

单词 家畜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔animal husbandry〕The branch of agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and horses.畜牧业:农业的一个分支,与家畜,如牛、猎、羊、马的照料及饲养有关美国传统〔barnyard〕The farm is home to barnyard animals and several rare sheep.农场里养着一些家禽家畜和几只稀有绵羊。外研社新世纪〔barter〕They got what they needed by bartering their livestock.他们用家畜换来了需要的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔cash crop〕A crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed.经济作物:为直接出售而非作为家畜饲料而种植的庄稼,如烟草美国传统〔cholera〕Any of various diseases of domesticated animals, such as chickens, turkeys, or hogs, marked by severe gastroenteritis.霍乱:以鸡、火鸡、猪等家畜所患的几种严重的胃肠炎为特征的疾病中任何一种美国传统〔chore〕The routine morning and evening tasks of a farmer, such as the feeding of livestock.农庄杂务:农民早上和晚上例行的喂家畜等事务美国传统〔coccidium〕Any of various parasitic protozoans belonging to the order Coccidia and responsible for a disease of the alimentary canal in livestock, fowl, and human beings.双孢子球菌:任一种由寄生虫引起的原生动物,属于孢子球菌属,引起家畜、家禽和人类营养管道的疾病美国传统〔contagious abortion〕Brucellosis, especially in cattle.传染性流产(家畜):(尤指发生于牛群中的)布鲁氏菌病美国传统〔critter〕A domestic animal, especially a cow, horse, or mule.家畜:家畜,尤指牛、马或骡美国传统〔detick〕The livestocks must be deticked.必须除掉家畜身上的虱子。21世纪英汉〔disbud〕To prevent the growth of newly developing horns on (livestock).去除幼角:阻止(家畜)新长出的角的生长美国传统〔doer〕Those steers are very poor doers.那些小公牛是增重很慢的家畜。英汉大词典〔dub〕To dress (a fowl).宰杀并清洗(家畜)美国传统〔earmark〕An identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal.耳戳:打在家畜耳部的便于识别的记号美国传统〔earmark〕To mark the ear of (a domestic animal) for identification.打耳记:在家畜的耳部打上识别用戳记美国传统〔farm〕A tract of land devoted to the raising and breeding of domestic animals.饲养场:放牧和喂养家畜的土地美国传统〔fatten〕Herds are fattening on the early clover.家畜吃早春的苜蓿而长肥。21世纪英汉〔fold〕A fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep.羊栏:尤指羊圈等为家畜圈起的一块地美国传统〔food〕They use clover as food for the livestock.他们用三叶草作家畜的饲料。英汉大词典〔forage〕Food for domestic animals; fodder.饲料:家禽、家畜的食物;饲料美国传统〔founder〕To become ill from overeating. Used of livestock.因过食而得病。用于家畜美国传统〔grade〕A domestic animal produced by crossbreeding one of purebred stock with one of ordinary stock.改良品种:一种家畜,由一个纯种家畜和一个普通家畜杂交得到美国传统〔grade〕To improve the quality of (livestock) by crossbreeding with purebred stock.改良品种:与纯种家畜杂交来改良(家畜)品质美国传统〔half blood〕A half-blooded domestic animal.半纯种家畜美国传统〔hidebound〕Having abnormally dry, stiff skin that adheres closely to the underlying flesh. Used of domestic animals such as cattle.皮包骨的:皮肤干燥,缺乏弹性,紧贴于其下的肌肉。多用于家畜,例如牛美国传统〔influenza〕Any of various viral infections of domestic animals characterized generally by fever and respiratory involvement.(家畜的)流行性感冒:家畜病毒感染,主要特征是发烧和呼吸困难美国传统〔intensive〕Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions.按传统方式饲养的家畜比集约饲养的长得慢。牛津高阶〔knacker〕A person who buys worn-out or old livestock and slaughters them to sell the meat or hides.废马屠夫:收购老弱家畜,屠宰后出售其肉或皮革的人美国传统〔knee-deep〕There are still cattle knee-deep in cool water.还有家畜泡在没膝的冷水里。英汉大词典〔kraal〕An enclosure for livestock.牲畜栏:用于饲养家畜的围栏地美国传统〔livestock〕Domestic animals, such as cattle or horses, raised for home use or for profit, especially on a farm.家畜:家养的牛、马等动物,专为家用或买卖,尤指养于农场上的美国传统〔midway〕Some people go to the state fair to see the livestock, but teenagers like the midway.一些人到州市集是为了看家畜,而十几岁的孩子们更喜欢那里的娱乐场。剑桥高阶〔milk fever〕A disease affecting dairy cows and occasionally sheep or goats, especially soon after giving birth.家畜生乳热:奶牛,有时指绵羊或山羊所生的疾病,尤其发生在刚刚生育之后美国传统〔packinghouse〕A firm that slaughters, processes, and packs livestock into meat and meat products.牲畜屠宰加工厂:把家畜屠宰、加工并包装成肉和肉制品的工厂美国传统〔pastoralism〕A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.畜牧主义:以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统美国传统〔pasturage〕The business of grazing cattle.畜牧业:放养家畜的行业美国传统〔pasture〕Ground on which such vegetation grows, especially that which is set aside for use by domestic grazing animals.牧场:这种植物生长的场地,尤指开辟出来喂养草食家畜的场地美国传统〔poundage〕A fee charged for the redemption of impounded animals or other property.认领家畜费:为赎回关在栏中的动物或被存放在库栈中的财产而支付的费用美国传统〔pound〕A public enclosure for the confinement of stray dogs or livestock.认领栏,动物收容所:收养迷途的狗或家畜的公用牲畜栏美国传统〔roam〕Farmers were encouraged to keep their livestock in pens rather than letting them roam freely.鼓励农民们把家畜关进栏圈,而不是让它们到处乱跑。柯林斯高阶〔scour〕To have diarrhea. Used of livestock.腹泻。用于家畜美国传统〔scrub〕An undersized or poorly developed domestic animal.低劣的家畜:矮小的或生长不好的家畜美国传统〔selenosis〕Poisoning, especially of livestock, caused by ingesting selenium found in some plants, in the soil, or in some microorganisms.硒中毒:因摄入某些植物、土壤或在某些微生物中发现的硒而引起的中毒,尤指家畜的中毒美国传统〔shoot〕Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock.纳米比亚法律允许农场主射杀猎豹以保护家畜。柯林斯高阶〔somehow〕Farm animals are seen as somehow different from animals we keep as pets.家畜总被认为在某些方面与我们养作宠物的动物有些不同。麦克米伦高阶〔stable〕A building for the shelter and feeding of domestic animals, especially horses and cattle.厩:家畜,尤指马和牛的圈养和喂食的棚子美国传统〔stall〕A compartment for one domestic animal in a barn or shed.棚:在牛棚或者率畜棚中养家畜的小屋美国传统〔stock car〕A railroad car for carrying livestock.畜车:运载家畜的火车车厢美国传统〔stockbreeding〕The breeding and raising of livestock.饲养牲畜:家畜的繁殖和饲养美国传统〔stock〕All the animals kept or raised on a farm; livestock.家畜:一个农场养的或繁殖的全部动物;家畜美国传统〔stock〕The boar soon improved our stock.那头公猪很快改良了我们的家畜品种。外研社新世纪〔stock〕To supply (a farm) with livestock.给(一个农场)提供家畜美国传统〔strain〕An artificial variety of a domestic animal or cultivated plant.人工培植类:家畜或耕作植物的人工培养种类美国传统〔stray〕One that has strayed, especially a domestic animal wandering about.离群的动物:离群的东西尤指四处游荡的家畜美国传统〔sucker〕One that sucks, especially an unweaned domestic animal.吮吸者:尤指吮吸人(兽)乳汁者,特指乳兽,即没有断奶的家畜美国传统〔the〕The cow is a domestic animal.奶牛是家畜。21世纪英汉〔thyroid〕A dried, powdered preparation of the thyroid gland of certain domestic animals, used in treatment of hypothyroid conditions.甲状腺剂:一种把某些家畜的甲状腺晒干并磨成粉后制成的用于治疗甲状腺机能衰退症的药剂美国传统〔trichomoniasis〕An infection caused by trichomonads, as a disease of cattle that commonly results in infertility or abortion in infected cows.毛滴虫病:一种毛滴虫引起的感染,是一种家畜牛的疾病,一般的结果是使被感染的母牛不孕或流产美国传统〔utility〕A number of domestic animals have some utility for man while they are alive.一些家畜在活着的时候对人类有一定的用途。英汉大词典〔veterinary medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, especially domestic animals.兽医学:医学分支,对动物(尤指家畜)的疾病和损伤进行分析、诊断和治疗美国传统〔veterinary〕Of or relating to veterinary medicine; concerned or connected with the medical or surgical treatment of animals, especially domestic animals.兽医的:兽医医学的或与其有关的;与动物的医疗或手术治疗有关的,特别是家畜美国传统〔vice〕An undesirable habit, such as crib-biting, in a domestic animal.牲口的恶癖:一种不良好的习惯,例如家畜中的咬槽咽气癖美国传统〔walk〕An enclosed area designated for the exercise or pasture of livestock.放牧场:家畜活动或吃草用的圈起的场地美国传统〔water〕Water the livestock when you feed them.喂家畜时要给它们饮水。 英汉大词典〔yardage〕The use of a livestock yard at a station in the process of transporting cattle by railroad.牲畜栏的使用:铁路上运输家畜时,在火车站对留养场的使用权美国传统Cows are tame animals. 乳牛是家畜。译典通He lay in front of the fire like any domestic beast, his green eyes open and watchful.他像一只家畜那样躺在火炉前,绿眼睛警惕地睁得大大的。剑桥国际Sheep and cows were two of the most important animals to be domesticated (= brought under human control in order to produce food).羊和牛是两种重要的被驯养的家畜。剑桥国际Some types of antibiotic are used to promote growth in farm animals.某些种类的抗菌素可用来促进家畜的生长。剑桥国际The disease is endemic among British sheep / to many British flocks.这种病是英国羊/许多英国家畜群中的流行病。剑桥国际




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