

单词 容纳
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔capacity〕a concert hall with a seating capacity of 800 能容纳800名听众的音乐厅麦克米伦高阶〔diner〕a restaurant capable of seating 100 diners 可容纳 100 人就餐的餐馆牛津高阶〔enlarged〕the plan to enlarge Ewood Park into a 30,000 all-seater stadium. 将伊伍德公园球场扩建成能容纳3万座席的体育场的计划柯林斯高阶〔fuse〕fuse dissenting elements into a party 在党内容纳持异见分子英汉大词典〔harbor〕a basement that harbors a maze of pipes; streams that harbor trout and bass. 容纳纵横管道的建筑物底部;为鳟鱼和鲑鱼提供栖息地的溪流美国传统〔overflow〕house the overflow of the museum's collection in another building 把博物馆容纳不下的藏品收藏在另一所房子里英汉大词典〔parking〕parking for 300 cars 可容纳 300 辆车的停车场牛津搭配〔receive〕a cave large enough to receive fifty persons 足可容纳50人的一个大山洞英汉大词典〔receive〕a tank that receives rainwater. 容纳雨水的水槽美国传统〔riser〕a portable riser adequate for a full orchestra 足以容纳整整一个管弦乐队的活动平台英汉大词典〔seating〕a seating capacity 座位数;容纳能力文馨英汉〔seat〕to be seated for 80,000可容纳八万人21世纪英汉〔stabling〕stabling for 6 horses 可容纳六匹马的马厩文馨英汉〔tolerance〕tolerance of others’ opinions.容纳别人的意见。牛津同义词〔twenty〕space for twenty people 可容纳20个人的空间剑桥高阶




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