

单词 安插
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔broadcast〕sow one's own officers broadcast among the foreigners 在外国人中间四下安插手下官员英汉大词典〔emplace〕emplace one's own people in the government 把自己的亲信安插在政府内英汉大词典〔face〕put new faces in the Cabinet 在内阁中安插新人英汉大词典〔pack〕pack a legislative body 在立法机关安插许多自己人英汉大词典〔pack〕packing juries with people of a particular race 在陪审团中安插某个族裔的成员韦氏高阶〔place〕place sb. with a firm 将某人安插在一家公司工作 英汉大词典〔sandwich〕sandwiched a trip to the store between the hours of one and three. 在一点和三点这段时间里安插时间去商店美国传统〔set〕to set spies on a person安插特务监视某人21世纪英汉the practice of product placement of cigarettes in the movies 在电影中安插香烟广告的做法牛津商务




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