

单词 bearings
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOST〕I was trying to get to the A22 and lost my bearings a bit in all the country lanes. 我想去A22公路,但是这么多条乡间小路,我有点找不到方向了。朗文写作活用〔LOST〕She soon lost her bearings in the dense forest. 她很快就在这片密林中迷失了方向。朗文写作活用〔arm〕Heraldry Bearings.【纹章学】 图案美国传统〔bearing〕A sightseeing tour of the city is included to help you get your bearings.市区观光游也包含在内,帮助你熟悉一下这里的情况。柯林斯高阶〔bearing〕An introduction session helps new students get their bearings.介绍会可以帮助新生摸清自己的方向。朗文当代〔bearing〕An oil seal was replaced, along with both front wheel bearings.换了一个油封和两个前轮轴承。柯林斯高阶〔bearing〕Everything was in darkness and it was difficult to get my bearings.周围一片漆黑,很难弄清我的方位。牛津搭配〔bearing〕Father took bearings off the lighthouse.父亲用灯塔做参照物测量方位。外研社新世纪〔bearing〕He checked his bearings on the map in the car.他在车里查看了一下自己在地图上的位置。牛津搭配〔bearing〕He paused to get his bearings.他停下来看自己是在哪里。朗文当代〔bearing〕He took a moment to regain his bearings.他用了一点儿时间重新认清了方向。牛津搭配〔bearing〕How badly the administration had lost its bearings was underlined by what happened yesterday.管理之差从昨天发生的事情就可见一斑了。柯林斯高阶〔bearing〕I completely lost my bearings in the dark.我在黑暗中完全迷失了方向。朗文当代〔bearing〕I lost my bearings and ended up at the entrance again.我迷了路,最终又回到入口处。麦克米伦高阶〔bearing〕I lost my bearings in the fog.我在雾里迷失了方向。牛津同义词〔bearing〕I wandered around for a while, getting my bearings.我徘徊了一会,设法辨明自己所处的位置。英汉大词典〔bearing〕It takes a while to get your bearings when you start a new job.刚开始干一份工作时,需要花一段时间才能适应新环境。剑桥高阶〔bearing〕It took her a moment to get her bearings in the dark.她过了一会儿才在黑暗中确定了自己的方位。麦克米伦高阶〔bearing〕Keeping your bearings in a sandstorm is impossible.在沙尘暴中要想保持方位感是不可能的。牛津搭配〔bearing〕Our course for new employees will help you get/find your bearings at work.我们为新员工提供的课程有助于你们熟悉工作环境。韦氏高阶〔bearing〕She lost her bearings in the thick forest.她在茂密的森林里迷了路。牛津搭配〔bearing〕The pilot radioed his bearings.机师用无线电报告了自己的方位。英汉大词典〔bearing〕The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times.路况非常复杂,以至于我们不得不停下来好几次以确定方位。剑桥高阶〔bearing〕The ship lost its bearings in the fog.这艘船在雾中迷失了方向。韦氏高阶〔bearing〕They lost their bearings in the dark.他们在黑暗中迷路了。剑桥高阶〔bearing〕They were waking up from a sleep and still didn't have their bearings.他们刚从睡梦中醒来,还没有弄清自己身在何处。英汉大词典〔bearing〕We must consider the matter in all its bearings.我们必须从各方面考虑这一问题。英汉大词典〔blazonry〕The art of properly and accurately describing or representing armorial bearings.恰当正确地描述或描绘纹章的艺术美国传统〔coat of arms〕A representation of bearings.徽章象征美国传统〔coat of arms〕A tabard or surcoat blazoned with bearings.战袍:用纹章装饰的纹章战袍或外衣美国传统〔coat of arms〕An arrangement of bearings, usually depicted on and around a shield, that indicates ancestry and distinctions.盾形纹章:表示家世和级别的徽章配置,通常在铠装上并环绕徽章雕出美国传统〔grease gun〕A hand-powered pump used to force grease under pressure into bearings.滑脂枪,黄油枪:一种用压力将滑脂压入轴承的手动泵美国传统〔grease〕You'll have to put some grease on those ball bearings.你得往滚珠轴承上涂些油。剑桥高阶〔heraldry〕A branch of knowledge dealing with the history and description in proper terms of armorial bearings and their accessories.纹章学:一门关于纹章及其附件的历史和描述的学问美国传统〔journal box〕A housing in a machine enclosing a journal and its bearings.轴(颈)箱:机械中保护轴颈及其轴承的外壳美国传统〔laminar flow〕Nonturbulent flow of a viscous fluid in layers near a boundary, as that of lubricating oil in bearings.层流:粘滞性流体在固体边界附近的非湍流,如轴承里的润滑油美国传统〔oil〕He oiled the bearings of the machine.他给机器的轴承上了润滑油。韦氏高阶〔orient〕To determine the bearings of.确定方向美国传统〔pelorus〕A fixed compass card on which bearings relative to a ship's heading are taken.罗经刻度盘,哑罗经:一种标有船的航向的固定罗经刻度盘美国传统〔rockshaft〕A shaft that oscillates or rocks upon its bearings but does not revolve.摇臂轴:一种在轴承上来回摆动或摇动但不绕转的轴美国传统〔run〕The car ran downhill. The drawer runs on small bearings.汽车驶向下坡。抽屉有一点推力就滑动美国传统〔tachymeter〕A surveying instrument used for the rapid determination of distances, elevations, and bearings.速测仪:一种用来迅速测定距离、高度和方位的测量仪器美国传统〔traverse〕The gun traverses smoothly on its bearings.大炮在支座上旋转自如。21世纪英汉〔wear〕The wheel bearings have worn over the years, which is what's causing the noise.轮子的轴承多年来已经磨损,这就是产生噪声的原因。剑桥高阶The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get/find/take our bearings (= discover our exact position) several times.公路网如此复杂,我们不得不停下好几次确定方位。剑桥国际The sailors lost their bearings last night. 昨夜水手们迷失了方向。译典通The wheel bearings have worn over the years, which is what's causing the noise.车轮的轴承经过多年已经磨损了,这就是引起噪音的原因。剑桥国际They lost their bearings (= did not know where they were) in the dark.他们在黑暗中迷失了方向。剑桥国际This question must be considered in all its bearings. 这个问题必须从各方面加以考虑。译典通We took a set of bearings.我们测了几组方位。剑桥国际You'll have to put some grease on those ball bearings.你得在那些滚珠轴承上涂些滑脂。剑桥国际




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