

单词 定长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bolt〕A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.一匹:有一定长度的,尤指当其从织机上卸下来时的一卷布美国传统〔grow〕She must have grown at least four inches since I saw her last.自从我上次见到她之后,她肯定长高了至少4英寸。麦克米伦高阶〔lumber〕Timber sawed into boards, planks, or other structural members of standard or specified length.木材:锯成标准的或特定长度的木板、板条或其他建筑材料的木材美国传统〔novel〕A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters.小说:虚构的叙述性文章,有一定长度,特别有通过行为,语言,人物思想展开的情节美国传统〔ode〕A lyric poem of some length, usually of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanzaic structure.颂,歌:一首有一定长度的抒情诗,通常具有庄重或思考的性质,风格严肃和有正式的诗节结构美国传统〔pew〕One of the long, fixed benches with backs that are arranged in rows for the seating of a congregation in church.教堂长椅:教堂里为集会而设的一种成行排列的带靠背的固定长椅美国传统〔sarong〕A skirt consisting of a length of brightly colored cloth wrapped about the waist that is worn by men and women in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Pacific islands.莎笼:一种用一定长度的颜色鲜艳的布做成的缠在腰部裙子上的男女服装,主要流行于马来西亚、印度尼西亚和太平洋岛屿美国传统〔square〕Having a specified length in each of two equal dimensions.平方的:两个相等量度中每一个都有一个特定长度的美国传统〔term paper〕A lengthy piece of written work required of a student on a topic drawn from the subject matter of a course of study.学期论文:要求学生写的从一门课程选出一个主题而写的有一定长度的论文美国传统〔want〕It wants one inch of the regulation length.离规定长度还差1英寸。英汉大词典We use strategic planning to set long-term goals and short-term agendas.我们利用策略规划确定长期目标和短期工作安排。牛津商务




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