

单词 完好的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes.也有几处保存完好的拜占庭时期的壁画。柯林斯高阶〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕Surprisingly, the roof is still in good condition since the storms. 很奇怪,经过了这场暴风雨,屋顶还是完好的。朗文写作活用〔apiece〕In good condition, dolls from this period sell for £500 apiece.这个时期的玩偶,如果保存完好的话,每个可以卖到500英镑。剑桥高阶〔byzantine〕There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes.还有一些保存完好的拜占庭时期壁画。外研社新世纪〔ease out〕We need to ease the damaged block out without affecting the sound blocks on either side of it.我们需要小心翼翼地把受损的元件取出, 同时又不影响两边完好的元件。外研社新世纪〔imperfectly〕They have a huge selection of perfect, slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers, fridges and so on.他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。柯林斯高阶〔intact〕Having the hymen unbroken.保持童贞的,处女膜完好的美国传统〔intact〕We found fossils of lobsters with their antennae intact.我们发现了触须完好的龙虾化石。外研社新世纪〔preserve〕They were thrilled to discover a beautifully preserved specimen of Roman pottery.他们因发现了一件保存完好的罗马时代陶器而欣喜若狂。牛津搭配〔sound〕Free from defect, decay, or damage; in good condition.完好的:无疵的,没有腐损的或完好无损伤的;完好的美国传统〔sound〕When we bought the house, it was structurally sound.我们买下这栋房子时, 它的结构是完好的。外研社新世纪〔specimen〕Museums will pay large amounts of money for good dinosaur fossil specimens.博物馆愿意出大价钱购买完好的恐龙化石标本。剑桥高阶〔survive〕Few buildings survived the war intact.战争之后没几座完好的建筑了。牛津高阶〔survive〕Few buildings survived the war intact.这场战争后没有几幢建筑是完好的。牛津搭配〔undamaged〕Choose a golden-orange-coloured pineapple with undamaged leaves.挑一个叶子完好的橙黄色菠萝。柯林斯高阶〔well preserved〕It was a pretty town with a picturesque harbour and well-preserved buildings.那是个漂亮的小镇,有风景如画的港口和保存完好的建筑。剑桥高阶Engineers decided that the bridge was sound, but they said only one lorry should be allowed on it at any one time.工程师确信这座桥是完好的,但他们又说一次只能允许一辆卡车通过。剑桥国际The tourist guide described it as a well-preserved Georgian residence.导游将它描述成一座保存完好的乔治王朝时期的住宅。剑桥国际Tour operators are encouraging people to go to the region's unspoilt forests to hunt big game.观光经营者正鼓励人们到那个地区保护完好的森林里去猎取大野兽。剑桥国际




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