

单词 孵化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEEP/NOT DEEP〕Turtles lay their eggs deep in the sand and leave them there until they hatch. 海龟把蛋深深地产在沙里,并把它们留在那里直到孵化。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕While the eggs are hatching the mother bird stays close to the nest. 蛋在孵化的时候,雌鸟守在鸟巢的旁边。朗文写作活用〔bantam〕Bantam eggs may hatch a little earlier than large fowl eggs.矮脚鸡的蛋可能比大型鸡的蛋孵化得快一点。外研社新世纪〔butterfly〕The butterfly emerged from the pupa.蝴蝶由蛹孵化而出。牛津搭配〔clutch〕To hatch (chicks).孵化(小鸡)美国传统〔eclosion〕The emergence of an adult insect from a pupal case or an insect larva from an egg.孵化:成虫从蛹中孵出来,或幼虫从卵中孵化出来美国传统〔egg〕After fourteen days the eggs hatch.14天后,卵孵化了。剑桥高阶〔egg〕The egg will hatch about 10 days after it is laid.这种蛋产下来大约需要孵化10天。韦氏高阶〔egg〕The eggs hatch (=break open to allow the baby out) in 26 days.这些蛋要 26 天才能孵化。朗文当代〔egg〕The female sits on the eggs until they hatch.雌鸟伏在蛋上直到孵化。牛津高阶〔fertilize〕After the egg has been fertilized, it will hatch in about six weeks.蛋受精后六周左右孵化。朗文当代〔fry〕Small fish, especially young, recently hatched fish.鱼苗:小鱼,尤其指刚孵化的小鱼美国传统〔hatchery〕A place where eggs, especially those of fish or poultry, are hatched.孵卵处:尤其是鱼或家禽的卵或蛋孵化的地方美国传统〔hatchling〕A newly hatched bird, amphibian, fish, or reptile.新孵化的鸟、两栖动物、鱼或爬行动物美国传统〔hatch〕After ten days, the eggs hatch.十天后, 蛋孵化了。外研社新世纪〔hatch〕Eagle eggs usually hatch between late May and early June.鹰的蛋通常在5月底6月初间孵化。麦克米伦高阶〔hatch〕Mosquito larvae are hatching in the pond.蚊子的幼虫正在池塘里孵化。麦克米伦高阶〔hatch〕Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.第一次看到蛋孵化的那一刻令我永世难忘。柯林斯高阶〔hatch〕The act or an instance of hatching.孵化的行为或事例美国传统〔hatch〕The eggs are about to hatch.这些蛋就要孵化了。牛津高阶〔hatch〕The eggs hatch after a week or ten days.蛋在1周或10天后孵化。柯林斯高阶〔hatch〕The eggs take three days to hatch.这些蛋要三天时间才能孵化。朗文当代〔hatch〕The eggs will soon hatch.这些蛋很快就会孵化。韦氏高阶〔hatch〕To cause (an egg or eggs) to produce young.使孵化:使蛋产出幼体美国传统〔hatch〕To produce (young) from an egg.孵化:从蛋里产出(幼体)美国传统〔hatch〕When will these eggs hatch (out)? 这些蛋什么时候孵化? 英汉大词典〔host〕When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal.当卵孵化后,幼虫取食寄主的鲜肉。柯林斯高阶〔host〕When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the living flesh of the animal host.卵孵化后, 幼虫吃动物寄主身上的肉。外研社新世纪〔hover〕A cygnet is hovered by a duck.野鸭孵化出的小天鹅21世纪英汉〔incubate〕The eggs need nine or ten days to incubate.这些卵孵化需要九到十天。外研社新世纪〔incubate〕The eggs need to incubate for two weeks.那些蛋需要孵化两周时间。韦氏高阶〔incubate〕The temperature must remain steady during incubation.在孵化过程中必须保持恒温。韦氏高阶〔incubate〕To develop and hatch.生长与孵化美国传统〔incubate〕To sit on (eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood.孵化:坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命;孵卵美国传统〔incubate〕To undergo incubation.进行酝酿、孵化美国传统〔incubation〕The act of incubating.孵化:孵化的行为美国传统〔incubation〕The eggs required incubation in heated tanks.这些卵需要在加热槽中孵化。外研社新世纪〔incubation〕The state of being incubated.孵化:被孵化的状态美国传统〔larva〕The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.卵很快孵化为幼虫。外研社新世纪〔larva〕The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.虫卵很快孵化成幼虫。柯林斯高阶〔larva〕The newly hatched, earliest stage of any of various animals that undergo metamorphosis, differing markedly in form and appearance from the adult.幼体:某些动物在刚刚孵化出来并完成变形之后的最初阶段,在形体和外貌上与成体大不相同美国传统〔larva〕The newly hatched, wingless, often wormlike form of many insects before metamorphosis.幼虫:许多昆虫在变形前的,刚孵化出来的,没有翅膀的,通常象蛆虫般的形状美国传统〔moist〕The eggs will hatch sooner in warm, moist conditions.在温暖潮湿的条件下,鸡蛋会孵化得更快一些。韦氏高阶〔nidicolous〕Remaining in the nest after hatching until able to fly. Used of a bird.孵化后仍留巢的:在孵化后留在巢内直到会飞为止的。用于鸟类美国传统〔nidifugous〕Leaving the nest a short time after hatching. Used of a bird.孵化后离巢的:在孵化里很快离开巢穴。用于鸟类美国传统〔oviparous〕Producing eggs that hatch outside the body.卵生的:在亲体外产卵并发育和孵化的美国传统〔pisciculture〕The breeding, hatching, and rearing of fish under controlled conditions.养鱼业:在控制的条件下培植、孵化和饲养鱼类美国传统〔plant〕Several years after the hatchery fish were planted, there were found fewer second-generation young coho in the stocked streams.在将孵化场里的鱼放养几年后, 放养溪中的第二代银大麻哈幼鱼见少了。外研社新世纪〔set〕To put (a hen) on eggs for the purpose of hatching them.使孵化:为孵化蛋将(母鸡)置于蛋上美国传统〔set〕To put (eggs) beneath a hen or in an incubator.孵化:将(蛋)放在母鸡身下或放入孵化箱美国传统〔sex〕To determine the sex of (an organism, especially a hatching chicken).辨识性别:决定(一个生物体,尤其是正在孵化中的小鸡)的性别美国传统〔shelling〕Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behind.一旦鸡蛋孵化后,蛋壳就没用了。柯林斯高阶〔shell〕Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behind.蛋孵化后, 蛋壳就被丢弃了。外研社新世纪〔sitting〕An act, a condition, or a period of brooding on eggs by a bird; incubation.孵:鸟类孵化鸟蛋所实施的行为,所出现的状态或所花费的时间;孵化美国传统〔sit〕To cover eggs for hatching; brood.孵:伏在卵上孵化;孵化美国传统〔sit〕To sit on (eggs) for the purpose of hatching.孵化:为了孵化而伏在卵上美国传统〔throw〕To engage (a clutch, for example).进行(例如,孵化)美国传统As the saying goes, ‘Don't count your chickens before they're hatched’.正像俗话所说,‘不要蛋未孵化先数小鸡’。剑桥国际Penguin eggs incubate on the feet of the males.企鹅蛋是在雄企鹅脚上孵化的。剑桥国际The eggs are hatched by the heat of the sun. 这些卵被太阳的热力所孵化。译典通The embryonic phase begins when the egg is fertilized and ends when the animal hatches or is born.胚胎阶段始于卵受精时,结束于幼儿被孵化或生产时。剑桥国际The incubation period varies depending on the time of year when the eggs were laid. (fig.) 孵化期是随着一年中产卵的时间而变化的。剑桥国际The scene in the film where the dinosaur hatches from the egg was incredibly realistic.影片中恐龙从蛋中孵化出来的镜头真实得令人难以置信。剑桥国际The sex of reptiles is determined by the temperature during incubation of the eggs in which they are contained.爬行动物的性别是由包含它们的卵在孵化期间的温度决定的。剑桥国际




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