

单词 太多的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EAT〕someone who eats too much 吃得太多的人朗文写作活用〔EAT〕when you have eaten enough or too much food 吃够了,或吃太多的食物朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕a government that controls people's lives too much 对人民的生活控制得太多的政府朗文写作活用〔TALK〕someone who talks a lot or too much 说话很多或太多的人朗文写作活用〔USE〕words, remarks, ideas etc that have been used too much 用得太多的词语、评论、想法等朗文写作活用〔ask〕ask too many questions. 问太多的问题。美国传统〔hat〕various problems, including too many people wearing too many hats. 各种问题,包括有太多的人身兼多职柯林斯高阶〔hat〕various problems, including too many people wearing too many hats各种问题, 包括有太多的人身兼多职外研社新世纪〔modest〕a modest bank account 存款不太多的银行账户英汉大词典〔overdose〕a sugar overdose 太多的糖韦氏高阶〔squash〕to squash too many things into one's bag把太多的东西塞进某人的包里21世纪英汉〔talky〕a talky, boring play. 一个对白太多的令人生厌的戏美国传统




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