

单词 好榜样
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COPY〕He's a wonderfully kind man and an excellent role model for the children. 他是个极其和善的人,是孩子们的好榜样。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕Senior officers should be setting a good example for the men. 高级军官要为士兵树立好榜样。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Maggie's parents set her a good example, being upright and hard-working people. 玛吉的父母正直勤劳,给她树立了一个好榜样。朗文写作活用〔benefit〕You will benefit from her good example.你将从她的好榜样中得益美国传统〔example〕He is a good example for us to follow.他是我们学习的好榜样。英汉大词典〔example〕He's a very good example to the rest of the class.他是班上其他同学的好榜样。剑桥高阶〔give ... to〕You ought to give a better example to the children.你应该给孩子们做个好榜样。21世纪英汉〔good〕This is not a good example to set other children.这可没有给别的孩子树立好榜样。柯林斯高阶〔good〕Try to set a good example to the children.要努力给孩子们做个好榜样。剑桥高阶〔good〕You've been a good influence on the kids.你是孩子们的好榜样。韦氏高阶〔inspiration〕She truly is an inspiration.她确实是个激励人心的好榜样。韦氏高阶〔model〕Good teachers can act as positive role models. 好老师能起到好榜样的作用。朗文当代〔positive〕He has been a positive role model for his brother.他一直是弟弟的好榜样。韦氏高阶〔role model〕I want to be a positive role model for my sister.我想成为我妹妹的好榜样。朗文当代〔set a precedent〕His behavior sets a good/bad example for the rest of the children.他的行为为其他孩子树立了好榜样/坏典型。韦氏高阶〔set an example〕You should be setting a good example to your younger brother.你应该给弟弟做个好榜样。剑桥高阶〔set〕A parent must set a good example for the children.父母必须为孩子树立好榜样美国传统〔set〕I rely on you to set a good example.我指望你来树立一个好榜样。牛津高阶〔set〕You older children are supposed to set a good example to the younger ones.你们这些大孩子应当给小孩子树立好榜样。外研社新世纪〔specimen〕He was a fine specimen of British manhood.他是英国男人的好榜样。麦克米伦高阶Bob set us a good example. 鲍伯为我们树立了一个好榜样。译典通I wish you'd set a good example to your brother instead of coming home drunk every night.我希望你给你弟弟作个好榜样,而不是每天晚上醉着回家。剑桥国际Try to set a good example to the children.努力给孩子们树立一个好榜样。剑桥国际




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