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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEVELOP〕Many scientists now believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. 现在有许多科学家相信鸟类是由恐龙进化而来的。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕A good many scientists were opposed to the use of the bomb. 许多科学家反对使用原子弹。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Many scientists presumed the new damage to the forests to be the result of higher levels of pollution. 许多科学家相信森林遭到新的破坏是污染程度加剧导致的结果。朗文写作活用〔across〕Teachers are expected to teach a range of subjects right across the curriculum.要求教师能够教授课程里的很多科目。朗文当代〔across〕We need to test students' ability across a wide range of subjects.我们需要测试学生在许多科目上的能力。麦克米伦高阶〔being〕Strange beings from outer space are still a popular subject for sci-fi movies.外星人仍是许多科幻电影流行的主题。剑桥高阶〔confuse〕She was confused by many of the scientific terms in the article.她被文章中许多科学术语弄糊涂了。韦氏高阶〔cover〕An encyclopedia covers many subjects.百科全书的内容涉及许多科目。牛津同义词〔defund〕Many research projects were defunded by the recent government cutbacks.由于最近政府削减开支,许多科研项目的资助全被撤消了。21世纪英汉〔discovery〕Leonardo made many scientific discoveries.莱昂纳多有许多科学发现。剑桥高阶〔dismissive〕Many scientists are dismissive of a link between mobile phones and cancer.许多科学家对使用移动电话与患癌症有关联的说法不屑一顾。麦克米伦高阶〔hero〕Einstein is the all-time hero of many scientists.爱因斯坦是众多科学家心中无与伦比的英雄。牛津搭配〔if〕Many, if not most, scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings.许多科学论文,即便不是大多数,都是以口头形式在科学会议上发表的。柯林斯高阶〔metaphysical〕A lot of scientists don't like discussing metaphysical matters.很多科学家不喜欢讨论形而上学的东西。朗文当代〔multiversity〕A university that has numerous constituent and affiliated institutions, such as separate colleges, campuses, and research centers.多科大学:有许多组成部分或分支机构组成的大学,比如多个独立的大学、学院和研究中心美国传统〔polyclinic〕A clinic, hospital, or health care facility that treats various types of diseases and injuries.综合性医院,多科联合诊所:治疗各种类型的疾病和创伤的诊所、医院或保健设施美国传统〔remain〕Many scientists remain unconvinced by the current evidence.很多科学家还是不信服现有的证据。朗文当代〔research〕This is a subject into which many scientists have researched with no result.这是一个虽经很多科学家研究过但尚无结果的课题。21世纪英汉〔roll call〕The policy is supported by an impressive roll call of scientists.这项政策得到了众多科学家的联名支持。韦氏高阶〔theorize〕Many scientists have theorized about/on the possibility of life on other planets.许多科学家从理论上说明了其他星球存在生命的可能性。韦氏高阶〔validate〕Many scientists plan to wait until the results of the study are validated by future research.许多科学家计划等到调查结果被今后的研究证实了以后再作定论。朗文当代Leonardo made many scientific discoveries.列奥纳多(即达·芬奇)作出许多科学发现。剑桥国际Many scientists accept the theory that the universe is growing larger. 许多科学家接受这样的看法:宇宙在不断增大。译典通So much scientific research is being performed that it's virtually impossible to keep up ( with all the new developments).那么多科学研究正在进行,要跟上所有新的发展实际上不可能的。剑桥国际Strange beings from another planet/outer space are still a popular subject for many sci-fi films.外星人/太空人仍是许多科幻电影流行的主题。剑桥国际




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