

单词 奔跑时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLAP〕The cheering went on for ages as the victorious athletes ran around the track. 获胜的运动员围绕跑道奔跑时,欢呼声经久不息。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕These shoes are not designed to absorb the impact of running.这些鞋子的设计无法缓冲奔跑时产生的冲击力。外研社新世纪〔each〕When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.奔跑时,你的一只脚在另一只脚着地之前就离开了地面。剑桥高阶〔emu〕Emus grow to almost two metres and can run at nearly 50 kph.鸸鹋可以长到差不多两米高,奔跑时速几乎可达50公里。剑桥高阶〔flop〕Her hair flopped over her face as she ran.她奔跑时,头发在脸上甩来甩去。英汉大词典〔flop〕The dog's ears flopped when it ran.狗奔跑时它的耳朵摇晃不已美国传统〔mud〕She mudded herself when running in the rain.她在雨中奔跑时溅了自己一身泥。21世纪英汉〔speed〕He was running at full speed when a tendon snapped in his leg.他正全速奔跑时,腿部的一条肌腱断裂了。牛津搭配〔stream〕Her cloak streamed out behind her as she ran.她奔跑时,斗篷在身后飘荡。麦克米伦高阶〔stream〕Her hair streamed back as she ran.她奔跑时头发向后飘动着。英汉大词典〔stream〕Her long hair streamed behind her as she ran.她奔跑时,长发在身后飘动。韦氏高阶Both horses perform best when racing in blinkers.戴上马眼罩奔跑时,两匹马表现都很好。剑桥国际He was running at full tilt when he slipped and fell down. 他正全速奔跑时滑了一下,摔倒了。译典通If you're running on hard roads, it's important that your shoes have extra cushioning so as to absorb (= reduce) the shock.在坚硬的马路上奔跑时,鞋子要有特别的垫子来缓和冲击是很重要的。剑桥国际




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