

单词 大家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MORE〕an approach which is gaining ground in schools 在学校里越来越为大家所接受的一项举措朗文写作活用〔SEE〕when something happens in a place where everyone can see 某事发生在大家都看得见的地方朗文写作活用〔SELL〕to make something available for people to buy 使大家可以买到某物朗文写作活用〔adept〕an adept in (或 at) linguistics 语言学大家英汉大词典〔alliance〕the shifting alliances within a large family. 一个大家族中多变的关系美国传统〔bee〕a group of friends at a quilting bee. 大家缝聚会上的一群好友柯林斯高阶〔beloved〕a person beloved by all 大家喜欢的人英汉大词典〔blah〕the usual blah about everyone working harder 要大家更努力干的陈词滥调朗文当代〔cocktail〕fog and smoke in equal parts—a city cocktail familiar to all 半雾半烟的合成物——大家所熟悉的城市特产英汉大词典〔comity〕the comity of civilization 文明世界的大家庭英汉大词典〔conserve〕calls to conserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering change. 呼吁大家在面临令人手足无措的改变时,要保护我们的民族遗产美国传统〔convert〕a Muslim convert now known as Yusuf Islam. 现以优素福·伊斯兰这个名字为大家熟知的伊斯兰教皈依者柯林斯高阶〔counsel〕counsel silence 请大家安静英汉大词典〔editorial〕the editorial we 社论式的复数第一人称(即代替单数第一人称“I”的“we”,可视上下文译作“本报”、“本刊”、“吾人”、“我们”、“大家”等)英汉大词典〔fact〕a known fact.大家知道的事实。牛津同义词〔family〕the family of nations 国际大家庭英汉大词典〔general〕a topic of general interest 大家都感兴趣的话题英汉大词典〔haze〕asking people to recollect a vanished past through a nostalgic haze. 让大家根据对过去的模糊印象忆起逝去的往昔。柯林斯高阶〔highborn〕a highborn lady 大家闺秀韦氏高阶〔incumbent〕felt it was incumbent on us all to help. 感到我们大家都来帮助是义不容辞的美国传统〔indulge〕to indulge the company with a song唱歌为大家助兴21世纪英汉〔key〕key one's actions to the prevailing mood 使自己的行动和大家的情绪协调 英汉大词典〔let〕let it be known that ... 使大家知道… 英汉大词典〔lip〕an actress whose name is on everyone's lips 名字被大家挂在嘴边的一个女演员朗文当代〔lip〕the question on everyone's lips大家都在谈论的问题外研社新世纪〔live〕a live topic 当前大家谈论的话题英汉大词典〔long〕a long family (孩子很多的)大家庭文馨英汉〔luminary〕the political opinions of such luminaries as Sartre or de Beauvoir. 诸如萨特、波伏娃等大家的政见柯林斯高阶〔master hand〕the work of a master hand一位大家的作品外研社新世纪〔near〕a matter of great and near concern to all of us 与我们大家有切身关系的大事英汉大词典〔negotiable〕in widely negotiable language 用大家所能理解的语言英汉大词典〔peer〕an extended family and peer network 大家庭和朋辈的网络牛津搭配〔preoccupation〕the current preoccupation with sex and scandal 目前大家对性和丑闻的高度关注朗文当代〔raise〕a joke that raised a smile on everyone's lips. 让大家都会心一笑的笑话柯林斯高阶〔rejoicing〕general rejoicing at the team's victory 大家为该队的胜利而高兴牛津搭配〔sky-high〕blast a popular myth sky-high 使一则大家相信的神话彻底破产英汉大词典〔sought-after〕the most sought-after prize 大家最想得到的奖文馨英汉〔tease〕try to tease out some family problems into the open from the child 设法从孩子嘴里哄出一些家庭隐私让大家知道英汉大词典〔vogue〕the vogue for large families in the pre-war years 战前大家庭的流行朗文当代〔we〕the withdrawal symptoms that we all experience at the end of a long, close relationship. 在一段长期的亲密感情结束时大家都会体会到的难以割舍的痛苦柯林斯高阶




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