

单词 大猎犬
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Afghan hound〕A large, slender hunting dog having long, thick hair, a pointed muzzle, and drooping ears.阿富汗猎犬:一种体型修长的大猎犬,毛长而浓密,嘴部突起,耳朵低垂美国传统〔German shorthaired pointer〕Any of a breed of medium to large sporting and hunting dog, developed in Germany and having a short, smooth coat with white and reddish to tan markings.德国短毛大猎犬:一种中型到大型的运动或猎用狗,生长于德国并有短而光滑的皮毛及白和红到黄褐色的斑纹美国传统〔bloodhound〕One of a breed of hounds with a smooth coat, drooping ears, sagging jowls, and a keen sense of smell.大猎犬,大警犬:一种猎犬,皮毛光滑、耳朵下垂、下颚下陷、具有敏锐的嗅觉美国传统〔elkhound〕The Norwegian elkhound.北欧大猎犬:挪威猎犬美国传统Certain kinds of dogs, such as bloodhounds, have heavy jowls (= loose folds of skin and flesh on the lower parts of their faces).有几种犬,比如大猎犬,有很厚的垂肉。剑桥国际




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