

单词 完整地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕Bach's great masterpiece, the Mass in B minor, was never performed in its entirety during his lifetime. 巴赫的杰作《B小调弥撒曲》在他生前从未被完整地演奏过。朗文写作活用〔a〕The full address on a stick-on label was that of a Mrs P. R. Slater of Peterborough.不干胶标签上的完整地址写的是彼得伯勒的一位P. R. 斯莱特太太。柯林斯高阶〔complete〕The book survives complete only in the second edition of 1533.这本书只有 1533 年的第二版完整地保留了下来。牛津搭配〔describe〕This process is fully described in section three of the book.这本书第三部分完整地描述了这一过程。牛津搭配〔document〕The charges are well/fully documented.这些指控完好/完整地记录在案。韦氏高阶〔entirety〕I've never actually read the book in its entirety.实际上我从来没有完整地读过这本书。剑桥高阶〔entirety〕The film has been shown in its entirety for the first time.这部电影是第一次完整地放映。朗文当代〔entire〕His poetic accomplishments can now be viewed entire in the collection.现在可以从这本诗集里完整地看到他的诗歌成就。英汉大词典〔full〕His statement on the handling of prisoners is worth quoting in full.他关于如何处置囚犯的那番话应该完整地引用。朗文当代〔get〕We've got to get this report together by tomorrow.我们明天一定要把这个报告完整地弄出来。麦克米伦高阶〔justice〕It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion.在这里不可能完整地论述古罗马军团复杂的历史。柯林斯高阶〔movement〕I want a full account of your movements the night Mr Gower was killed.请你完整地描述一下高尔先生被杀的那天晚上你的一切行踪。柯林斯高阶〔short〕We wanted to explain the plans fully, but the chairman stopped us short, as there were other important matters to discuss.我们想完整地介绍这些计划,但是主席提前打断了我们的发言,因为还有其他重要的事情需要讨论。剑桥高阶〔totally〕Entirely; wholly; completely.完整地;全体地;彻底地美国传统〔twist〕A complete rotation of the body around its vertical axis, as in diving and gymnastics.转体动作:身体绕垂直轴心完整地绕一圈,如在跳水或体操中美国传统〔unrewarding〕Listening to it in its entirety is also fairly unrewarding.把它完整地听下来后还是没多少收获。外研社新世纪〔unrewarding〕Listening to it in its entirety is also fairly unrewarding.把它完整地听下来后还是没多少收获。柯林斯高阶〔write〕All abbreviations are to be written out.所有的缩写都要完整地写出来美国传统I've never actually read the book in its entirety--just small parts of it.事实上我从没完整地读过这本书,只读过一小部分。剑桥国际Please will you write (out) your name and address in full.请完整地写出你的名字与地址。剑桥国际Students are advised to answer all questions as fully as possible.建议学生们要尽可能完整地回答全部问题。剑桥国际We want to sell the business in one piece (= without dividing it into smaller parts).我们想把公司完整地卖掉。剑桥国际




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