

单词 大树
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-shaped〕large, heart-shaped leaves. 心形的大树叶柯林斯高阶〔atop〕tall trees with clusters of coconuts atop 顶上结有簇簇椰子的高大树木英汉大词典〔cathedral〕tall trees whose branches met to form cathedral arches over the path. 枝叶交织在道路上方形成了类似教堂穹顶的高大树木美国传统〔domain〕the domain of rushing streams, tall trees and lakes 有激流、大树和湖泊的地区英汉大词典〔drag〕drag a great branch along 拖着一根大树枝前进 英汉大词典〔extend〕the big tree that extends out over the small house小房子顶上伸出的一棵大树21世纪英汉〔flank〕a road flanked with tall trees 两侧植有大树的路英汉大词典〔full-grown〕full-grown animals/trees 成年动物/大树韦氏高阶〔high〕tall trees; 大树;美国传统〔horseshoe〕a horseshoe of trees 一列排成U字形的大树英汉大词典〔majestic〕majestic mountains/trees 巍峨的高山;参天大树韦氏高阶〔matted〕tried to push through the matted undergrowth. 试图穿过大树下面缠绕成一团的灌木丛美国传统〔on〕a tall tree on a mountain. 山上的一棵大树柯林斯高阶〔scaffold〕to scaffold a big inclined tree用支架支撑起一颗倾斜的大树21世纪英汉〔shaded〕the lane shadowed by a tall tree被大树阴遮蔽的小径21世纪英汉〔soar〕a tree soared on the peak屹立在山峰之巅的大树21世纪英汉〔top〕to top a tall tree给大树截顶21世纪英汉〔upwind〕big trees at the forest's upwind edge. 森林上风处的大树柯林斯高阶〔upwind〕big trees at the forest's upwind edge森林上风处的大树外研社新世纪〔well-established〕well-established trees and large hedges 移种成活的树和大树篱英汉大词典




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