

单词 孤岛
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔die of〕He was dying of boredom in the isolated island.他独处于孤岛之中觉得乏味得要死。21世纪英汉〔hull down〕Having stayed at a small isolated island for about a month, I saw a vessel heave in sight, hull down.在一个小孤岛呆了将近一个月后,我终于看见一艘轮船驶入视线,可以看到船的桅杆了。21世纪英汉〔island〕No nation can be an industrial island.没有哪个国家能成为一个(不与外界交往的)工业孤岛。英汉大词典〔island〕They go to drive-in movies, and sit islanded in a sea of fornication.他们驱车至露天影院看电影,宛若置身于情欲横流之洋的孤岛上。英汉大词典〔live on〕He lives on a lonely island.他住在一座孤岛上。21世纪英汉〔maroon〕He was marooned by mutineers with only a week's supply of food.叛变的水手们把他放逐到孤岛上,只给留下一周的食物。英汉大词典〔nowhere〕This is an island, a world out in nowhere.这是一个孤岛,一片蛮荒的世界。英汉大词典〔relegate〕Anyone who offended against the King used to be relegated to a distant lonely island.从前,凡触犯国王者往往被流放到遥远的孤岛。英汉大词典The story tells the adventures of a group of shipwrecked sailors living on a desert island.这个故事讲述了一群遭受海难的水手们住在一个孤岛上的历险记。剑桥国际




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