

单词 家庭生活
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕The advent of TV led to major changes in our social and family life. 电视的出现使我们的社交与家庭生活起了重大变化。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕Family life had become unbearable for her - the arguments, the recriminations, the accusations - so she left. 家庭生活越来越令她难以忍受—吵吵闹闹,互相指责,彼此埋怨一于是她离家出走了。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕Television often gets blamed for the decline in family life. 电视经常被指是造成家庭生活质量下降的罪魁祸首。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The switch from political activity to family life was hard to handle. 从政治活动到家庭生活的转变很难应付。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕His family life is beginning to be affected by his drinking. 他的家庭生活因他酗酒而开始受到了影响。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Take care to achieve a balance between career and home life. 注意事业和家庭生活一定要做到平衡。朗文写作活用〔HOME〕She likes to keep her domestic life quite separate from her work. 她喜欢把家庭生活和工作完全分开。朗文写作活用〔HOME〕You need to maintain a good balance between your home life and career. 你需要把家庭生活和事业兼顾好。朗文写作活用〔INSTINCT〕Some managers seem to intuitively recognize the need to balance work life with home life. 有些经理似乎凭直觉就认识到有必要将工作与家庭生活加以平衡。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Alice Thornton's autobiography provides a fascinating account of family life in seventeenth-century England. 艾丽斯·桑顿的自传引人入胜地讲述了17世纪英格兰的家庭生活。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕Heavy drinking does not mix with a successful family life. 酗酒与美满的家庭生活互不相容。朗文写作活用〔above〕He will be remembered above all as a loving husband and family man.他首先是作为一个深情的丈夫和喜欢家庭生活的人而被人所铭记。麦克米伦高阶〔act〕Hirst has cleaned up his act and lives in domestic tranquillity.赫斯特已经改过自新了, 过着平静的家庭生活。外研社新世纪〔aspect〕Alcoholism affects all aspects of family life.酗酒影响家庭生活的各个方面。朗文当代〔balance〕She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。牛津高阶〔battlefield〕Life at home was something of a battlefield.家庭生活在某种意义上是一种斗争。麦克米伦高阶〔bedrock〕Marriage and children are the bedrock of family life.婚姻和子女是家庭生活的基础。朗文当代〔bring ... around〕She keeps trying to bring the conversation round to the family life.她老想把话题引到家庭生活上去。21世纪英汉〔carry over〕His unhappiness at home carried over into/to his work.他把家庭生活中的不愉快带到了工作中。韦氏高阶〔carry〕Stresses at work can often be carried over into your home life.工作中的压力经常会被带到家庭生活中。麦克米伦高阶〔claustrophobia〕She felt she had to escape from the claustrophobia of family life.她感到她得摆脱家庭生活的那种幽闭感觉了。牛津高阶〔confines〕She wanted to experience things outside the close confines of family life.她想体验一下封闭的家庭生活以外的生活。牛津搭配〔constriction〕Eventually, unable to bear the constriction of family life, he left home.由于不能忍受家庭生活的约束,他终于离开了家。文馨英汉〔constriction〕Eventually, unable to bear the constrictions of family life, he left home.最后他还是受不了家庭生活的束缚, 离家出走了。外研社新世纪〔dear〕His family life was very dear to him.他很珍视自己的家庭生活。柯林斯高阶〔dear〕His family life was very dear to him.对他来说, 家庭生活很珍贵。外研社新世纪〔deprive〕A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal home life.这些孩子中有许多被剥夺了正常的家庭生活。朗文当代〔disengagement〕The single lifestyle does not necessarily mean disengagement from family life.这种单身生活方式并不一定意味着对家庭生活漠不关心。外研社新世纪〔disruptive〕Long working hours are very disruptive to home life.工作时间过长严重影响家庭生活。牛津搭配〔diversify〕Patterns of family life are diversifying.家庭生活模式正在变得多样化。牛津高阶〔domestically〕He was not very domestically inclined.他不习惯于家庭生活。文馨英汉〔domesticity〕Home life or devotion to it.家庭生活,爱家美国传统〔domesticity〕I'm not cut out for domesticity.我不适合过家庭生活。麦克米伦高阶〔domesticity〕She found no happiness in domesticity and in 1981 left the marriage.她发现家庭生活毫无幸福可言, 便在1981年离了婚。外研社新世纪〔domesticity〕We got married and settled into a life of comfortable domesticity.我们结了婚,开始了舒适的家庭生活。韦氏高阶〔domestic〕Unfortunately his domestic life wasn't very happy.不幸的是他的家庭生活并不幸福。朗文当代〔earthquake〕There has been an earthquake in our family life.我们的家庭生活经历了一次剧变。外研社新世纪〔encroach〕He never allows work to encroach upon his family life.他从不让工作扰乱他的家庭生活。牛津高阶〔evangelical〕He is quite evangelical about the joys of home life without television.他大肆宣传没有电视的家庭生活的快乐。外研社新世纪〔family〕Quarrels are a normal part of family life.争吵是家庭生活的一个正常组成部分。麦克米伦高阶〔fetters〕She was struggling to escape the fetters of family life.她在努力摆脱家庭生活的束缚。麦克米伦高阶〔hearthstone〕Family life; the home.家庭生活;家美国传统〔hearth〕Family life; the home.家庭生活;家美国传统〔hearth〕He had wandered far from the family hearth.他远远地徘徊在家庭生活之外。外研社新世纪〔hinge〕The home is the hinge on which family life turns.家是家庭生活的中心。英汉大词典〔home〕She had never had a stable home life.她从未有过稳定的家庭生活。牛津搭配〔home〕She has a happy home life.她的家庭生活很幸福。韦氏高阶〔home〕These children badly need a stable home life.这些孩子迫切需要稳定的家庭生活。牛津搭配〔homily〕She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life.她进行了一场家庭生活美德方面的说教。牛津高阶〔household〕What percentage of the city's households live in poverty? 这个城市里百分之多少的家庭生活在贫困之中?麦克米伦高阶〔humor〕Everyone likes the gentle humor of his stories of family life.每个人都喜欢他家庭生活故事中的这种小幽默。韦氏高阶〔incompatible〕The hours of the job are incompatible with family life.这份工作的上班时间和家庭生活有冲突。牛津高阶〔intimate〕The article revealed intimate details about his family life.文章披露了他的家庭生活中的隐私。牛津高阶〔length〕His film, over two hours in length, is a subtle study of family life.他这部片长逾两个小时的电影对家庭生活进行了巧妙的剖析。柯林斯高阶〔life〕Children need a caring and happy home life.儿童需要充满关爱和幸福的家庭生活。朗文当代〔life〕They had difficult home lives when they were children.他们小的时候家庭生活困难。韦氏高阶〔line〕Large numbers of families are living on or near the poverty line (=the point at which people are considered to be very poor) .很多家庭生活在贫困线上或贫困线的边缘。朗文当代〔longevity〕He attributed his longevity to a happy family life.他把他的长寿归功于快乐的家庭生活。外研社新世纪〔maintain〕It's sometimes hard to maintain the right balance between your work and your home life.有时要在工作和家庭生活之间保持恰当的平衡是很难的。麦克米伦高阶〔modelling〕His marriage and family life is a model of propriety.他的婚姻和家庭生活都是规规矩矩的。柯林斯高阶〔model〕His marriage and family life is a model of propriety.他的婚姻和家庭生活都规规矩矩, 堪称典范。外研社新世纪〔never the twain shall meet〕As far as he's concerned, work is work, family life is family life, and never the twain shall meet.对他来讲,工作是工作,家庭生活是家庭生活,二者永远也不会扯到一块儿。韦氏高阶〔pattern〕The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years.近年来家庭生活的模式一直在变化。剑桥高阶〔place〕He placed great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties.他非常重视家庭生活和家人之间的关系。柯林斯高阶〔poverty line〕Many families in the city are living below/at the poverty line.这座城市的许多家庭生活在贫困线以下/贫困线。韦氏高阶〔powerfully〕Family life was powerfully affected by industrialization.家庭生活深受工业化影响。外研社新世纪〔present〕In the run-up to the elections he sought to present himself as a family man.在参加竞选的过程中,他试图以一个注重家庭生活的形象出现。麦克米伦高阶〔preserve〕Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances.诺尔玛努力在艰苦的条件下也维持正常的家庭生活。朗文当代〔raw〕His new play is a raw drama about family life.他的新剧本是家庭生活的真实写照。剑桥高阶〔recognition〕Family life has changed out of all recognition in the space of a few generations.经历了几代人之后,家庭生活已改变得面目全非。麦克米伦高阶〔recreate〕I am trying to recreate family life far from home.我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。柯林斯高阶〔security〕Most children need the security of a stable family life.大多数孩子需要稳定的家庭生活带来的安全感。剑桥高阶〔semblance〕He tried to restore some semblance of normality to their home life.他力图使他们的家庭生活恢复正常。牛津搭配〔simple〕He dressed simply and led a quiet family life.他穿着简朴,过着平静的家庭生活。柯林斯高阶〔spillover〕Some jobs are quite likely to have a negative spillover into family life.有些工作很可能会对家庭生活产生不良影响。柯林斯高阶〔success〕He attributes his success to having a stable family life.他把成功归因于安定的家庭生活。牛津搭配〔symptomatic〕The child's behavior is symptomatic of an unstable home life.这孩子的行为表明他的家庭生活不稳定。韦氏高阶〔system〕I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life.我想结束拳击生涯,安定下来享受家庭生活。柯林斯高阶〔talk at〕She talked at us about her family life.她对我们滔滔不绝地讲她的家庭生活。21世纪英汉〔tie〕His state of depression is tied up with his home life.他情绪低落和他的家庭生活密切相关。 英汉大词典〔unsocial〕The nurses have to work unsocial hours.那些护士必须在侵占到家庭生活的时间工作。文馨英汉〔up-front〕He's very up-front about discussing his family life.他很坦率地谈论他的家庭生活。文馨英汉〔want〕Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in want.到过贫民窟的人看到有这么多的家庭生活在贫苦之中显然震惊不已。牛津高阶〔way〕She doesn't like to mix her professional and personal lives, and, in the same way, I intend to keep my home life private.她不喜欢把职业和个人生活混为一谈, 同样地, 我倾向于对我的家庭生活保密。外研社新世纪A lot of his ideas about family life are quaintly old-fashioned.他许多关于家庭生活的想法不可思议的过时。剑桥国际After her baby was born, she sold her motorbike and settled happily into domesticity (= the state of being at home with her family).她生了小孩后,卖了摩托车,定下心来过快乐的家庭生活。剑桥国际Both parents work, which adds complications to their family life. 父母都工作,这给他们的家庭生活增添了困难。译典通He painted a rosy picture of family life.他把家庭生活描绘得瑰丽动人。剑桥国际He tries not to let his business interfere his home life. 他尽量不让日常工作妨碍他的家庭生活。译典通Her childhood had left her with bitter memories of family life.她的童年留给她的是家庭生活的痛苦记忆。剑桥国际Individualism and materialism are commonly cited as having a harmful effect on family life.人们常提起个人主义和实利主义对家庭生活的负面影响。剑桥国际She said that she believes it to be important for children to have the security of a stable family life.她说她相信对孩子们来说,有稳定家庭生活的安全感很重要。剑桥国际Since they had their baby they've both become quite domesticated (= they enjoy being at home and taking care of a house and family).自从有了孩子,他们都开始喜欢家庭生活了。剑桥国际Some people predict the extinction of family life as we know it today.有些人预计我们今天所了解的这种家庭生活会消失。剑桥国际The action moves between bloody battle scenes and the domestic life of the families who are left behind.情节在前线的血战场面与后方的家庭生活之间交替展开。剑桥国际The closure of this factory could devastate (= cause suffering to) the lives of thousands of families in the area whose incomes depend on it.这家工厂的关闭会使这个区域成千上万依赖该工厂收入的家庭生活艰难。剑桥国际The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years.近年来家庭生活的格局一直在变。剑桥国际There is often a conflict between long working hours and the demands of family life.长时间工作与家庭生活需要之间经常存在矛盾。牛津商务There was so much muck-raking about his family life and previous business activities that he decided not to stand for election.由于从他家庭生活和早期业务活动中搜出那么多丑闻,他决定不去参加竞选了。剑桥国际They like new patterns of family life. 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。译典通




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