

单词 大斋节
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Lenten〕Lenten observances.大斋节的风俗习惯美国传统〔Septuagesima〕The third Sunday before Lent.七旬斋:大斋节前的第三个星期天美国传统〔carnival〕A festival marked by merrymaking and feasting during the season just before Lent.狂欢节:一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮美国传统〔carnival〕Merrymaking and feasting just before Lent.狂欢:大斋节前的狂欢作乐和宴饮美国传统〔lent〕The children have promised to give up sweets for Lent.孩子们答应在大斋节期间不吃糖果。剑桥高阶〔simnel〕A rich fruitcake sometimes covered with almond paste and traditionally eaten at mid-Lent, Easter, and Christmas.重油水果蛋糕:一种含油丰富的水果蛋糕,有时上面浇有杏仁糖浆,传统上在大斋节期间、复活节和圣诞节食用美国传统〔tract〕The verses from Scripture sung during Lent or on Ember days after the gradual in the Roman Catholic Mass.咏唱:在大斋节和四季斋期间,罗马天主教弥撒升阶圣歌后咏唱的引自圣经中的诗节美国传统Shrove Tuesday is also called Pancake Day because of the custom of making pancakes to use up eggs and cooking fat which traditionally were not eaten during Lent.忏悔星期二也叫薄烤饼日,因为有这样的习俗,人们将大斋节中不吃的鸡蛋和烹饪油全都用完,做成薄烤饼。剑桥国际The children have promised to give up sweets for Lent.孩子们许诺大斋节时不吃糖果。剑桥国际




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