单词 | 夺格 |
释义 | ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ab initio〕initiō [ablative of] initium [beginning] initiō initium的夺格 [开始] 美国传统〔bona fide〕fidē [ablative of] fidēs [faith] fidē fidēs的夺格 [信念] 美国传统〔de facto〕factō [ablative of] factum [fact] factō factum的夺格 [事实] 美国传统〔ex libris〕librīs [ablative pl. of] liber [book] librīs liber的夺格复数 [书] 美国传统〔ex nihilo〕nihilō [ablative of] nihil, nihilum [nothing] nihilō nihil, nihilum的夺格 [无物] 美国传统〔ex officio〕officiō [ablative of] officium [office] officiō officium的夺格 [职务] 美国传统〔ex parte〕parte [ablative of] pars [part, side] parte pars的夺格 [部分,一侧] 美国传统〔ex post facto〕postfactō [ablative of] postfactum [that which is done afterward] postfactō postfactum的夺格 [事后的措施] 美国传统〔exempli gratia〕grātiā [ablative of] grātia [favor] grātiā grātia的夺格 [帮助] 美国传统〔extempore〕tempore [ablative of] tempus [time] tempore tempus的夺格 [时间] 美国传统〔flagrante delicto〕dēlictō [ablative of] dēlictum [offense] dēlictō dēlictum的夺格 [触犯] 美国传统〔flagrante delicto〕flagrante [ablative of] flagrāns [blazing] flagrante flagrāns的夺格 [明显的] 美国传统〔in absentia〕absentiā [ablative of] absentia [absence] absentiā absentia的夺格 [出席] 美国传统〔in extenso〕extēnsō [ablative of] extensus [stretch] extēnsō extensus的夺格 [延伸] 美国传统〔in extremis〕extrēmīs [ablative pl. of] extrēmus [extreme] extrēmīs extrēmus的夺格复数 [极端] 美国传统〔in loco parentis〕locō [ablative of] locus [place] locō locus的夺格 [地方] 美国传统〔in situ〕sitū [ablative of] situs [place] sitū situs的夺格 [地方] 美国传统〔in toto〕tōtō [ablative of] tōtus [all] tōtō tōtus的夺格 [所有的] 美国传统〔magna cum laude〕laude [ablative sing. of] laus [praise] laude laus的夺格单数 [赞扬] 美国传统〔magna cum laude〕magnā [feminine ablative sing. of] magnus [great] magnā magnus的阴性夺格单数 [大] 美国传统〔mala fide〕fidē [ablative of] fidēs [faith] fidē fidēs的夺格 [信义] 美国传统〔mala fide〕malā [feminine ablative of] malus [bad] malā malus的阴性夺格词 [坏的] 美国传统〔mea culpa〕meā [feminine ablative of] meus [my] meā meus的阴性夺格词 [我的] 美国传统〔mirabile dictu〕dictū [ablative sing. supine of] dīcere [to say] dictū dīcere的夺格单数动名词 [说] 美国传统〔pari passu〕passū [ablative of] passus [step] passū passus的夺格 [步伐] 美国传统〔prima facie〕faciē [ablative of] faciēs [shape, face] faciē faciēs的夺格 [形状,面孔] 美国传统〔pro bono〕bonō [ablative of] bonum [the good] bonō bonum的夺格 [利益,好处] 美国传统〔pro forma〕formā [ablative of] forma [form] formā forma的夺格 [形式] 美国传统〔pro rata〕ratā [feminine ablative of] rātus [calculated] ratā rātus的阴性夺格词 [被计算过的] 美国传统〔pro tempore〕tempore [ablative of] tempus [time] tempore tempus的夺格 [在] 美国传统〔quid pro quo〕quō [ablative of] quid [what?] quō quid的夺格 [什么?] 美国传统〔scamper〕campō [ablative of] campus [field] campō campus的夺格 [田地] 美国传统〔sinistrorse〕sinistrō [toward the left] [from ablative of] sinister [left] sinistrō [向左] 源自sinister的夺格 [左边的] 美国传统〔somber〕umbrā [ablative of] umbra [shadow] umbrā umbra的夺格 [阴影] 美国传统〔summa cum laude〕laude [ablative of] laus [praise] laude laus的夺格 [赞扬,称赞] 美国传统〔summa cum laude〕summā [feminine ablative of] summus [highest] summā summus的阴性夺格词 [最高的] 美国传统〔una voce〕vōce [ablative of] vōx [voice] vōce vōx的夺格 [声音] 美国传统〔vade mecum〕mē [ablative sing. of] egō [I] mē egō的夺格单数 [我] 美国传统〔vice versa〕ablative of *vix [position] *vix的夺格形式 [位置] 美国传统〔vice versa〕versā [feminine ablative of] versus [past participle of] vertere [to turn] versā versus的阴性夺格词 vertere的过去分词 [旋转] 美国传统 |
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