

单词 at large
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ESCAPE〕Carillo's murderer remained at large yesterday as investigators continued their search. 昨天,杀害卡里洛的凶手仍然逍遥法外,而探员在继续搜捕。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕At large conferences speakers have to work harder to hold people's attention than at smaller ones. 大型会议上的发言人需要比在小型会上付出更大的努力来抓住听众的注意力。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕In circulation; at large.四下流传的(地);大规模的(地)美国传统〔at large〕This group is not representative of the population at large.这个团体不是全体人民的代表。剑桥高阶〔be at large〕Twelve prisoners are at large following a series of escapes.一连串的越狱事件发生后,12名犯人目前依然逍遥法外。剑桥高阶〔corporate〕Initially the service is being aimed at large corporates.最初这项服务是针对大公司的。外研社新世纪〔culture〕Prisoners are isolated from the wider culture of society at large.囚犯与社会隔绝,接触不到更为广泛的文化。牛津搭配〔estimate〕The results of the survey were used to estimate the preferences of the population at large.调查结果已用于估计公众的大致喜好。牛津搭配〔large〕A third, unidentified person remains at large.身份尚未确认的第三人仍逍遥法外。麦克米伦高阶〔large〕Aldermen are voted for at large.市政委员会委员由全市公民投票选举。英汉大词典〔large〕Amongst the population at large the support for the present regime is virtually zero.在一般大众中,支持现政权的人数几乎是零。柯林斯高阶〔large〕Amongst the population at large the support for the present regime is virtually zero.人民大众对现政权的支持率几乎为零。外研社新世纪〔large〕He scatters imputations at large.他任意散布流言蜚语。英汉大词典〔large〕He talked at large about his plans.他详尽地谈了自己的打算。英汉大词典〔large〕Her killer is still at large.杀害她的凶手仍然逍遥法外。牛津高阶〔large〕I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote.我看要使改革方案得到社会的广泛认可,机会还很渺茫。柯林斯高阶〔large〕Recently there has been unrest in the country at large.近来全国发生了动乱。英汉大词典〔large〕The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population at large.化学污染对全人类造成了威胁。朗文当代〔large〕The escaped murderer is still at large.逃逸的杀人犯仍逍遥法外。英汉大词典〔large〕The escaped prisoners are still at large.越狱囚犯依然在逃。朗文当代〔large〕The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.那个企图雇凶杀她的男子仍然在逃。柯林斯高阶〔large〕The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.那个企图谋杀她的人仍然在逃。外研社新世纪〔large〕The people at large want peace.大多数人要求和平。英汉大词典〔large〕The virus is still at large.这种病毒尚在蔓延。英汉大词典〔large〕We have always tried to provide the public at large with accurate information.我们总是设法给全体民众提供准确信息。麦克米伦高阶〔nation〕The new economic policies were in the best interests of the nation at large.新的经济政策符合国家的整体利益。牛津搭配〔percolate〕Gossip percolated through the country at large.全国各地都传得沸沸扬扬。英汉大词典〔populace〕The populace at large is/are opposed to sudden change.民众普遍反对突然的改变。牛津高阶〔price〕He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities.尽管当局悬赏重金缉拿他,他仍旧逍遥法外。柯林斯高阶〔price〕He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities.虽然当局悬赏重金缉拿, 他仍然逍遥法外。外研社新世纪〔probation officer〕An official charged with supervising convicts at large on suspended sentence or probation.监督缓刑犯官员:负责监督已获缓刑或监查罪犯的官员美国传统〔prove〕As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。柯林斯高阶〔prove〕As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。外研社新世纪〔recidivism〕Six prisoners are still at large along with four dangerous recidivists.4个危险的惯犯和其他6名犯人仍然在逃。柯林斯高阶〔roam〕The murderer roamed at large.杀人犯逍遥法外。英汉大词典〔society〕Health standards have risen in society at large.社会整体的健康水平已经提高。牛津搭配〔standing〕But, as the opinion poll shows, the party's standing with the people at large has never been so low.但是民意调查显示,该党在公众中的支持率从未这么低过。柯林斯高阶A few years ago there was unrest in the country at large. 几年前全国发生了动乱。译典通Abortion is an important issue which needs to be debated by society at large (= by the whole of society together) and not just by politicians.堕胎是重要问题,需要整个社会而不仅仅是政治家们讨论。剑桥国际Sometimes we think our job is hard, but in the world at large many people have much more unpleasant things to do.有时我们认为我们的工作很艰难,但是在世人中,许多人还有更不如意的事情要做。剑桥国际The escaped criminal is still at large. 逃走的罪犯仍逍遥法外。译典通The police are now looking for a serial killer at large. 警察目前正在寻找一位在逃的连环杀手。译典通The slayer is still at large. 凶手仍逍遥法外。译典通Twelve prisoners are at large (= free when they should not be) following a series of escapes.在一系列越狱行动之后,十二名犯人在逃(逍遥法外)。剑桥国际




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