

单词 billiard
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRUNK〕He can really hold his drink. I've seen him drink seven whiskies and still play a good game of billiards. 他的酒量真大。我见过他喝了七杯威士忌,可台球还是打得很好。朗文写作活用〔balk line〕A line parallel to one end of a billiard table, from behind which opening shots with the cue ball are made.限线:与台球桌底边平行的线,此线的后面为母球的开球点美国传统〔balk〕Games One of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table.【游戏】 开球区:台球桌的橡皮边和阻碍线之间的空间之一美国传统〔bank shot〕A shot in billiards in which the player causes the cue ball or an object ball to rebound off a cushion.擦边打法:撞球中击球动作,击球人令母球或目标球从撞球桌边的衬垫上弹回美国传统〔bank〕Games The cushion of a billiard or pool table.【游戏】 台边:撞球台面的软垫或撞球抬美国传统〔bank〕Games To strike (a billiard ball) so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table.【游戏】 反弹:把(弹子)打到弹子台的橡皮边使之弹回美国传统〔billiards〕Billiards is a good indoor game.撞球是种很好的室内游戏。文馨英汉〔billiards〕Billiards is my favourite game.台球是我喜爱的游戏。英汉大词典〔billiards〕Let's have a game at billiards.我们打一场弹子戏。文馨英汉〔break〕Games A run or unbroken series of successful shots, as in billiards or croquet.【游戏】 连续得分:打台球或槌球时一次连续得分美国传统〔break〕Games The opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool.【游戏】 开球破局:打台球时第一杆把聚在一起的球打散美国传统〔break〕Games To make the opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool.【游戏】 开球:打台球时开球破局美国传统〔bumper pool〕A billiard game played on a usually small table with several fixed cushioned obstacles that necessitate the use of bank shots.撞球游戏:通常在小桌面上进行的撞球游戏,桌面上有几个固定的带皮垫障碍,必须使用擦边打法美国传统〔call〕To describe the intended outcome of (one's billiard shot) before playing.说出撞球数:在游戏进行这前说出希望的结果(如某人的台球进袋数)美国传统〔cannon〕Chiefly British A carom made in billiards.【多用于英国】 桌球中的连中两球的一击美国传统〔cannon〕Chiefly British To cause to carom in billiards.【多用于英国】 使桌球中连中两球美国传统〔cannon〕Chiefly British To make a carom in billiards.【多用于英国】 桌球中连中两球美国传统〔carom〕Games To make a carom, as in billiards.【游戏】 作连着双球的一击。如在台球游戏中美国传统〔chalk〕Games A small cube of chalk used in rubbing the tip of a billiard or pool cue to increase its friction with the cue ball.【游戏】 擦抹于球杆顶端的粉块:用来擦弹子球棒梢或落袋台球棒梢以增加其与球的摩擦的一小方块白垩美国传统〔chalk〕He chalked his billiard cue again and again.他一再用白垩粉擦他的球杆尖。21世纪英汉〔chalk〕To rub or cover with chalk, as the tip of a billiard cue.擦抹粉块:以白垩擦或覆盖,如弹子棒梢美国传统〔cue ball〕The white ball that is propelled with the cue in billiards and pool.主球:在桌球戏或落袋式台球戏中用球杆推动的那个白色球美国传统〔cue〕Games A long tapered rod with a leather tip used to strike the cue ball in billiards and pool.【游戏】 球杆:在桌球戏和落袋台球戏中用来击球的细杆,其带有皮包头的一头逐渐变细美国传统〔cushion〕Games The rim bordering the playing surface of a billiard table.【游戏】 橡皮垫条:围在撞球桌台面周围的边缘美国传统〔draw shot〕A billiards shot in which the cue ball is struck below center so that it draws back from the object ball after impact.打缩球:台球的一种打法,使台球后旋,在碰到赛球后又退回来美国传统〔fluke〕Games An accidentally good or successful stroke in billiards or pool.【游戏】 偶然成功的一击:台球或桌球游戏中偶然发生的漂亮或成功的一击美国传统〔follow shot〕Games A follow in billiards.【游戏】 台球中跟进击球美国传统〔follow〕Games A billiards shot in which the cue ball is struck above center so that it follows the path of the object ball after impact.【游戏】 随球:打台球时,使母球在击中目标球后继续滚动的一击美国传统〔frame〕A round or period of play in some games, such as bowling and billiards.一局,一回合:一些游戏(如保龄球与台球)的一局或一回合美国传统〔miscue〕Games A stroke in billiards that misses or just brushes the ball because of a slip of the cue.【游戏】 滑脱:在台球中因为击杆滑脱而造成的没有击中或只是轻推了球的一击美国传统〔object ball〕The ball in billiards or pool that a player hits or intends to hit first with the cue ball.目标球,宾球:桌球或台球中击球者用主球击中或想要击的目的球美国传统〔pocket〕Games One of the pouchlike receptacles at the corners and sides of a billiard or pool table.【游戏】 球袋;球穴:桌球或撞球台的角和边上的袋状接纳物中的一个美国传统〔pocket〕Games To hit (a ball) into a pocket of a pool or billiard table.【游戏】 击球落袋:将(一球)击入落袋台球桌或桌球桌的袋内美国传统〔poolroom〕A commercial establishment or room for the playing of pool or billiards.台球房,弹子房,桌球房:供玩台球或桌球的商业性房屋或房间美国传统〔pot〕A shot in billiards or related games intended to send a ball into a pocket.撞球进袋:弹子戏或相关游戏中意在将球击入袋中的一击美国传统〔rack〕Games A triangular frame for arranging billiard balls at the start of a game.【游戏】 排放球的三角架:在台球比赛之前用来排放球的三角架美国传统〔rotation〕Games An order of shooting balls in billiards in which the ball with the lowest number on the table is always pocketed first.【游戏】 轮番台球:台球游戏中击球的顺序,其中球桌上数码最小的球总是最先被击落袋中美国传统〔scratch〕A fluke or chance shot in billiards.侥幸击中:台球运动中侥幸或偶然击中美国传统〔scratch〕Games To make a shot in billiards that results in a penalty, as when the cue ball falls into a pocket or jumps the cushion.【游戏】 失误的击打:在打台球时导致惩罚的一击,如母球落入袋中或越出台面美国传统〔scratch〕The act of scratching in billiards.失误:台球中引起罚分的一击美国传统〔shot〕A stroke in a game, as in golf or billiards.击球:在比赛中,比如高尔夫球或台球比赛中的一击美国传统〔sport〕Billiards is both a leisure sport and a spectator sport.台球既是一种消闲运动,也是一种观赏运动。英汉大词典〔string line〕The balk line in billiards.台球中的开球线美国传统〔string〕Games The balk line in billiards.【游戏】 台球中的开球线美国传统〔take ... on〕I'll take you on at billiards.我要和你打台球。21世纪英汉




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