

单词 婚后
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bliss〕married/wedded/domestic bliss 婚后的╱家庭的幸福牛津高阶〔bliss〕six months of wedded bliss 婚后 6 个月的幸福生活朗文当代〔consummation〕the morning after the consummation of their marriage他们同房完婚后的第二天早上外研社新世纪〔idealize〕idealized married life 理想化了的婚后生活英汉大词典〔legitimacy〕the legitimacy of a child 孩子的合法性(指父母合法结婚后所生)英汉大词典〔life〕family/married life 家庭╱婚后生活牛津高阶〔loss〕the deep sense of loss I felt after my divorce 我离婚后感觉到的深深的失落感朗文当代〔married〕her married name. 她婚后冠上的夫姓美国传统〔marry into〕not until you married into the Philip family直到你结婚后成为菲利普家族的一员外研社新世纪〔peak〕the peaks and troughs of married life 婚后生活的起起伏伏牛津高阶〔remarriage〕the high rate of remarriage after divorce 离婚后再婚的高比率英汉大词典〔split〕the years following his bitter split with his wife 他和妻子痛苦离婚后的那些年牛津高阶〔wedded〕wedded bliss (或happiness) 婚后的幸福英汉大词典〔wedded〕wedded bliss. 婚后的幸福美国传统〔year〕in the first year of their marriage 在他们婚后第一年里牛津高阶




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