

单词 季节
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔allergy〕the beginning of the allergy season 过敏季节的开始牛津搭配〔blow〕constantly blowing his nose in allergy season. 在过敏的季节不断地擤他的鼻子美国传统〔coming〕the coming season; a coming report on arms limitation. 下一个季节;限制军备的即将到来的报告美国传统〔contraseasonal〕a contraseasonal rise (drop) in the price of eggs 蛋品价格违反季节常规的上涨(下跌)英汉大词典〔depth〕in the depths of winter(= when it is coldest) 在隆冬季节牛津高阶〔dry〕a dry spell/season 干旱期;枯水季节韦氏高阶〔early〕early in the season. 季节之初柯林斯高阶〔early〕early in the season季节之初外研社新世纪〔forwardness〕the forwardness of the season 季节的提早到来英汉大词典〔grass〕a horse five years old next grass 到下一个长草季节满5岁的一匹马英汉大词典〔harvest〕harvest time 收获季节牛津高阶〔heated〕the heated term 炎热季节 英汉大词典〔infestation〕a seasonal infestation of trade fairs and conventions商品交易会和商贸会议的季节性侵扰外研社新世纪〔lambing〕the lambing season. 产羔季节柯林斯高阶〔lamb〕the lambing season 产羊羔的季节朗文当代〔last〕hoped to last the season without injuring her leg again. 希望她能够挺过这个季节,不要再弄伤腿了美国传统〔mating〕the mating season 交配季节牛津高阶〔migrant〕a migrant worker 农业季节工人英汉大词典〔migrant〕a seasonal migrant population 季节性流动人口剑桥高阶〔migration〕seasonal migration 季节性迁徙牛津高阶〔migration〕the seasonal migration of birds 鸟的季节性迁徙牛津搭配〔mosquitoey〕the mosquitoey seasons 多蚊季节英汉大词典〔pick〕the picking season (果实等的)采收季节英汉大词典〔plenty〕a season of plenty 收获季节韦氏高阶〔regularity〕the regularity of the seasons 季节交替的规律性韦氏高阶〔rhythm〕the seasonal rhythm of the agricultural year农耕年的季节性外研社新世纪〔rolling〕the rolling seasons 循环的季节英汉大词典〔rutting〕the rutting season 发情交配季节剑桥高阶〔seasonable〕seasonable temperatures 符合季节的气温朗文当代〔seasonally〕bird migrations that occur seasonally 鸟类的季节性迁徙朗文当代〔seasonal〕the seasonal migration of birds 鸟的季节性迁徙英汉大词典〔season〕blueberry season 蓝莓的收获季节韦氏高阶〔season〕the cricket/hunting/shooting, etc. season 板球赛季、狩猎季节等牛津高阶〔shooting〕the shooting season 狩猎季节英汉大词典〔unchangeable〕the unchangeable seasons. 无法改变的季节美国传统〔unseasonable〕an unseasonable snowstorm 不合季节的暴风雪英汉大词典〔variation〕regional/seasonal variation(= depending on the region or time of year) 地区性╱季节性变化牛津高阶〔vintage〕the vintage time (activities) in the vineyards 葡萄园的采收葡萄酿酒季节(工作)英汉大词典〔wonder〕a performance that was the sensation of the season. 季节激情的展现 美国传统seasonal variations in unemployment figures 失业数字的季节性变化牛津商务




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