

单词 大炮
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔artillery〕a piece of artillery 一门大炮英汉大词典〔bark〕the bark of artillery 大炮的轰击声英汉大词典〔belch〕cannon belching at the enemy 向着敌人猛轰的大炮英汉大词典〔blast〕blast open the front gate with a cannon 用大炮轰开前门英汉大词典〔boom〕the boom of big guns.大炮的轰隆声。牛津同义词〔bored〕large-bored guns 大口径大炮英汉大词典〔bristle〕a battleship bristling with guns 布满大炮的战舰朗文当代〔dismount〕dismount a gun from the gun carriage 从炮架上卸下大炮英汉大词典〔dispose of〕to dispose of big guns补充大炮21世纪英汉〔employment〕the employment of artillery in the capture of the town 在攻城时使用大炮牛津高阶〔gallop〕gallop the guns to the front 把大炮迅速运往前方英汉大词典〔haughty〕the haughty voices of the cannon 大炮威严的轰鸣 英汉大词典〔heavy〕government militia backed by tanks and heavy artillery. 以坦克和重型大炮为后盾的政府国民军柯林斯高阶〔heavy〕the heavy roar of cannon 大炮的隆隆轰鸣英汉大词典〔infrared〕searching with infrared scanners for weapons and artillery. 用红外扫描仪搜索武器与大炮柯林斯高阶〔loose cannon〕a politician who is regarded as a loose cannon by her colleagues 被她的同僚认为是乱放大炮的政客韦氏高阶〔overcharge〕overcharge a battery给电池充电过量overcharge a gun 给大炮装填弹药过多英汉大词典〔pounder〕an eighteen-pounder 发射十八磅炮弹的大炮牛津高阶〔prime〕prime a musket (cannon) 为滑膛枪(大炮)装火药英汉大词典〔projection〕the projection of a shell from a cannon 大炮炮弹的发射英汉大词典〔range〕a gun that ranges five miles 射程5英里的大炮 英汉大词典〔range〕stay out of (或 beyond) (the) range of big guns 呆在大炮射程之外 英汉大词典〔recast〕recast a gun into a big bell 把一尊大炮改铸为一口大钟英汉大词典〔repercussion〕the repercussion of a cannon 大炮的反冲英汉大词典〔shoot〕a stunt in which she was shot from a cannon 她从大炮被射出的特技表演韦氏高阶〔thunder〕the thunder of big guns 大炮的隆隆轰击声英汉大词典〔wad〕wad a gun 把填弹塞塞入大炮英汉大词典




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