

单词 就住在附近
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔by〕She lives close [hard, near] by.她就住在附近。文馨英汉〔close〕Shall we call in on Miranda? You know she lives quite close by.我们去拜访一下米兰达,好吗?你知道的,她就住在附近。剑桥高阶〔corner〕They live just around/round the corner (= very close although not in the same road) - so we see them all the time.他们就住在附近——所以我们常看见他们。剑桥高阶〔locally〕I live locally, so it's easy to get to the office.我就住在附近,所以上班很方便。朗文当代〔settle〕His brothers were married and settled down nearby.他的几个兄弟都已结婚,就住在附近。英汉大词典〔stone〕We live just a stone's throw from here.我们就住在附近。牛津高阶〔there〕He lives somewhere near there.他就住在附近。文馨英汉She used to live just around the corner. 她以前就住在附近。译典通She used to live just round the corner. 她以前就住在附近。译典通We should call in on Miranda -- she lives close-by (=near).我们应该去拜访一下米兰达,她就住在附近。剑桥国际




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