

单词 bloom
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-blooming〕Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。柯林斯高阶〔-blooming〕Not many economies bloomed in 1990, least of all gold exporters like Australia.1990年经济繁荣的国家并不多,尤其是像澳大利亚这样的黄金出口国。柯林斯高阶〔-blooming〕She bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature.她出落得亭亭玉立。柯林斯高阶〔-blooming〕The skin loses its youthful bloom.皮肤失去了年轻时的光泽。柯林斯高阶〔-blooming〕This plant blooms between May and June.这种植物在5月至6月间开花。柯林斯高阶〔CUT〕After the plant finishes blooming, snip off the dead flowers. 等到那种植物花期过后,剪去枯萎的花朵。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕Bloom states clearly that he believes that many schools provide unfavorable learning conditions. 布卢姆明确表示他认为许多学校提供的学习条件都不佳。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Bend the stems, as this will make the blooms stay fresh for longer. 把茎压弯,因为这样可以使花的保鲜期更长。朗文写作活用〔be a picture〕The garden was a picture with all the roses in bloom.花园里所有的玫瑰花都开了,看起来真美。剑桥高阶〔begin〕The flowers on the trees are beginning to bloom.树上的花儿开始绽放了。韦氏高阶〔bloom out〕The salt blooms out in the air.盐在空气里风化。21世纪英汉〔bloomer〕A plant that blooms.正在开花的植物美国传统〔blooming〕Don't be a blooming idiot! 别像个白痴一样!韦氏高阶〔blooming〕Even though we split up she was blooming marvellous.虽然我们分手了, 但她确实非常出色。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕Even though we split up she was blooming marvellous.虽然我们分手了,但她确实很了不起。柯林斯高阶〔blooming〕Frankly, the film was blooming awful.坦白地说, 这部电影糟透了。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕He's a blooming genius, guv'nor, you mark my words.头儿, 你记住我的话:他真他妈是一个天才。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕If they were blooming with confidence they wouldn't need me.他们要是信心百倍的话,也就不会叫我了。柯林斯高阶〔blooming〕It's blooming marvellous! 真是太不可思议了!韦氏高阶〔blooming〕It's blooming ridiculous! 这真是太荒唐了!朗文当代〔blooming〕It's a blooming disgrace! 真丢脸!剑桥高阶〔blooming〕It's a blooming nuisance because it frightens my dog to death.它真让人讨厌,快把我的狗吓死了。柯林斯高阶〔blooming〕It's a blooming nuisance because it frightens my dog to death.这可真讨厌, 把我的狗吓坏了。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕Jo looked really well, positively blooming.乔看起来真不错,一副英姿勃发的样子。剑桥高阶〔blooming〕Pregnancy definitely suited Hannah because she looked blooming.汉娜确实适合怀孕, 因为她看上去容光焕发。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕She's in blooming health.她身体健康, 充满活力。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕She's in blooming health.她身强体健。柯林斯高阶〔blooming〕This cheese tastes blooming good.这种奶酪味道好极了。外研社新世纪〔blooming〕We had to read the whole blooming thing! 我们不得不把这该死的东西全部读完!韦氏高阶〔blooming〕What blooming awful weather! 多糟糕的天气!牛津高阶〔blooming〕Who's making that blooming noise? 谁在发出那种该死的声音?麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕A pink carnation blooms in his lapel.一朵浅红色的康乃馨耀眼地插在他的西装翻领上。英汉大词典〔bloom〕After she met him she really bloomed.她遇到他后变得容光焕发。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕As he walked along, the new boots took on a bloom of dust.他向前走去,新靴子沾上了一层灰尘。英汉大词典〔bloom〕As the light bloomed she looked round swiftly.灯亮时她迅速地环顾四周。英汉大词典〔bloom〕Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地采下那朵花。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕He possessed a rare talent that had never bloomed.他拥有一种从未展露过的罕见才能。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕He was 19, in the full bloom of youth.他那时19岁,风华正茂。剑桥高阶〔bloom〕Her talent for languages bloomed.她的语言天赋发展了。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕I cut my best blooms for the flower-show.我剪了我最好的花来参加花展。牛津同义词〔bloom〕It produces white, pink, or red blooms, with dark green foliage.它有深绿色叶子,开白色、粉色或红色的花。麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕Magnificent lilac trees bloomed in the forest.森林里美丽的丁香花在盛开。麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕Many angry quarrels have taken the bloom off their friendship.多次激烈的争吵使他们的友谊失去光泽。英汉大词典〔bloom〕Most flowers bloom in summer.多数的花在夏天开。牛津同义词〔bloom〕Most roses will begin to bloom from late May.大多数玫瑰从五月末开始开花。牛津高阶〔bloom〕New buildings are blooming across the city.全城到处在兴建新楼房。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕Not many economies bloomed in 1990.1990年没有多少经济体兴旺发达。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕Over night, the cherry tree had come into bloom.樱花一夜间绽放。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕Rimbaud's poetic genius bloomed early.兰波很早就展露了诗歌才华。剑桥高阶〔bloom〕Romance bloomed, only to fizzle out two years later.爱情之花虽然绽放了, 但却在两年后凋谢。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕She bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature.她出落成了一个大美女。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.她面颊红润健康。麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕She had lost a good deal of her bloom and bounce.她大量的青春年华已逝去。麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕She was blooming the last time I saw her.我上次见到她的时候她容光焕发。朗文当代〔bloom〕Some women seem to bloom during pregnancy.有些女人在怀孕期间似乎变得容光焕发。麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕That bush will bloom soon.那棵矮树即将开花。英汉大词典〔bloom〕That polish has bloomed.那种上光剂已失去光泽。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕The blooms have started to fade now.这些花现在开始枯萎了。牛津搭配〔bloom〕The air was heavy with the fragrance of wild blooms.空气中弥漫着野花浓郁的芳香。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕The apple trees are in full bloom (= completely covered in flowers).苹果树开满了花。剑桥高阶〔bloom〕The canal is expected to make three million acres of desert bloom with cotton.运河可望使300万英亩的沙漠地长满棉花。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The century plant blooms only once in its lifetime.龙舌兰在其一生中只开一次花。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕The children had bloomed during their stay on the farm.孩子们在农场期间健康活泼有生气。牛津高阶〔bloom〕The couple performed a wedding ceremony with the happiness that bloomed the cheeks.这对新婚夫妇带着使面颊生辉的幸福感举行了婚礼。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕The festival was coming into bloom.节日庆祝活动正进入高潮。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The friendship between them bloomed when they found out how many interests they shared.当他们发现他们具有这么多的共同兴趣时,他们的友谊加深了。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The humidity bloomed the frosty pane.潮气使结霜的窗玻璃模糊不清。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The little girl has bloomed into a woman.黄毛丫头已长大成人。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The party bloomed with joy and good fellowship.聚会充满了欢乐和友谊。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The plant's purple blooms attract butterflies.这棵植物的紫色花朵招来了蝴蝶。韦氏高阶〔bloom〕The recurrent fad bloomed again.那种周期性风尚又盛行起来了。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕The roses bloom every few days.玫瑰每隔几天开花。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕The roses are in bloom.玫瑰开花了。英汉大词典〔bloom〕The roses are just coming into bloom.玫瑰花刚刚开始绽放。剑桥高阶〔bloom〕The roses are now in full bloom.玫瑰花现在正在盛开。牛津搭配〔bloom〕The rosy bloom of her cheeks had faded.她双颊那红润的光泽已经消失了。朗文当代〔bloom〕The sickly girl bloomed suddenly.那个体弱的女孩突然焕发了青春。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕The skin loses its youthful bloom.皮肤失去了青春的光彩。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕The small white blooms appear in May.这种小白花 5 月开花。牛津搭配〔bloom〕The spring flowers have come into bloom.春天的花朵已经开放。牛津搭配〔bloom〕The young girl bloomed with health and beauty.这位年轻姑娘显出健美的风采。21世纪英汉〔bloom〕Their love was just beginning to bloom.他们的爱情之花才刚刚开始绽放。韦氏高阶〔bloom〕These flowers will bloom all through the summer.这些花整个夏天都会绽放。剑桥高阶〔bloom〕These plants are very fragrant when they are in full bloom.这些植物在花朵盛开时花香浓郁。韦氏高阶〔bloom〕This plant blooms between May and June.这种植物在五六月间开花。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕This variety of rose blooms late.这个品种的月季开花晚。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕When I knew her she was in the bloom of youth.我认识她时, 正是她青春焕发的时候。外研社新世纪〔bloom〕White vapor bloomed from the side of the rocket's fuel tank.白烟的浓烟突然从火箭的燃料箱旁窜出美国传统〔blossom〕To come into flower; bloom.开花;盛开美国传统〔blow〕To bloom or cause to bloom.开花或使花盛开美国传统〔burst into〕The flowers were bursting into bloom.鲜花怒放。韦氏高阶〔cheek〕She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.她双颊健康红润。牛津搭配〔coax〕The plant is difficult to coax into bloom.这种植物很难养得开花。韦氏高阶〔dead-head〕Dead-head roses as the blooms fade.玫瑰花开败后就把枯花摘去。柯林斯高阶〔disbud〕To remove buds from (a plant) to promote better blooms from the remaining buds or control the shape of the plant.摘去…的幼芽;摘除…的花蕾:摘去(植物)的幼芽或花蕾,从而使剩下的花蕾更好地开花或控制植物的形状美国传统〔ditto〕Quite so, Mr. Bloom dittoed.很对,布鲁姆先生表示同意。英汉大词典〔effloresce〕To blossom; bloom.开花;开放美国传统〔everblooming〕Blooming throughout the growing season.连续开花的,常开花的:四季开花的,在生长季节里不断开花的美国传统〔flower〕The flowers are in bloom.花开了。英汉大词典〔flush〕Cut back flowered herbaceous plants to encourage a further flush of blooms.修剪开过花的草本植物, 使其萌发出更多的花朵。外研社新世纪〔frost〕These plants should bloom until the first frost of the season.这些植物的花期应该会持续到这个季节的首次霜冻。韦氏高阶〔full〕The flowers are in full bloom.花儿盛开。英汉大词典〔full〕The flowers were in full bloom.花儿盛开了。韦氏高阶〔full〕The roses were now in full bloom.玫瑰现已盛开。朗文当代〔gloriously〕She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。柯林斯高阶〔glorious〕She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.她错过了地中海地区鲜花烂漫的春天。外研社新世纪〔in〕The daffodils were in full bloom.水仙花正盛开。牛津高阶〔it〕There is a rosebush near the fence, and it is now blooming.篱笆附近有丛玫瑰,现在正盛开着。韦氏高阶〔late〕These bulbs bloom in late spring.这些球茎在晚春开花。麦克米伦高阶〔late〕These trees bloom late.这些树晚开花。文馨英汉〔lilac〕The lilacs are in bloom.丁香开花了。剑桥高阶〔lorikeet〕Any of several small, often brilliantly colored Australasian parrots that feed primarily on soft fruits or the nectar and pollen of flowers and blooming trees.短尾鹦鹉:一种澳大拉西亚的体小、通常色彩鲜艳的鹦鹉,主要食软果或水果原汁花与开花树木和花的蜜美国传统〔mayflower〕Any of various plants that bloom in May.五月花:五月开花的植物美国传统〔oddity〕Carlson noticed another oddity; his plant had bloomed twice.卡尔森注意到另外一件怪事:他的植物开了两次花。柯林斯高阶〔outlast〕These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms.这些自然风干的花会比一束鲜花更加持久。柯林斯高阶〔outlast〕These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms.这些自然风干的花朵要比一束鲜花保持的时间更久。外研社新世纪〔past〕The daffodils are past blooming.水仙花凋谢了。韦氏高阶〔pronounced〕These blooms have a very pronounced tendency to hang their heads.这些花朵非常易于下垂。牛津搭配〔pruinose〕Having a white, powdery covering or bloom.具粉霜的:带有一层白色粉状覆盖物或粉霜的美国传统〔regardless〕He crushed the bloom with regardless tread.他毫不在意一脚践踏了鲜花。英汉大词典〔serotinous〕Late in developing or blooming.晚开花的,迟发育的:发育或开花晚的美国传统〔smother〕Snow soon smothered the last of the blooms.不久大雪便扼杀了最后的花朵。剑桥高阶〔spring ephemeral〕Any of various species of wildflowers that bloom in the early spring for only a few weeks.早春花,迎春花:各种在早春时开花,而且只为期几个星期的野花美国传统〔springtime〕Flowers bloom in springtime.花在春天开放。英汉大词典〔spring〕Many bulbs bloom in (the) spring.很多球茎植物春天开花。剑桥高阶〔vespertine〕Botany Opening or blooming in the evening.【植物学】 在晚间开花的美国传统〔wake-robin〕Any of various North American aroid plants that bloom early in the spring.延龄草:一种北美天南星科植物,在早春开花美国传统Cherry trees bloom in early spring. 樱树于早春开花。译典通It's a blooming disgrace! 真丢脸!剑桥国际Many angry quarrels have taken the bloom off their friendship. 多次怒言相向已使他们的友谊不如过去深厚。译典通Many bulbs bloom in the spring.很多球茎植物在春天开花。剑桥国际Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。译典通She did blooming well to reach the final.为了进入决赛她干得很好。剑桥国际She was in the bloom of youth. 她风华正茂。译典通She's been blooming since she came out of hospital.自从医院出来后她一直精力旺盛。剑桥国际The apple trees are in (full) bloom (= producing all their flowers) at the moment.目前苹果树开满了花。剑桥国际The daffodils are in full bloom. 水仙花盛开。译典通The flowers are blooming and our garden looks as pretty as a picture (= extremely pretty).花开了,我们的花园象一幅画一样美。剑桥国际The lilacs are in bloom.丁香花开了。剑桥国际The roses are in bloom. 玫瑰花正盛开著。译典通The roses are in full bloom. 玫瑰花正盛开著。译典通The roses come into bloom (= start to produce flowers) at this time of year.这些玫瑰每年的这个时间开始绽放。剑桥国际Their garden was full of wonderful blooms.他们的花园开满了美丽的花朵。剑桥国际These flowers will bloom all through the summer.这些花整个夏天都会绽放。剑桥国际




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