

单词 察看
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMEMBER〕Be sure you have your driver's license and insurance ready to show the officer. 一定要把你的驾驶执照和保险单准备好给警察看。朗文写作活用〔around〕I peered around the edge of the shed — there was no sign of anyone else.我仔细察看了棚子周边,没有其他人。柯林斯高阶〔bend〕A passing medic bent over the casualty.一名过路的救护兵俯身察看伤员。英汉大词典〔bring〕He brought his permit forth and showed it to the policeman.他取出执照给警察看。英汉大词典〔chase〕Police spotted the car and gave chase (=chased it) .警察看到这辆汽车就追了上去。朗文当代〔chase〕The officer saw the thief and gave chase.警察看见小偷就追了上去。韦氏高阶〔come〕The police watched him come out of the house.警察看着他走出那所房子。剑桥高阶〔cut ... out〕The shoemaker carefully examined the leather before starting to cut out the uppers.鞋匠仔细察看了这张皮子以后才开始裁剪鞋帮儿。21世纪英汉〔divider〕Police saw his Mercedes speeding along the center divider.警察看到他的梅塞德斯牌汽车沿中央分隔带飞速行驶。朗文当代〔earth〕I wiped the earth off the coin and inspected it closely.我擦去这枚钱币上的泥土, 仔细察看。外研社新世纪〔employment〕Interviewers will look carefully at a candidate's employment history.面试官会仔细察看应聘者的工作经历。牛津搭配〔evaluate〕We come as critics, to scrutinize and to evaluate.我们是来挑刺的,来细细察看并给予评价的。英汉大词典〔evaluate〕We must scrutinize and evaluate.我们必须细细察看并做出评价。21世纪英汉〔fact〕You must look at all the relevant facts.你必须察看所有相关的事实。牛津搭配〔footplate〕The static locomotive can be examined and footplate visits are permitted.可以察看静态机车并允许参观驾驶室。外研社新世纪〔germinate〕Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.有一些种子发芽快,所以差不多每天得察看一下。柯林斯高阶〔go〕The police went over the gun for fingerprints.警方为获得指纹,仔细察看了这枪。英汉大词典〔guard〕He is being guarded by a platoon of police.有一队警察看守着他。柯林斯高阶〔hunch〕Mike hunched close to him to watch his lips.迈克向他挪近一步察看他的双唇。英汉大词典〔insight〕Take the machine apart and get an insight into how it works.把机器拆开,察看一下它是怎样运转的。英汉大词典〔kneel〕We knelt (down) on the ground to examine the tracks.我们跪在地上察看踪迹。牛津高阶〔knee〕He got to one knee to better see the man lying on the ground.他一膝着地,以便更好地察看那躺在地上的人。英汉大词典〔lay-by〕We pulled into a lay-by to look at the map.我们在停车带里停下来察看地图。剑桥高阶〔look ... over〕Some officials will look over our factory this Friday.本周五一些官员将察看我们的厂子。21世纪英汉〔look〕An American inspection team had looked over sites in January.一个美国检查小组在一月份察看了几处地方。麦克米伦高阶〔look〕He took a quick look around before going out.他出门之前对四周迅速察看了一下。英汉大词典〔look〕People came out of their houses and looked around.人们走出家门四处察看。牛津高阶〔narrow〕His eyes narrowed into thoughtful scrutiny.他眯起眼睛仔细察看,若有所思。英汉大词典〔probation〕A discharge for a person from commitment as an insane person on condition of continued sanity and of being recommitted upon the reappearance of insanity.察看,观察:解除某人作为精神病人的约束,条件是持续保持精神正常,有精神失常的迹象再次出现则重新受到约束美国传统〔probation〕I'm afraid I have no choice but to put you on probation .恐怕我没有别的选择,只能让你留任察看。朗文当代〔probation〕Instead of firing her, they put/placed her on probation.他们没有开除她,而是对她进行留职察看。韦氏高阶〔probation〕The status of a person on probation.察看:在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况美国传统〔probation〕The student was placed on probation for copying test answers.这个学生因考试抄袭答案而被留校察看。韦氏高阶〔reconnoitre〕He turned over, reconnoitring the room.他转过身,察看那房间。英汉大词典〔review〕To look over, study, or examine again.复习,检查:重新仔细察看、研究或检查美国传统〔scrutinize〕The policeman looked in the file and scrutinized his face for a moment.警察看看档案,并审视他的面容。英汉大词典〔search〕Anya searched his face anxiously.阿妮娅焦急地察看他脸上的表情。朗文当代〔spy out〕She motioned me to climb a nearby oak to spy out our surroundings.她示意我爬到附近的一棵橡树上察看周围情况。外研社新世纪〔spy〕I'm going to spy out a suitable place to meet.我准备去察看一下,找个合适的会面地点。麦克米伦高阶〔spy〕Sartene volunteered to go to London to spy out the land.萨丁自告奋勇去伦敦察看地形。外研社新世纪〔stock〕He took stock of the room and his captors.他仔细察看房间,并打量那些抓他的人。 英汉大词典〔study〕Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life.科学家仔细察看行星照片,看有无生命迹象。牛津高阶〔study〕The expert studied the painting and decided it was a forgery.专家仔细察看了那幅画,然后下结论说那是一件赝品。英汉大词典〔sure〕I think I locked it but we'd better make sure.我想我给它上了锁,但我们最好再去察看一下。麦克米伦高阶〔survey〕To examine or look at in a comprehensive way.综览:从广泛的方面检查或察看美国传统〔tilt〕Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat.把头向后仰,让我察看一下你的喉部。英汉大词典〔trouble〕He dismissed the deeds as forgeries without even troubling to examine them.他认为这些契据是伪造的,甚至不屑仔细察看。英汉大词典〔type〕I studied the prisoners and began to type them. The political prisoners were usually quiet, studious.我仔细察看了犯人并开始把他们分类。政治犯通常是安静好学的。英汉大词典〔viewing〕The act of seeing, watching, or examining carefully.观看,察看:看、观察或仔细检查的行为美国传统〔view〕The property can only be viewed by appointment.察看这处房产须预约。牛津高阶〔visitation〕An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.视察,巡视:以视察或检查为目的官方性察看,如主教对一主教管区的视察美国传统〔visit〕The act of visiting in an official capacity, such as an inspection or examination.巡视,检查:以官方的身份察看的行为,如视察或检查等美国传统〔watch〕Keep watching to see what happens next.注意观察看接下来会发生什么。韦氏高阶〔where〕People looked to see where the noise was coming from.人们察看那个声响是从哪里来的。外研社新世纪A close examination of the butterfly showed that it had four wings. 仔细察看蝴蝶发现它有两对翅膀。译典通A policeman kept guard over the prisoners. 一名警察看守囚犯。译典通He climbed a tall tree to try and find out the lie of the land.他爬到一颗大树上去察看地形。剑桥国际He said that management was on probation and some people may be dismissed. 他说正在对管理层留职察看,某些人可能会被解雇。牛津商务He served a year in prison and was then let out on probation.他在监狱服了一年刑,然后狱外察看。剑桥国际His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth. 他母亲察看他的面色看他是不是在讲真话。译典通She anxiously scanned the faces of the men leaving the train in the hope of finding her husband.她急切地察看下火车的人的脸,希望找到自己的丈夫。剑桥国际The farmer examined a handful of earth. 那个农夫察看了一把泥土。译典通The police watched him come out of the house.警察看着他走出那房子。剑桥国际The policeman watched his quarry go into a bar. 警察看著他在追捕的人走进一家酒吧。译典通The visitors spied the exhibits at the fair. 参观者细细察看展览会上的陈列品。译典通They examined changes in the brain cells / tissue of sufferers from the disease.他们察看了病人的脑细胞 / 组织的变化。剑桥国际We rolled back the carpet to see the floorboards.我们卷起了地毯,以察看地板。剑桥国际When we put our house up for sale, a few people came to view it, but no one was interested in buying it.我们要出售房子时,有几个人来察看过,但是谁也没有兴趣买。剑桥国际




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