

单词 多手
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOW〕As expected, there were dozens of cellular phones on display. 一如所料,陈列着许许多多手机。朗文写作活用〔dramatize with〕The speechmaker dramatized his story with many gestures and actions.演讲人用很多手势和动作绘声绘色地描述他的故事。21世纪英汉〔each other〕Dozens of suitcases were piled on top of each other.许多手提箱一个压着一个地摞成了一堆。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕Hands were grasping at his coat as he walked past.他走过的时候很多手伸出来想抓住他的外套。麦克米伦高阶〔have another/more than one string to your bow〕She is a multi-talented woman with many strings to her bow.她多才多艺,有多手准备。剑桥高阶〔hedge〕Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.预测家对本周六路易斯安那州州长竞选的结果骑墙观望,多手下注。柯林斯高阶〔hedge〕Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.预测者对本周六路易斯安那州州长竞选的结果骑墙观望, 多手下注。外研社新世纪〔many〕Too many cooks spoil the broth.【谚】厨子过多把汤煮坏;人多手杂反易败事。文馨英汉〔ride〕The mounted policemen rode down many unarmed demonstrators.骑警队策马撞倒许多手无寸铁的示威群众。英汉大词典〔spring〕Many hands sprang up.许多手蓦地举了起来。英汉大词典〔string〕I'm never out of work because I have so many strings to my bow.我会很多手艺,永远都不会没饭吃。柯林斯高阶〔tote〕The building was surrounded with bodyguards toting sub-machine guns.大楼周围有很多手持冲锋枪的保镖。剑桥高阶There's always been a lot of fraternal rivalry between my sons.我儿子当中总有许多手足间的竞争。剑桥国际




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