

单词 bulge in
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bulge〕After the war there was a bulge in the birth rate.战后出生率激增。牛津高阶〔bulge〕I wondered what the bulge in her coat pocket was.我想知道她大衣口袋里鼓鼓的是什么东西。剑桥高阶〔bulge〕More convictions are leading to a bulge in the prison population.定罪更多导致坐牢人数有所增加。麦克米伦高阶〔bulge〕The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨美国传统〔bulge〕The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate.图表显示出生率的暴增。英汉大词典〔bulge〕The gun caused a bulge in his jacket.(藏在衣服内的)枪使他的上衣鼓出一块。英汉大词典〔bulge〕The sails bulged in the wind.帆在风里鼓起来了。牛津同义词〔bulge〕There was a bulge in spending in the early part of the year.年初时开支曾出现突然上涨。剑桥高阶〔eye〕His eyes bulged in fury.他气得眼珠子都凸了出来。牛津搭配〔socket〕His eyes bulged in their sockets.他的两眼从眼窝里鼓出来。牛津高阶Her eyes bulged in surprise when she saw the house.当看见那幢房子时,她惊讶得眼睛都瞪出来了。剑桥国际The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 图表显示肉类价格上涨。译典通The gun he carried caused a bulge in his jacket. 他携带的枪使他的衣服鼓起来一块。译典通




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