rivet.用铆钉固定,铆接:用或好象用铆钉扣紧某或固定美国传统〔rub〕To obliterate by or as if by rubbing.擦掉,磨掉:通过或好象通过摩擦去掉美国传统〔run〕Stinginess seems to run in that family.那一家好象一直很吝啬美国传统〔sandpaper〕To rub with or as if with sandpaper.打磨:用或好象用砂纸打磨美国传统〔sand〕To sprinkle or cover with or as if with sand.洒以沙:用或好象用沙子洒或覆盖美国传统〔scoop〕To take up or dip into with or as if with a scoop.舀:用或好象用勺盛或舀美国传统〔scotch〕A block or wedge used as a prop behind or under an object likely to roll.楔子:作为一支撑物放在好象要滚动的物体后面或下面的石头或楔形物美国传统〔scream〕To utter or say in or as if in a screaming voice.尖声地说:尖叫着或好象尖叫着做声或说美国传统〔screech〕To utter in or as if in a screech.尖叫:尖声的或好象尖声的叫美国传统〔scroll〕An ornament or ornamental design that resembles a partially rolled scroll of paper, as the volute in Ionic and Corinthian capitals.涡卷形装饰:一种涡卷形装饰,就好象部分成轴的纸卷,很象古希腊爱奥尼亚式、科林斯式柱头上的螺旋饰美国传统〔seam〕To put together with or as if with a seam.缝合:用或好象用线缝在一起美国传统〔seem〕The child seems healthy, but the doctor is concerned.这个孩子看来好象很健康,但医生很焦虑美国传统〔seethe〕To churn and foam as if boiling.沸腾,涌动:好象在沸腾一样翻腾和冒泡美国传统〔see〕To apprehend as if with the eye.了解:好象用眼睛理解美国传统〔see〕To have the power to perceive with or as if with the eye.看得见:具有用眼睛或好象用眼睛观察的能力美国传统〔shoulder〕To make one's way by or as if by shoving obstacles with one's shoulders.用肩部推挤前进:用或好象用肩膀移开障碍物以使某人的道路畅通美国传统〔shy〕To move suddenly, as if startled; start.受惊:突然移动,好象受惊吓一般;惊动美国传统〔skim〕To coat or cover with or as if with a thin layer, as of scum.使盖上一层薄层:用或好象用一薄层东西在…表面盖上或覆上,如浮渣美国传统〔sledgehammer〕To strike with or as if with a sledgehammer.用大锤敲打:用或好象用长柄大锤敲打美国传统〔spellbound〕Entranced by or as if by a spell; fascinated.被符咒镇住的,好象被符咒镇住的;被迷住的美国传统〔stagger〕To move or stand unsteadily, as if under a great weight; totter.蹒跚:行动不便或者站立不稳,好象是被重物压迫着;摇晃美国传统〔straitjacket〕To restrain, restrict, or hinder by or as if by confining in a straitjacket.约束:用或好象用给…穿拘束衣的方式限制,束缚或阻止…美国传统〔there〕There seems to be a blueberry pie cooking in the kitchen.厨房里好象正在做越橘果排 。美国传统〔transfix〕To pierce with or as if with a pointed weapon.刺穿:用或好象用带尖的武器刺穿美国传统〔wallpaper〕To cover with or as if with wallpaper.用(或好象用)壁纸盖住美国传统〔zippered〕Closed or fastened with or as if with a zipper.用拉链扣紧或锁住的:用或好象用拉链锁住或扣紧的美国传统〔zoom〕To simulate such a movement, as by means of a zoom lens.好象用变焦镜头推近或拉远美国传统A former member of the police force, he seemed to get sexual gratification from beating people up.以前曾是一名警察的他好象从毒打别人中得到性满足。剑桥国际He goggled at her as if she'd said something very strange.他瞪大眼睛看着她,好象她说了什么奇怪的事情。剑桥国际I can't seem to get to grips with this problem (= understand it correctly).我好象不能正确理解这个问题。剑桥国际I felt as though all the romance had gone out of my marriage.我觉得好象所有的浪漫情调都已经离开了我的婚姻。剑桥国际It's a bit of trick photography -- she's meant to look like she's walking on water.这摄影用了点特技----她是要被看上去好象正行走在水上。剑桥国际We've only been here two days, but it seems like a lifetime.我们虽然只在这儿呆了两天,但已好象是度过了漫长的一生。剑桥国际 |
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