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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕I thought it looked ugly, but Iris said white suits were the fashion so I tried it on. 我觉得那套套装很难看,可是艾丽斯说它是时尚,所以我就穿上试了试。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕Put the lid on your pen so it doesn't mark the tablecloth. 把钢笔套套好,这样就不会沾污桌布了。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Some of the big old houses have been divided into apartments. 这些大的老房子中有些被分成了一套套的公寓。朗文写作活用〔rehouse〕Their houses were demolished, so they were rehoused in huge blocks of flats.他们的住房被拆毁了,所以给他们提供了大公寓楼内的一套套新住房。英汉大词典His job is selling sets of encyclopaedias.他的工作是推销一套套的百科全书。剑桥国际Make friends with him. He is a big-time businessman. 和他套套交情。他是商界要人。译典通Moscow's street vendors do a roaring trade in nesting dolls painted with the faces of Mickey Mouse.莫斯科街上的小贩高声叫卖一套套画着米老鼠面孔的玩偶。剑桥国际They put the man on the back of a horse, ran a rope over the branch of a stout tree, looped the noose around his neck and jerked the horse away.他们把那人放在马背上,将绳绕过一棵大树的树枝,把绳套套在他颈上,然后再驱动马匹。剑桥国际




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